Eric Barger and Take A Stand! Ministries
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Ministry Update

Eric on the road 

Logan, OH
July 14 
Eric will be ministering three times at Ebenezer Baptist Church (9:30am, 11am and 7pm). Click here for directions and details.
Abbotsford, BC
 August 15-17
Join Eric and others for the Learn to Discern Conference at Columbia Bible College. Click here for more info.

Abbotsford, BC 
August 18 (am) 
Eric will be ministering once again at Olivet Church in Abbotsford. Click here for more.
Appleton, WI
Sept 6-8 
Eric is speaking again this year at the 2013 Great Lakes Prophecy Conference. Find out more here

Future Speaking Opportunities 
Eric is accepting invitations for meetings throughout the rest of 2013 and 2014.

Click Here or call 214-289-5244 to schedule Eric for your church!


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  "Psalm 83: The Missing Prophecy Revealed"
  by Bill Salus

An ancient prophecy written over 3000 years ago reveals that the Arab states and terrorist populations, which presently share common borders with Israel, will soon confederate in order to wipe Israel off of the map. These enemies of Israel are depicted on the red arrows upon the book cover image, and their mandate is clear:

They have said, "Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more." (Psalm 83:4).

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The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent 
by Dr. Erwin Lutzer


Islam is on the rise all over the West, including America. In this compelling new book, bestselling author Erwin Lutzer urges Christians to see this as both an opportunity to share the gospel and a reason for concern.
 We have now reached a tipping point--the spread of Islam is rapidly altering the way we live. These changes are cause for alarm, for they endanger our freedoms of speech and religion.


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The Truth About Islam

Eric Barger's live seminar dissects the complicated world of Islam and documents the life and revelations of its prophet, Muhammad, the Qur'an, the Muslim "Jesus" and looks at the origin and identity of Islam's Allah.

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Emergent philosophy has invaded nearly every once-safe denomination. In this seminar DVD, Eric defines Emergent thinking and terms, concisely exposing the leaders and errors of the Emergent Church.

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DOJ and FBI warn of prosecutions for "anti Islam" speech 



Some days ago I saw a  news story about an event to be held on Tuesday, June 4, at the Manchester-Coffee County (Tennessee) Conference Center. "Public Disclosure in a Diverse Society" was sponsored by the American Muslim Advisory Council of Tennessee - a 15-member board that was formed two years ago when the Tennessee General Assembly was considering legislation that would restrict those who embrace Sharia Law, which is followed by Muslims. (For more info on Sharia Law click here.)


Speakers for the event were Bill Killian, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, and Kenneth Moore, special agent in charge of the FBI's Knoxville Division. The intent of the meeting was to warn, or better said, intimidate those who have, in the eyes and ears of some in government (and presumably in the mosques), crossed a line in their speech both against and concerning Islam. I wonder when the Feds are going to stand up for Christians? Don't hold your breath on that one.


Pamela Geller of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, who also co-founded Stop Islamization of Nations (SION) with Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch, has endorsed a rally for free speech on June 4 in Manchester, Tennessee, in protest of what she described as "anti-free speech comments" by the DOJ and FBI officials. Geller stated, "We will fight you on this every step of the way... This is Sharia enforcement, and we are not going to stand for it."


Killian and Moore were set to provide input on how civil rights are likely being violated by those who post inflammatory documents targeting Muslims on social media. (Note: I wonder how they define "inflammatory.") However, several hundred protesters appeared at the Manchester meeting, sang God Bless America, recited The Pledge of Allegiance and provided enough noise that reportedly Killian and Moore were at times drowned out forcing them to cut the scheduled Q&A down to just two questions. As Killian began what was described as a "dry" delivery of information about hate crimes, civil rights and the federal laws that prescribe violations and penalties, he was greeted with shouts of "traitor," "serpent," and calls to "resign" or "go home." One protester's sign read: "In America, you are free to practice your religion, and I am free to insult it." 

Protesters crowd into the Manchester-Coffee County (Tennessee) Conference Center.

Todd Starnes, of Fox and Town has done a terrific job reporting on stories having free speech implications for Americans, particularly Christians. He's done a stellar job again covering this event. I encourage you to carefully read Starnes' article here.


There is much more to be said on this issue and for the sake of getting this news to our subscribers I won't attempt to write it all here. Suffice to say there can be little doubt that some in Washington are more interested in political correctness that fits a very specific mold and serves what can only be described as a pattern promoting Islam than in protecting the cherished protections of our First Amendment. As Congresswoman Michele Bachmann told me last December, the First Amendment doesn't protect only that which is accepted speech but actually assures that ideas that are outside the mainstream and that may be repulsive are allowed as well. It would appear that the most powerful and potentially suppressive forces in our government do not agree.



From Eric


I highly recommend Dr. Erwin Lutzer's courageous new book, The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent. Dr. Lutzer's analysis and warnings about Islam's current encroachment in America concur with the overwhelming research I and others have conducted. His well documented, courageous approach boldly conveys a message that simply must be heard - before it is too late. While some well-known megachurch and evangelical leaders foolishly advance the notion of conciliation and compromise with Islam, Lutzer presents a compelling case as to why this tactic only serves to embolden radical Islamists while further weakening the Church in this pivotal hour.  


It is my prayer that Dr. Lutzer's research and insights will serve as the wake-up call that Americans, in particular the Church in America, desperately need.


To request your copy, please visit our secure online bookstore by clicking here  or call 214-289-5244.


Don't miss the June 8-9 edition as Jan Markell and Eric Barger interview author and former Muslim, Walid Shoebat.

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Bring Eric to Your Church or Community in 2013-14

Our New Eric Barger/Take A Stand Intro Video
Click the image above to view our new Eric Barger/Take A Stand Intro Video


If you or your church are interested in hosting Eric's cutting-edge "Take A Stand! Conference" please contact us immediately. Email here or call 214-289-5244.




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Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 279 - Spanaway, WA 98387

Contact us at:
Eric Barger & Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 279
Spanaway, WA 98387

PO Box 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030  USA

(Note: Mail reaches us at either address.)

Phone: 214-289-5244  

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