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Ministry Update

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new mailing address:

Take A Stand! Ministries

PO Box 279

Spanaway, WA 98387


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Free Digital Download for You!


Be sure and share this digital copy of Eric and Melanie's testimony with a friend!

Click to get this Free Digital Download

See all of Eric's downloadable books and booklets here.

* All downloadable book and booklet files are compatible with Kindle, IPhone, IPad, Android (using Kindle Reader app), PCs and other devices.

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Eric on the Road

Arlington, WA
January 4 
Eric visits Pastor Rick Long and our friends at Atonement Free Lutheran Church for three sessions on Sunday morning. Click here for info and downloadable flyer.
Calgary, Canada 
January 17 
Eric comes to Calgary for a conference sponsored by The Calgary Berean Study Group with four sessions beginning at 9am. No admission charge! Don't miss this opportunity. Click here for info and a downloadable flyer.

Calgary, Canada
January 18
Eric is speaking at both morning and evening services today at Parkdale Grace Fellowship in Calgary. Click here for info and a downloadable flyer.
Marina, Ca
January 25

Eric is speaking at both morning and evening services at Marina First Assembly of God. Call (831) 384-8433 for more info.

Click Here to view Eric's complete schedule
We are now scheduling Eric for Churches and Conferences for 2015-2016
To Schedule
Eric Barger
Click Here 

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Other Featured

The New Confused Evangelicals:
Understanding and Resisting Postmodernism in the Church
(New Two DVD Set)


The most extensive research and expose' we have ever undertaken concerning the forces and beliefs that are shaping Twenty-First Century Christianity.


Disk 1: Understanding and Identifying 
Disk 2: Resisting and Combating



Eric Barger 
exposes what is nothing short of a wholesale, end-time abandonment of the Bible - all in the name of "Evangelicalism."


Carefully detailing the players, methods, and beliefs, Eric explains how this sweeping Postmodern-Emergent redefinition has led to the rejection of the orthodox doctrines that have defined Christianity for the past twenty centuries.


Eric explains and defines the terms, documents and quotes the confused evangelical leaders, lists what to watch out for concerning this topic, and suggests steps you can take in combating Postmodernism in the Church. Above all, everything is examined against the backdrop of the Bible to determine how authentic Christians must respond.


God will preserve a victorious "remnant" throughout the Church age, but for the sake of souls Bible-believers must prepare to dialog and warn others concerning this satanic strategy that's flourishing in our midst.


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Reasons to Stand with the Reformation and NOT Unite with ROME!



Nearly every day Pope Francis makes another puzzling or provocative statement. Is this Pope determined to unite first Protestants, then Jews, eventually Muslims, and final all religions under the shadow of the Vatican?

We can't answer for the other religions but why are international Christian leaders being seduced by the Pope's siren song? To re-script a phrase from the Apostle Paul's letter to the Galatians, "O foolish 21st century Evangelicals, who hath bewitched you?"

Have Protestants forgotten just why there was a Reformation anyway?



Eric Barger reminds Bible-believers of just some of the many reasons why the Roman system opposes the Bible including:

- Idolatry

- Praying to or through the Dead

- Purgatory

- Faith & Works

- Papal Authority


Eric exposes the deception of "unity" being fostered by once-trusted Protestant voices. Using video clips and directly quoting the sources, he explores the growing Evangelical acceptance of this unscriptural ecumenical movement.


In the new DVD you will learn why there is good reason to believe that Pope Francis' recent focus on unifying Catholics and Protestants will be a primary goal of the Vatican over the next three years.  


Also included in "Reasons to Stand with The Reformation - And NOT Unite with Rome!" is a review of The Reformation and the "Reformers Hall of Fame."


Here, Eric Barger revisits the men who risked their lives and freedoms to stand with the Bible against a corrupt religious system 500+ years ago. The question for us is: will we stand with them today or will we ignore their sacrifice - and the Scriptures - all for "unity" with a false religious system? The fight is the same as it was centuries ago. It's a battle for the authority of the Bible!


About The Reformation?
Many today bemoan the Reformers and granted, they surely weren't perfect by any estimation.

The unfinished business the Reformation leaders left behind gave far too much room for numerous problems that biblical Christians still face such as:

- Replacement Theology

- Covenant Theology

- Reformed Theology

- Radical Calvinism

- Some of the Reformers displayed blatant Antisemitism as well.

However, regardless of their failures, where would we be without their contributions? 

While this presentation is NOT an attack upon Catholics, this well-documented DVD illustrates the deep doctrinal divide that separates Rome and Bible-believers.

As Eric Barger points out: "It's not necessarily what we have in common with other religions that should determine our theological affiliations. Perhaps more important are the aberrant doctrines and practices that Bible-believers can NEVER find agreement with that should be considered first and foremost.

"Unity at the cost of truth isn't really unity. How can unity be our path if it is actually based in error?" 



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"We exist to see the lost saved and the Church changed for the glory of God!"

Hello and thanks for taking a moment to read this and for standing with us!

We always been mindful that without partners praying for us and providing financial support there wouldn't be such an entity as "Take A Stand! Ministries." That's just a fact and we are grateful and humbled by your support. We've just tried to follow the Lord's leading with the understanding that the ministry He specifically called us to was not going to be easy.

As the storm clouds of the end-days grow ominously on the horizon, many throughout the Church prefer to ignore the prophetic reality signaling where we are in time. Many have wished we'd be silent and stop troubling them with the facts. But instead we've continued to deliver the often disturbing news with the utmost confidence that our Redeemer is at work preparing His bride for lies just ahead.

While the so-called "seeker sensitive" crowd chases after "feel good" preaching that lacks conviction and biblical grounding, we'll be here presenting reasons for faith and boldly proclaiming Jesus, crucified, risen, and coming again!

While the postmodern/Emergents are busy redefining the Church's mission, I'll be out there proclaiming the 2000 year-old Gospel and doing everything possible to bring absolute truth to those misguided by popular relativism and mystic enticements.

We won't be silent as authentic evangelicalism is hijacked by those intent on returning the Church to the heresies of Liberalism.

And when it appears the whole world have turned their backs on Israel, including untold ministers proclaiming that God is finished with the Jews, we'll be reminding them of the everlasting covenant Jehovah forged with His people - which CANNOT be broken!

As our friends and partners understand, this ministry is truly "for such a time as this." As you pray for us in 2015 you strengthen our inner resolve to never quit regardless of how old-fashioned or unpopular some think our message and the ministry of apologetics is.

As you provide financial support you enable Melanie and I to conduct the many phases of outreach all focused on this statement: "Take A Stand Ministries exists to see the lost saved and the Church changed!"

Many of you have experienced the impact of our "Take A Stand! Seminar" series or been touched by the materials we produce.

Every month many thousands of pages are viewed and downloaded from And the "Understanding The Times" radio programs I help host with our friend Jan Markell are a constant thorn in the enemy's side.

Truly we are running full speed ahead. But none of this can or would happen without you. That's why I've titled this "Who Will Stand?"


Your year-end gifts over the next 24 hours are crucial to our mission on several fronts and your sustained regular giving will allow us to project, plan and produce more effectively in 2015 and beyond.


We are excited for the many future opportunities ahead that will result in lives being changed for eternity. But we need your help. Thanks again for answering the call to stand with us as we proclaim the news of our soon coming King!


 Eric Signature

You may also mail your gift to 
Take A Stand! Ministries 
PO Box 279 
Spanaway, WA 98387

* All donations to Take A Stand! Ministries are tax deductible according to the laws of the United States.

** Checks dated and postmarked before December 31 will be receipted for 2014.



"Thank you, Eric Barger... In gratitude for your faithfulness, which in turn encourages the rest of us!"
- David, Monthly Donor

"Thank you so much for the work God has called you to do.  I am currently studying the field of Christian apologetics and consider your information a valuable resource to help me 'Take a Stand!' for the truth.  May God bless you and your wife richly!"

- Craig, Washington

"Heard you on the internet and loved your programs and teachings."
- Kenny, Website Visitor

"I love the fact that Eric is faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ with his ministry and speaks the Truth regardless of what others think. Praise the Lord for humble servants like Eric Barger!"
- Eric, Facebook

"We appreciate your discernment and wisdom as you look at what's happening in current events and showing us how Bible prophecy is being fulfilled so quickly."
- Pat, Illinois

"You do a wonderful job of clarifying the issues, Eric!  Thanks."
- Teri, Minnesota

"You and Jan (Markell) are a Lifeline in these times for those of us who love Jesus. Thank you."
- Rebecca, Website Visitor

"If there ever was a time for a ministry that teaches how to discern truth from heresy in these end times, it is now."
- Damaris, Facebook


Bring Eric Barger to YOUR
Church or Conference!

Impact Your Church with
Impact Your Church with "Take A Stand!"









"Barger Library"

Want an assortment of Eric's teachings to share with others or enjoy again and again?

"Barger Library" Special


- 22 of Eric's full-length seminar DVDs
- 10 CD messages by Eric
- 5 Books, plus all 6 Take A Stand! Journals

(a $449 value - *All items not pictured)

Great for home, Christian and home school study, small groups, Sunday School, church libraries and anyone just wanting a collection of Eric's materials.

The Barger Library currently includes 22 DVDs, Eric's most current books plus select books from others, a copy of every "Take A Stand! Journal" booklet, and an assortment 10 of Eric's teaching CDs.

Order online

You may also mail your order to:
Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 279 - Spanaway, WA 98387
(Please include $18 S&H in USA, $39 Canada)

Contact us at our new address:
Eric Barger & Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 279
Spanaway, WA 98387

PO Box 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030  USA

(Note: Please send mail to our Spanaway, Washington address.)

Phone: 214-289-5244 

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Copyright, 2014 Eric Barger