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Eric's Schedule

 Glasgow, MT

September 12
Take A Stand! Conference @ Glasgow Evangelical Church 10am. Click here for flyer and info

Nashua, MT
September 13
Grace Lutheran Church

Eden Prairie, MN
October 2-3
Jan Markell and Eric Barger host this terrific yearly gathering.

Speakers this year are:
- Dr. Robert Jeffress
- Pastor Jack Hibbs
- Michele Bachmann
- Amir Tsarfati


Click Here to view Eric's complete schedule
We are now scheduling Eric for Churches and Conferences in 2016.
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Eric Barger

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Is September the End?

The peril of risking your testimony on speculation, wild guesses and faulty conclusions

As some of you may be aware, there is an uncanny, even unprecedented, convergence of events set to take place in the next few weeks that have been the cause of great consternation by some who track such activities. Like many others, I am indeed interested in events forecast for this month, September 2015. My intent with this piece is both to inform and also to encourage Christians to remain focused and on point with what God would have us do when faced with scenarios such as those we are told are just ahead of us.

A quick survey of search results from Google or YouTube indicates how many voices are foretelling unequivocal doom, chaos, or worse by October. Predictions as far ranging as September ushering in the end of the U.S. Constitution to its ushering in the end of the world have been made as proponents have stated in no uncertain terms that the differing outcomes they are declaring are as sure as yesterday's news. While I have always stated that ignorance is never bliss concerning spiritual matters, I do sympathize at least to some extent with those who are reaching their limit when it comes to rotten news and predictions of impending apocalypse. There are times I'd just like to pull the covers up over my head, too, in hopes it will all just go away. While that tactic might work for a little while, it cannot be our course when we remember what Christians are called to do while here on planet Earth.

Here is a list of just some of the events coming at us in the next 30 days. Many will become major news stories. Whether one buys into the September doom scenarios or not, the sheer convergence of so many events with geopolitical, religious, and/or biblical implications is noteworthy.

Continue Reading Article HERE





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