VOL 4  |  ISSUE 8

April 24, 2014                                                                                                                                    Contact the editor

Thank you to our generous BMA sponsors:  


Gary Slack
Gary Slack

The roster of speakers who will present at BMA14 continues to grow as organizers prepare for record attendance. The conference this year is projected to welcome 1,000 attendees representing 450 companies, 35 U.S. states and 12 nations. Read more.

Jill Rowley
Jill Rowley

Sales forces must modernize or become obsolete, says consultant and social-selling guru Jill Rowley. She will deliver a pre-conference session at BMA14, exploring the role that social media can play in reaching a modern buyer who is digitally driven, socially connected, mobile and empowered. Read more.


Jeff Calderone
Jeff Calderone

By Jeff Calderone, Elevated Third 

The infamous real estate salesmen of the 1992 film "Glengarry Glen Ross" are engaged in a timeless battle. Their jobs are on the line, and they need high quality leads to save themselves. But they find themselves at the mercy of Alec Baldwin, who isn't handing over quality leads. Sound familiar? Read more.


BMA Membership

BMA New York City Chapter Global Ace Awards Ceremony

4/24/14 | New York, NY


BMA Colorado Chapter Roundtables: Account-Based Marketing: Strategy to Execution

4/24/14 | Denver, CO


BMA Milwaukee Chapter Event: 2014 BMA Milwaukee Bell Awards

4/24/14 | Milwaukee, WI


BMA Kansas City Chapter Event: The E-Metric: How an Enrichment Culture Makes Employees and Customers Your Best Business Asset

4/25/14 | Kansas City, MO


BMA Atlanta Chapter Event: "B2B Lead Gen for SMBs: How to Integrate SEO into Your Marketing Mix"

4/29/14 | Atlanta, GA





Kerry Bodine
Kerry Bodine

Align communications with customer experience


Business marketers should work with colleagues across their organizations to ensure that customers receive the brand experience that they promise, says consultant and customer experience expert Kerry Bodine. She spoke to the NorCal BMA chapter on April 23, sharing best practices and tools that help all members of an organization get on the same page-and deliver powerful customer experiences. Read more.


U.S. interactive advertising hit a milestone in 2013. For the first time, digital advertising revenue exceeded broadcast revenue, according to an IAB report. Internet ad revenue reached $42.8 billion, led by search and bolstered by increased spending on mobile. Read more.

HOT OFF THE PRESS            

B-to-B Shops: Don't Miss Your Chance to Enter Ad Age's Small Agency Contest > 

IBM Launches Updated Smarter Planet Effort During Masters >

IBM Snaps Up Silverpop Amid Marketing Automation Arms Race >

Adobe Promoting Its Marketing Cloud Around 'Mad Men' Premiere >

I Call B.S. on B-to-B and B-to-C >




Jeff Hayzlett

Speak up: Join the most powerful bureau in business marketing


The BMA Speakers' Bureau raises the visibility of marketing leaders who are interested in sharing their expertise with their peers. Register with the Bureau and join the ranks of thought leaders such as Jeffrey Hayzlett, Bloomberg Television contributing editor, and Phil Clement, global CMO at Aon Corp. Visit marketing.org for more information or to create a profile. Free for members; $250 for nonmembers.




Interested in advertising in BMA BUZZ? Contact Michael Greskiewicz at (630) 696-4017.