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Ministry Update

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new mailing address:

Take A Stand! Ministries

PO Box 279

Spanaway, WA 98387


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Free Digital Download for You!


Be sure and share this digital copy of Eric and Melanie's testimony with a friend!

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See all of Eric's downloadable books and booklets here.

* All downloadable book and booklet files are compatible with Kindle, IPhone, IPad, Android (using Kindle Reader app), PCs and other devices.

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Eric on the Road

Fairfield, IL
February 15-17

Eric returns to The Rock Church of Fairfield. Click here for the flyer and details or call (618) 599-1904.

Myrtle Beach, SC
February 20-22
Join Eric, Bill Salus, John Haller, and Pastor Freddie Young for "Decoding the Birth Pangs" Conference at Grand Strand Baptist Church. Click here for conference flyer
Click Here to view Eric's complete schedule
We are now scheduling Eric for Churches and Conferences for 2015-2016
To Schedule
Eric Barger
Click Here 

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Other Featured
Sarah Doremus writes:
"Yoga's sole purpose is "enlightenment," defined by the Hindu religion as union with Brahman, Hinduism's highest god; in fact, the very word 'yoga' means 'union' or 'to yoke' with the false gods of Hinduism. Yoga aims at complete numbness of the mind with the ultimate goal of transforming human consciousness in order to experience the Hindu god, which is a false god. That numbness of mind and exit from your physical being that yoga and deep meditation strives for opens the spiritual doorway, leaving the yoga practitioner vulnerable to whatever spirits come through that door...even (and more likely than not) unwanted ones.

When we compare the original, core purpose of yoga with God's desire for our lives, there is glaring conflict. God wants us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds through His Word (Romans 12:2). He does not want us to empty our minds to experience Him; quite the contrary, actually! He wants us to dig into His Word daily, both by reading our Bibles as well as through our daily walk and acts of worship.

So, contrary to what I had for so long believed, God will not honor your yoga routine any more than he would accept food that had already been sacrificed to idols. Is yoga a sin?..."

Find out the answer and read the rest of the challenging article here!

Sarah Doremus, and her husband Lucas, are some of the most thoughtful, biblical people I have met in these years of ministry. We desperately need more "millennials" like them. I love and appreciate this family and praise the Lord that He introduced us. - Eric




Join us in February 
in Myrtle Beach!




The Paranormal Invasion (January 24, 2015)
Jan Markell, Jill Martin Rische,
and Eric Barger spend the hour discussing the end-time paranormal invasion of all things, even the church. Get Eric's book  


The Truly Confused Evangelicals (January 10, 2015)

Jan Markell spends the hour with Eric Barger discussing one of his newest DVDs, "The Truly Confused Evangelicals: Understanding and Resisting Postmodernism in the Church." They take a look at some contemporary pastors and teachers who have truly gone astray. The sound bites played are stunning. Evangelicalism is making the same mistake the Mainline Protestants made 150 years ago as they invented a "new way of doing church." But this is leaving enormous wreckage, with folks unable to find a solid church. Find the DVD here. We use the mobile app found at the Home page of 



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Church or Conference!

Impact Your Church with
Impact Your Church with "Take A Stand!"









"Barger Library"

Want an assortment of Eric's teachings to share with others or enjoy again and again?

"Barger Library" Special


- 22 of Eric's full-length seminar DVDs
- 10 CD messages by Eric
- 5 Books, plus all 6 Take A Stand! Journals

(a $449 value - *All items not pictured)

Great for home, Christian and home school study, small groups, Sunday School, church libraries and anyone just wanting a collection of Eric's materials.

The Barger Library currently includes 22 DVDs, Eric's most current books plus select books from others, a copy of every "Take A Stand! Journal" booklet, and an assortment 10 of Eric's teaching CDs.

Order online

You may also mail your order to:
Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 279 - Spanaway, WA 98387
(Please include $18 S&H in USA, $39 Canada)

Contact us at our new address:
Eric Barger & Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 279
Spanaway, WA 98387

PO Box 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030  USA

(Note: Please send mail to our Spanaway, Washington address.)

Phone: 214-289-5244 

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Copyright, 2015 Eric Barger