Eric Barger and Take A Stand! Ministries

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On the Road

Smokey Point, WA
January 5 
Eric is speaking at both morning services at
8:30 & 11, plus 10 am Sunday School. He'll be addressing two different topics including "The New, Truly Confused, Evangelicals" and "Ten Reasons Why Jesus is Returning Soon." Come join us for our yearly visit to Atonement Free Lutheran Church. Click here for more.

Abbotsford, BC
February 9
Eric returns to Olivet Church in Abbotsford for one service (10 am). Click here for details

Peoria, IL
February 21-22
Join Eric for five sessions at the Equip Christian Workers Conference in Peoria. Click here for a list of Eric's sessions.

Myrtle Beach, SC
February 28-March 2
Mark your calendars and make plans to get away to beautiful Myrtle Beach for the "What In The World Is Going On?" Conference
Bill Koenig 
Eric Barger 
Dr. Freddie Young 
Current Events
- Israel
Bible Prophecy
Christian Apologetics
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Most of you reading this are aware of the ongoing controversy surrounding the A&E (Arts and Entertainment Network) hit television series, "Duck Dynasty." The lead duck, Phil Robertson, paraphrased I Corinthians 6 in a GQ magazine interview and correctly inferred that those who practice homosexuality would not inherit the Kingdom of God. Once the word got out, the gay activists were off and running with the left-wing media providing as much fuel and airtime as they could. Feeling the pressure to toe the line with the PC world, A&E said they had "suspended" Robertson even though the show is apparently produced by a separate production company that contracts with the Robertson family and then arranges for it to be seen on A&E. As it stands now, the Robertson's have more than hinted that if there is no Phil on the show, then there is no show and things are at a stalemate.


Interestingly, advertisers haven't fled from the Robertson's. Which infuriated GLAAD, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, who had called for Phil Robertson to be removed from the show. Walmart reportedly couldn't keep Duck gear in stock for the past few days as shoppers used their wallets in an obvious show of support for Phil Robertson. Though Cracker Barrel Restaurants appeared to back away from the Robertson's over the fray, they came to their senses and began restocking Duck Dynasty brand items last night which had been pulled from their store shelves only hours before. Cracker Barrel management obviously felt the crunch of public opinion and reversed their position immediately. They knew they had angered their base and if they didn't stand behind Phil Robertson they were going to alienate customers and be on the losing end of a dicey PR headache. A&E hasn't seen the light on that yet but considering the power of and estimated15 million Duck Dynasty viewers a week, A&E might well become the first network that GLAAD and the LGBT homosexual lobby has failed to complete their intimidation of.


GLAAD's Goal


One of our ministry board members, remarked to me today that, "tolerance used to be, 'you don't agree with us but let's co-exist in the culture.'" Now, tolerance is insisting that the public accept and embrace your viewpoint." It is demanded by minorities, in particular those who get lots of press and carry on in a nasty, despicable manner. Honestly, unless there is a wake up call from Heaven and soon, free speech is going to be a fleeting fad from an era gone by for the radical left, and the gay lobby in particular, don't really desire tolerance. Their chilling goal is domination. That is, to silence anyone quoting passages such as I Corinthians 6. As it is now, anything less than unbridled acceptance of the LGBT agenda and lifestyle is not acceptable and any hint of resistance by mouth or pen is immediately decried as "hate speech." Shutter the thought that anyone might actually declare what the Bible says happens to practicing homosexuals as Phil Robertson did. Kaboom!


Now we're hearing the spiritual wisdom of that great theological mind, Bill O'Reilly, being repeated by left wing fanatics and conservative pundits. "Judge not!" is the cry from all quarters it would seem as commentators and commentators dressed like newsmen line up to try to stand up for free speech while disdaining Phil Robertson's. In "The O'Reilly Theological Factor" I wrote about what O'Reilly stated in regards to Luke 6:37 last week (Dec. 19 & 20) and expounded on what the Bible actual says about judging.


Everybody Knows "Judge Not"


The words "judge not, and ye shall not be judged" or some rendition there of have been hurled at me probably dozens if not in the hundreds of times over the years. Angry Mormons and other cultists, Harry Potter defenders, Heavy Metal lovers, atheists, a pastor or two who should have known better, and even a practicing witch have all directed the phrase my way. It is a favorite of those who want to intimidate and silence anyone engaged in pointing out evil attitudes, actions and lifestyles. However, the fact is that the very ministry of apologetics or discernment is a ministry of judging and it's not popular or particularly comforting - just biblical. But now, let me continue about the plight of those who dare call sin "sin" and actually judge today.


Intolerant Tolerance and Absolute Relativism


Though not in a spotlight as intense as "Duck Dynasty" star is experiencing, I'm used to being on a hot seat similar to the one Phil is sitting on right now so I can't resist getting my two cents in on this issue too. Many of those who can't stand the truth of Scripture chronically attempt to make the messenger or his method the issue. That's what many homosexual activists and the media have done to Duck Commander Phil. Unusual delivery styles and quirky personalities aside, the day is fast approaching when a simple, non-caustic reading of some parts of the Bible will be deemed hate speech by those insisting on tolerance. That's a fact we had better wake up to or we'll wake up some day soon without it. The quickening of such a future scenario is being made possible by the stunning apathy of the Church today who are either afraid or simply unwilling to make any kind of public stand for the Bible and its absolute truths in this culture dominated by PC thought. But how can authentic Bible believers remain silent when what is right is now deemed wrong and evil has become good (Isaiah 5:20-21)? It's a messed up world when tolerance is demanded by those who cannot tolerate and absolutes are absolutely forbidden except when it comes to rejecting those who happen to believe in them.


As I pointed out in "The O'Reilly Theological Factor," Bill O'Reilly and many of his fellow pundits-turned-biblical-scholars have certainly added to the confusion surrounding the Robertson vs. A&E Network affair and worse, what the Bible actually teaches. Left-leaning Kirsten Powers a columnist for The Daily Beast and USA Today, as well as a Fox News political analyst, stuck her biblically ignorant foot in the mouth on Sunday (Dec.22) when she told "Fox News Sunday's" Chris Wallace that Robertson's comments in GQ magazine that spawned the hubbub were not found in Scripture. (1) Really? What Bible is she reading? Since media reports recently touted Powers' conversion to Christ certainly hope that she's not in a liberal churches that shred the Scriptures on the altar of cultural acceptance. (It must be tough being a liberal and attempt also to be a Christian, by Christian I mean an authentic Bible believing type.)


What the Robertson controversy actually illustrates is that in America today Christianity is just fine - as long as its followers don't dare give voice to a doctrine or truth that the politically correct "thought police" pronounce as unacceptable. On this point, I hope O'Reilly and I agree.


What should we do?


My advice to Christians is that unless pastors and laypeople begin to clearly, boldly and lovingly speak up and challenge the loud, vocal minorities (such as the homosexual lobby) that we should probably just get used to public ridicule and disdain, accept that we've been relegated to silence, and admit we've lost any influence in the culture. I'm not sure if we'll ever regain just a portion of the influence Christians once had. But stagnation from apathy is not an option as Bible believers who recall Jesus' last instructions to us in the book of Matthew (28:19-20) understand.


In countering the ungodly trend of demonizing Christian speech, we need to understand that many of those we once thought were on our side are not. Don't count on theologians to swoop in and defend biblical positions. The majority of them (and our Bible colleges and denominations) have long ago gone silent on sin, in particular on practicing homosexuality. In fact, the gay lifestyle is now accepted and openly embraced on campuses like Fuller in Pasadena. Expect many of the recognized "evangelicals" to actually undermine and oppose us and particularly the biblical values we stand for. It is the intellectual, liberal apostates that the media will trot across television sets to make a case against righteousness. No, dear Saints, we are all by our little lonesome selves with the exception of a few brave leaders who will receive volley after volley of cheap and nasty shots from the pagan left as a reward. However, regardless of the heat, we are not called to silence. Believers need to factually, thoughtfully push back against the PC culture and allow the Scripture to do the talking. In fact, just as in Jonah's day, it is our duty to relentlessly repeat truths that will actually become increasingly more unacceptable to a lost and perverted world.


Though Phil Robertson's presentation style may have been his biggest enemy, what he actually stated was not out of line with Scripture. In fact, we Christians are all called to follow and proclaim what Scripture (including Romans 1 and I Corinthians 6) teaches. I hope we catch some of his boldness and that the current flap doesn't dampen or silence our opposition to sin. I think we can be guaranteed that the opposition is going to demand their pound of flesh from anyone who dares to speak out. Judging from the reaction of the radical left to the current Duck Dynasty/homosexuality/A&E controversy, perhaps this is why in Matthew 24 Jesus warned that in the last days some of us would be betrayed, despised and even killed for following Him? For now, I encourage you to make good use of the time we have to speak truth and share the Gospel here. Let's also remember and focus on the reward for upholding righteousness.



1       Fox News Sunday, Dec. 22, 2013,


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