Just before Thanksgiving Melanie and I returned from leading our first trip to Israel. There is no way to put into just a few words the impact that this trip had on us and the 35 others who accompanied us. My best attempt at describing it may well be to say that we will never be the same again. As one of our tour guides, Scott Volk, put it, "the Scriptures turn from black and white to technicolor once you've been there." He was right.
There were far too many memorable instances to mention here. Standing amidst the ruins on top of Masada was spectacular. We will never forget how powerful communion was at the Garden Tomb. None of us will forget our impromptu prayer meeting under the shade of a mammoth fig tree by the Sea of Galilee. What an experience as we took in the scope of the Valley of Armageddon, prayed at the Western Wall, saw Mt. Carmel, Golgotha, Bet She'an, Qumran, Tel Dan, En Gedi, and the privilege I had to baptize 15 of our tour members in the Jordan. How does one pick a high point?
Perhaps the morning we spent at Capernaum, in particular walking in Jesus' "home" synagogue, was very, very special. It was there that the Lord cast multiple demons out of a man (Mark 1:21-27) and healed the servant of the centurion (Luke 7:1-10). As I touched the wall near the entrance way by the Seat of Moses it struck me that I was literally standing at the very spot where the Master preached that He was indeed the bread of life (John 6:25-59). I was thoroughly overcome.
We had a marvelous group on the tour who quickly became like a large family and our two guides (Scott Volk and Tisha Michelle) were simply fantastic. Each of us went away with memories and understanding that will last an eternity. We also grew in our love and compassion for Israel and the Jewish people. So, whether or not you have the opportunity to go and experience Israel with us in 2016, I encourage you to make visiting Israel a priority. It will be life-changing!