Ministry Update
Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 279
Spanaway, WA 98387

Sunday May 18Eric will be ministering at Calvary Chapel of Madison. Service time is 10:30am. For more info click here.
THIS EVENT WILL BE STREAMED LIVE! Click here to join this free live streaming feed. (Eric will be speaking about 10:50am CST USA)
Johnson Creek, WISunday May 18
Eric will be speaking on the Emergent Church at 5:00pm at Creek Bible Church (meeting to be held at Johnson Creek Public Library, south entrance) 125 Lincoln Street - Johnson Creek, WI For More Info Call: (920) 285-0794
*Open Dates Available June 8
Schedule in Southern California
June 15
Schedule in Washington State
Bring Eric to your Church or Conference?
Eric is accepting invitations for meetings on select dates throughout 2014-15 across North America.
Click Here to schedule Eric for your church!

Ten Reasons Why Jesus is Returning Soon!
NEW DVD by Eric Barger
Eric refers to this as one of the most important messages in his 31+ years of ministry. Fulfilled Bible prophecy is the focus here, in particular the extraordinary volume of direct prophetic fulfillments in modern times.
Consider that 2500 years ago the men of the tribe of Issachar knew the signs around them and how to respond (I Chronicles 12:32). Stressing the importance of understanding the times, Jesus Himself chastised the Jewish leaders for an ignorance of the signs in their day (Matthew 16:1-3).
Now, the voluminous nature of the signs indicate that the return of Jesus, our "Blessed Hope," is surely just ahead! Believers cannot afford ignorance during these exciting days. Do you know the signs?
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Living on Borrowed Time by Dr. David Reagan
This book answers many questions concerning the second coming of Jesus including fulfilled prophecy, understanding the season we are in and the signs of the times, and perhaps the most convincing sign of the Lord's soon return.
A unique feature of the book is a prophecy forum composed of 22 Bible prophecy experts who reply to 11 questions concerning the biblical signs of the times that are supposed to signal the imminent return of Jesus. Over 300 pages!
Order & More Info

The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent
by Dr. Erwin Lutzer
Islam is on the rise all over the West, including America. In this compelling new book, bestselling author Erwin Lutzer urges Christians to see this as both an opportunity to share the gospel and a reason for concern. We have now reached a tipping point--the spread of Islam is rapidly altering the way we live. These changes are cause for alarm, for they endanger our freedoms of speech and religion.
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Emergent/postmodern philosophy has invaded nearly every once-safe denomination. In this seminar DVD, Eric defines Emergent thinking and terms, concisely exposing the leaders and errors of the Emergent Church.
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A Terrific Look at
End-Times Prophecy
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I am so pleased to offer this wonderful resource.
This beautifully done 365 page book might be considered a "coffee table book" by some as it is a large 9.4 x 6.9 inches but it's vastly more than just another pretty face. This serious and inspiring work includes some of the best charts, diagrams and pictures I have ever seen on any topic. But better yet, this complete work cuts through the confusion concerning the End-Times and makes the complicated understandable.
Drawing from the foundation of Scripture and with helpful side by side analysis, Dr. Timothy Paul Jones fairly and factually defines the various positions held by Christians concerning the Rapture of the Church, the Tribulation, the Millennium, Amillennial, Postmillennial, Premillennial - and virtually everything else - pertaining to this important study.
Rose Guide to End-Times Prophecy includes all of the basic end-time prophecy charts Christians need to navigate the Book of Revelation, the Book of Daniel, and other prophetic Bible passages:
* Book of Revelation Charts * 4 Views of the End Times Comparison Chart * Comparison Charts and Eschatology Charts of:
- Amillennialism
- Dispensational Premillennialism
- Historical Premillennialism
- Postmillennialism
* Bible Dispensational Chart and Dispensationalism Time Line * Overview of all of the key Bible Prophecy passages * Full Glossary of End-Times Terms * Definitions and explanations of all key words and concepts, such as end times, rapture, dispensations, book of Revelation, apocalypse, and so much more.
A reviewer of Rose Guide to End-Times Prophecy wrote:
"This book is a pleasure to read. It is well written, well researched, reader friendly, incredibly informative, respectful of differing views, and even inserts bits of humor into a subject that often evokes confusion and even fear. The graphics are impressive as well. I highly recommend this book as a must-have resource for any follower of Jesus Christ."
Another review stated:
"There are many articles, books and studies on end-times, but most I have read support one view or another and attack what they don't agree with. Not this book. It is a clear unbiased presentation of the major viewpoint of eschatology."
Bring Eric Barger to YOUR
Church or Conference!
Impact Your Church with "Take A Stand!"
"I believe Eric is one of the premier Christian Apologists traveling the country today."
- Rev. Bob Fort, Chairman, United Evangelical Churches
"Eric Barger is one of the most knowledgeable defenders of the faith on the Christian scene today. Equally important, he is a down-to-earth effective communicator who is able to make complex ideas understandable to the average person. But even more important is the fact that everything he has to offer is thoroughly grounded in the Word of God."
- Dr. David R. Reagan (
"We have invited Eric to speak 22 times since 1987. I highly recommend his ministry."
- Pastor Milton Hubbard
"Eric's articulate presentation of carefully researched information is solidly based in Scripture and life-changing in its impact."
- Pastor Jim Keys
"Over the years we have had Eric at our church many times. We have always found his ministry to be balanced and to the point. He has helped our church stay focused and walk in the will of God."
- Pastor Sam Buckingham
Scheduling Information
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Follow Eric Barger on Twitter @ericbarger77 Find us on Facebook at Eric Barger/Take A Stand! Ministries. Get it all at our website:

The generous and prayerful giving of the Saints has sustained us for 31 years.
Together we are making a difference in countless lives!
With God's help - and yours - we are dedicated to reach "all we can while we can."
God bless you and thanks for your support!
You may also mail your gift to
Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 279
Spanaway, WA 98387
* All gifts to Take A Stand! Ministries are tax deductible according to the laws of the United States
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Jan Markell and co-host Eric Barger talk to Dr. Erwin Lutzer. Lutzer correctly points out that the Left and Islam are in sync as both seem committed to wiping out democracy and Christians. Lutzer is concerned about the America church, assuming it will look like the church in Europe that has cooperated with Islam. The three discuss the incredible "infiltration" of the church and America by outfits like The Muslim Brotherhood. But is anybody listening? Find his book, "The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent" here.
In our last segment, Eric Barger gives reasons for faith and testifies to the boldness that comes only from "resurrection power." Both Dr. Lutzer and Eric Barger are speaking at "Understanding the Times Spring 2014" Saturday, April 26 in Minneapolis, our semi-annual event (info here). We use the mobile app found on the Home page of Though we've covered similar material before with Dr. Lutzer, this is new programming.
Listen Here.
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Want an assortment of Eric's teachings to share with others or enjoy again and again?
Order our
"Barger Library"
- 22 of Eric's full-length seminar DVDs - 10 CD messages by Eric - 5 Books, plus all 5 Take A Stand! Journals
(a $449 value - *All items not pictured)
Great for home use, Christian and home school study, Bible studies, small groups, Sunday School, church libraries and anyone just wanting a collection of Eric's DVDs, his most current Books plus others and an assortment of his teaching CDs.
Order onlineYou may also mail your request to: Take A Stand! Ministries PO Box 279 - Spanaway, WA 98387 |