VOL 3  |  ISSUE 7

BMA Blaze
April 11, 2013                                                                                                                                     Contact the editor
Thank you to our generous BMA sponsors:  


David Meerman Scott
David Meerman Scott

"Marketing has traditionally been about campaigns," says David Meerman Scott, author of Newsjacking and Real-Time Marketing. "It's war. It's strategy, and it's building a plan for next quarter. That shouldn't go away. But we have fleeting moments of opportunity that exist now." Scott will focus on those moments during a real-time marketing panel at the 2013 Global BMA Conference in Chicago. Read more.

Jonathan McGrew
Jonathan McGrew

By Jonathan McGrew

Jonathan McGrew, marketing communications manager-Crawford Technologies, serves on the BMA Colorado board and co-chairs the chapter's young professional initiative. The program has built an event series designed as a gateway to engagement with the broader BMA community. Events have included an agency crawl, complete with party bus, and regularly scheduled cocktails and conversations-events that make business-marketing leaders accessible to YPs. Read more.


Mark Simon
Mark Simon

By Mark Simon, senior VP-sales and marketing, Didit

Organizations running search engine marketing campaigns are charged with the weighty responsibility of providing return on investment, sales and other mission-critical business objectives for their clients. We need to be prepared for disruptions. Here are five planning tips that I found to be helpful in light of Hurricane Sandy. Read more.


BMA Chicago Chapter YP Event: The Role of Distribution: Marketing the Lifecycle of Goods

4/16/2013 | Chicago, IL


BMA Kansas City Chapter B2B Marketing Leaders Series: Kathy Button Bell, CMO of Emerson

4/17/2013 | Kansas City, MO


BMA Chicago Chapter Breakfast Seminar: Social Media Listening

4/18/2013 | Chicago, IL


BMA Houston Chapter April Luncheon

4/18/2013 | Houston, TX


BMA NorCal Chapter Product Marketing Roundtable:LUNCH & LEARN SESSION! Create Killer Web and Ad Copy to Capture the Sale

4/18/2013 | Palo Alto, CA





Debbie Qaqish
Debbie Qaqish

Qaqish: Role of the CMO as change agent


Debbie Qaqish is principal partner and chief strategy officer for The Pedowitz Group. She has spent the past three years working on a book that tracks the journey undertaken by 23 marketers who have moved their organizations toward a revenue-marketing model. Qaqish offered Buzz a preview of the book, which will be published in June. Read more.


Talking Point

The economic downturn delivered a boost to webcasting technology. Marketers could bring together global audiences and generate leads without spending a dime on flights or light refreshments. Webcasting company TalkPoint conducted a survey of webcast producers and attendees, finding that those same efficiencies continue to drive the industry. Read more.

HOT OFF THE PRESS            

B2b content marketing integration speaks volumes >

CMO Council finds challenges to CMO-CIO alignment >

Paid and organic postings can be an effective duo >


ADVERTISEMENT: BMA Career Link - Apply Now!


U.S. Public Sector Marketing Strategic Content Manager  



This candidate will be a key team member ensuring strategic content alignment for HP Enterprise Services US Public Sector Marketing. Defines and develops strategic marketing content that aligns with marketing campaigns and programs. Researches, develops, writes, and edits a full range of marketing materials, to including web content, white papers, presentations and other creative marketing material. Creates nominations for corporate and industry recognition (company and individuals).


Apply today at BMA CareerLink   


Interested in advertising with BMA BUZZ? Contact Michael Greskiewicz at (630) 696-4017.

 Business Marketing Association

1833 Centre Point Circle, Suite 123,

Naperville, IL 60563