Get Crazy for Life E-News:
The 'Teachers' Issue
On February 11th a youth mental health summit called Balancing Our Minds was held at Rogers Arena in Vancouver. 1600 high school students and teachers attended to learn about mental health and wellness tools. Central messages of the day were 'You are not alone' and 'You can make a difference'. My talk was called 'How to Get Crazy for Life: Creativity and Mental Health'. It was an inspiring event for teachers and students alike of sharing, healing and stomping out stigma. It prompted me to dedicate this enews to the mental well-being of teachers and students.
Warm wishes, 
Post Secondary Accommodations for Students with Mental Illness

Creating accommodations help students who have mental illness reach their academic potential. Whether you're advocating for yourself, or helping to advocate for someone else here are points to keep in mind. Read more here... 

Free Resources for Teachers:
From the Centre for Suicide Prevention comes an excellent archived webinar: 'The 5 Things We Wish All Teachers Knew About Suicide'. Recognizing risk factors and warnings signs in children and youth that educators might see are addressed. 



From the Force Society comes a comprehensive 'Mental Health Guide for Teachers'. Although the resources listed are for British Columbia, much of the general information is relevant to other communities.

Public Performance of 'That's Just Crazy Talk' in West Vancouver May 22nd! 
Join me at a fundraiser for the North and West Vancouver CMHA that includes a performance, panel discussion, wine and cheese reception and silent auction that will benefit their work focusing on education and eradication of stigma. More info and buy your tickets here.
Thank you for reading.
Please email me with any comments or questions. And to all teachers who care for our children and youth please remember:"I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well" ~ Alexander the Great
Warm wishes, Victoria
February 2014 In This Issue:
Creating Student Success
Teacher Resources
West Van Public Performance of 'That's Just Crazy Talk'

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