I have been praying for several days concerning just what the Lord would have me to say in this year-end letter.
First, we have been so blessed by the outpouring of love and concern we've received due to the passing of Melanie's father, Dale, just a few days ago. Our grieving process continues but, as I reminded those who attended the funeral, there is also an undergirding sense of peace in knowing that someday ahead, there is a reunion coming (I Thessalonians 4:13)! What comfort and hope that we who know Him have! "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" (I Corinthians 15:55)!!!
As I looked ahead to 2013, twelve months ago I wrote, "These are uncertain times but we surely serve a God of certainty!" If times were uncertain last December, how much more are they today? Trouble abounds on the world stage. Iran, Egypt, Syria, Libya, North Korea, South Sudan, plus the Obama alienation of our once stable allies are all of concern abroad. Then the scandals here at home such as Benghazi, NSA, IRS, and those oft repeated, infamous words, "If you like your doctor and your health plan, you can keep them." All of this and I haven't even mentioned the rise of Islam, the New Age, the cults and occult, and the perverted Emergent Church movement.
These events are indications of the "birth pangs" mentioned in Matthew 24. But they are all also signs that the world is running out of answers and when that happens, men begin to look for God and the people who know Him. Yes, these "perilous times" will likely pave the way for many souls to be saved.
As each more incredible and disturbing event unfolds around us, Melanie and I remain resolute on how to accomplish what God called us to do many years ago. Though Mordecai's words to Esther are often quoted, we know that we are truly here "for such a time as this" (Esther 4:14). As our mission statement says, "This ministry exists to see the lost saved and the Church changed!" That's our calling and it hasn't changed.
I believe that every Christian has a role to play in God's plan. Perhaps you aren't able to go on the mission field or work in full time ministry. Regardless, you can share in the battle and the rewards by standing with us. And each year, the last week in December proves to be a pivotal time to help us plan and then fund the outreach and projects we'll undertake for the next six months or more. In short, your year-end gifts are crucial to the success of the ministry.
Besides financing the distribution of materials, the shooting and producing of the new DVDs we have planned, and the purchase of needed equipment, your gift to Take A Stand! also allows me to continue my associated radio outreach with the skilled team of "Understanding the Times" Radio, headed by friend and colleague, Jan Markell. I am excited about the expansion of our UTT radio audience but it is an extremely costly venture. So understand, it is the funds raised here through Take A Stand! Ministries that allows me to dedicate the time needed to participate with the Understanding the Times team each week. That's an outreach that must continue - but none of it happens without your help.
I'm grateful for your prayerful consideration. Together we can make a greater impact than ever before in the coming months. Regardless of what you are able to do, be it $25, $250, $2500 or more, your partnership enables us to reach around the world and challenge many with truth and the Gospel message. Every gift counts!
We appreciate your love, care and partnership as we reach all we can in 2014 for the Lord Jesus!
God bless you!
PS. Your gift given online or mailed and postmarked by Tuesday, December 31, allows you to include it in your 2013 charitable giving deductions.
Click here to give using your debit or credit card or with your PayPal account.
You may also mail your gift to Take A Stand! Ministries, PO Box 279, Spanaway, WA 98387.
Two other ways to give.
1) According to IRS rules you can donate items of value such as land, stock, jewelry, or precious metals. If God has laid such a gift on your heart please write me at [email protected] to begin the process.
2) Concerning donations through IRA disbursements, according to new IRS rules, gifts to charitable organizations will be taxed as income and are no longer tax free as of January 1, 2014. If you desire to use an IRA to fund a donation, now is the best time.