Healthy Families
Healthy Kids

Plant PTSA kicked off our Healthy Families, Healthy Kids program at the general membership meeting Tuesday night. The program, produced in conjunction with Plant's Guidance and Psychological Services departments, is part of our National PTA School of Excellence project addressing emotional wellness. Each week, your students will see a new video on the morning show about topics including adolescent depression, anxiety, substance abuse, bullying and self esteem. Every time a new video is aired, PTSA will share that video with Plant families in emails like this one or in Panther Press. We want parents to be aware of the materials being shown to their kids, and we hope these videos can be used as starting points for family discussion. Healthy Families, Healthy Kids is designed for all Plant families and has the following goals:
  • To let students know that what they are feeling or experiencing is normal and that they are not alone
  • To encourage students to ask for help if they need it
  • To increase awareness of services available to students and their families at Plant
  • To remove the stigma associated with mental illness
Please mark your calendars now and plan to attend our Healthy Families, Healthy Kids community forum on March 25th at 6:30 pm in the Plant Auditorium. The event will feature presentations from local mental health professionals as well as Plant's Guidance department. Look for more details in March.

                                   Teen Depression

The first issue Healthy Families, Healthy Kids is addressing is teen depression. Reports show that by the time they complete college, 20% of young people will experience symptoms of depression. The videos below were shared at our meeting on Tuesday and have aired on the morning show. All videos were selected by Guidance staff and were approved by the administration prior to airing. 

Teen Depression: A Public Service Announcement
Teen Depression: A Public Service Announcement

Teen Depression PSA
Teen Depression PSA

Talk to your kids and let them know you've watched the same videos they have. Starting an open and calm conversation about mental health reinforces that kids should not feel embarrassed or weak if they experience symptoms. And it reminds them that their parents are always in their corner.

Know the Signs

We know kids won't always let their parents know when they are experiencing symptoms of depression. So what should parents look for? A sudden drop in grades or interest in school is a prevalent sign in teens. Below is a list of other common symptoms of depression.

Feeling sad or anxious
Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness
Loss of interest
Lack of energy
Difficulty concentrating
Changes in eating habits
Aches, pains, headaches or digestive problems that don't go away

Resources for Parents

These resources are recommended for families seeking more information. Please never hesitate to call Plant if you have any questions or concerns about your student.

Help is Available

Your first step can be as simple as contacting staff at PHS. They can offer counseling and advice, as well as referrals to outside professionals.

Jim Landers, School Psychologist
813 272-3033, ext. 261

Lourdes Gonzalez, School Social Worker
813 272-3033, ext. 293
                                           We Welcome Your Feedback!

If you have any questions about the information shared in this email, please email Jim Landers. Comments about the Healthy Families, Healthy Kids project can be emailed to the PTSA.