First Quarter 2016

BCSP eNewsletter  

Welcome to this First Quarter 2016 BCSP eNewsletter.

No matter which certification or designation you hold with BCSP, or if you are in the process of attaining one, we have included news and information that will help you in your professional safety career.

See the In This Issue section to the right to navigate to the stories of most interest to you.

Message from the President of the Board
John Hodges, CSP, OHST    
The Certification Management System (CMS) saw its first full year of use in 2015. The system has substantially changed applications for, and maintenance of, accredited safety certifications. The Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) enhanced capabilities and cultivated informatics last year. I anticipate BCSP will continue to meet the challenge of improving safety practice through certification in 2016.

The growth and achievements of our colleagues and certificants are likewise inspirational. Your proven ability to keep people safe is the purpose behind BCSP's mission. In June we will recognize the accomplishments of several distinguished safety professionals at the fifth annual Awards of Excellence ceremony.

BCSP is recognizing those aspiring to join the safety profession as well, expanding the scholarships we offer. There is a big demand for safety professionals currently, especially in construction, and meeting that demand keeps people safe.

More organizations are joining us in recognizing the value of safety certification and those who hold it. Our Safety Trained Supervisor� (STS) and Safety Trained Supervisor Construction� (STSC) Sponsors supported over 1,500 supervisors in attaining certification in 2015, and many STS and STSC Sponsors are utilizing all levels of BCSP certifications to build sustainable safety cultures within their organizations.

I am honored to be the 2016 President of the BCSP Board of Directors, and proud of what has been accomplished by current and past Board Members. Engaged in the development of our profession, BCSP staff have built an amazing future, showing the tenacity and determination to make the most of every opportunity. I invite you to join us as we advance the safety profession.

SustCultureFostering a Sustainable Safety Culture
Organizations that are determined to operate efficiently engage their employees and many have found safety certification an important component of sustainable business practice. Washington Closure Hanford (WCH) and Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS), each part of BCSP's Safety Trained Supervisor� (STS) and Safety Trained Supervisor Construction� (STSC) Sponsorship Program through AECOM, adopted the STS and STSC almost as soon as sponsorship was established. Each now use BCSP certifications extensively as part of their building a sustainable safety culture.

"WCH realized the benefits of safety trained workers in the field who weren't necessarily safety professionals, but could offer another set of eyes and a fresh perspective when it came to identifying potential safety issues," explains Megan Proctor, CSP, STSC, ESH&QA Director, Washington Closure Hanford. "Using BCSP certifications in our company helps us ensure we have top quality safety professionals to perform our work in a safe manner, going above and beyond for continual improvement. WCH recognizes the value of all levels of certification as they all offer benefits keeping workers safe in the field," said Proctor.

The establishment of a systematic certification process at WCH began in 2006, when the company made a commitment to achieve 250 STSs. They met this goal in 2010, and continue to use BCSP certifications ten years later.

WRPS also began using the STS and STSC early and found safety certifications valuable. "They provide the basis for being a subject matter expert and are used as the main aspect in achieving authority, having jurisdiction in our areas of expertise," shared Stacy Thursby, CSP, STSC, IH Vapor Manager, WRPS S&H Programs. "Certification allows for continuing education and the ability to attend additional training and development opportunities that may not be considered if a certification was not held by the individual. Most of our management positions require certifications."

The use of certification in building sustainable safety practice has created positive results for WRPS, in reputation and in demonstrating commitment to safety in operations. "Certifications are an important aspect of working for the Department of Energy (DOE), as well as providing credibility to proposals for new work and continuing contracts," Thursby explained. "We also received accolades from the DOE for having the number of certified professionals as part of our VPP certification process, and earned Star status from VPP."

Proctor attests to the value certification has produced for WCH as well. "I feel strongly that the team of certified, cross disciplined, safety professionals we have had the fortune to employ over the life of our contract has a direct correlation to the results in our low injury and illness rates," she states. "WCH currently has worked nearly 6.8 million work hours without a lost time injury, with a zero days-away injury rate, and a zero recordable injury rate. This achievement is a testament to the safety culture we have grown, fostered and sustained over the last ten years."

WCH and WRPS understand that safety not only is a value, but is an investment that yields results. At the supervisory level, application and examination for the STS or STSC is sponsored by the company, and it helps keeps front line supervisors confident and engaged. In positions with greater responsibility for safety, many hold Construction Health and Safety Technician� (CHST) and Certified Safety Professional� (CSP) certifications.

"I am proud to be a CSP and find that this achievement has helped me to attain the management position, respect, and additional learning opportunities to enable others to gain knowledge and information on the safety and health field," says Thursby.

"A strong and sustainable safety culture has been essential for efficient and cost effective operations at WCH," added Proctor. "As a CSP and STSC, my goal is to make sure our folks go home in as good, or better condition than when they arrived at work for the day."

Beginning with efforts to foster a sustainable safety culture, these companies have used safety certification to regularly build safety leadership.

ScholarsAGCBCSP Expands Scholarship Contributions with AGC
Expanding the number of scholarships it sponsors, BCSP added to those it already offers through the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Foundation and American Industrial Hygiene Foundation (AIHF) three new scholarships made possible through the Associated General Contractors' (AGC) Education and Research Foundation.

At a time when construction is experiencing a worker shortage that is having a negative effect on worker safety, BCSP embraced this opportunity to make a difference by encouraging students with interest in the field.

"We are delighted to expand our scholarship offering this year to include safety-focused scholarships, thanks to the Board of Certified Safety Professionals," said Melinda Patrician, Director of the AGC Education and Research Foundation. "AGC of America has put a high value on safety for our members and their employees.  It follows that the Foundation, which for almost 50 years has assisted students in pursuing their construction management and engineering educations, recognizes this and seeks out students who want to make safety their career goal."

BCSP awarded three, $2,500 scholarships to Wyatt Aberle of North Dakota State University, Laura Dunham of the University of Maine, and Travis Solander of Pittsburg State.

"These students demonstrated a dedication to the safety of those working in construction and we are proud to support them in their pursuit of careers in the safety profession," said Dr. Treasa Turnbeaugh, CSP, CAE.

"When I found out I was named as a recipient of this scholarship I felt truly honored. Having it sponsored by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals made it that much more special as I have a background in safety. With the assistance of this scholarship I hope to further my own knowledge of construction safety and take that into any position I may hold in the future."

Wyatt Aberle

"When I found out I had been selected to receive this scholarship, I was ecstatic. I've always been drawn to construction, but I also always wanted to make a difference. With construction safety, I am able to help people and still do something that interests me. With this scholarship I will be able to graduate and begin working on my goals right away."

Laura Dunham

"....When I was told that I would be one of the first to receive the scholarship from BCSP, it made me feel accomplished and proud to know that I had earned something that no one else had yet. Receiving this scholarship will allow me not to have to worry as much about mounting student debt and help me focus on my studies more. I hope to one day be able to use my skills, along with my education, to advance the safety field in the construction industry by helping to put in place more measures that protect workers, save time and ultimately to help bring the injury rate down."

Travis Solander

BCSP Issues Public Comment on OSHA Management Guidelines 
BCSP heeded the call by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to provide recommendations that will improve the Administration's newest effort to update its Safety and Health Program Management Guidelines. Originally developed in 1989, these revised Guidelines intend to provide structured support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) wanting to develop better safety management systems. BCSP submitted a public comment with specific recommendations that would strengthen the guidelines by including recognition of the role and importance of certified safety professionals and practitioners.  

SMEs provide the majority of employment opportunities to American workers. Unfortunately, however, SMEs are not always positioned to hire safety personnel, much less develop comprehensive safety management plans and systems. By adapting best practices and effective safety models from OSHA programs, such as Voluntary Protection Program (VPP), and translating them into a tool for SMEs in general industry, OSHA is creating more opportunities for America's employers to improve the safety of their workers.

Given the multitude of disciplines and responsibilities for which safety practitioners are responsible, it is important to have independent and objective measures for determining the qualifications of a "safety and health expert" or "safety and health consultant", as stated in the Guidelines. Accredited safety certifications provide that method of measurement.

"This is an incredible opportunity to emphasize safety practice as a profession, recognizing the skills and knowledge of safety professionals and their role in ensuring workplace safety," explains Erica Poff, IOM, BCSP Government Affairs and Outreach Manager.

BCSP submitted its public comment on February 15, 2016. The comment period is now closed, and discussion regarding the comments submitted can be expected to last several months.

"We appreciate the opportunity to submit comments on the Guidelines and look forward to the opportunity to discuss in further detail how our recommendations can be implemented," shared Dr. Treasa Turnbeaugh, CSP, CAE, the CEO of BCSP.

You may read both the draft of the proposed Safety and Health Program Management Guidelines and BCSP's public comment.

PARecogPennsylvania Recognizes BCSP Certifications' Value
The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry recently added several Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) certifications to those credentials that meet the requirements for an individual to become a qualified accident and illness prevention service provider in the state, now recognizing all BCSP certifications.

The Occupational Health and Safety Technologist� (OHST), Safety Trained Supervisor� (STS), Safety Trained Supervisor Construction� (STSC) and Certified Environmental, Safety and Health Trainer� (CET) joined the Certified Safety Professional� (CSP), Associate Safety Professional� (ASP), and Construction Health and Safety Technician� (CHST) as qualifying credentials February 6, 2016. Individuals must possess at least one current, bureau-recognized credential and have two years of acceptable safety experience to become a service provider.

"I want to congratulate you and your organization for being approved as one of the accident and illness prevention service provider qualifications to be recognized by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania," wrote Scott G. Weiant, Director of the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, Bureau of Workers' Compensation.

Under the Health and Safety Regulations of the Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Act, self-insured employers and insurance carriers licensed to write workers' compensation insurance are required to either employ or contract with qualified accident and illness prevention services providers to deliver services to policyholders or to provide program services.

"The use of certification as a component in vetting safety professionals who will be in charge of occupational safety and health demonstrates a commitment to the well-being of employees on the part of Pennsylvania," explains Erica Poff, IOM, Government Affairs and Outreach Manager at BCSP. "It is good to see awareness that health and wellness is not merely the absence of illness and injury, but the result of work done by accomplished professionals."

More information on the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry's Accident and Illness Prevention Service Provider Qualifications can be found on the program's webpage. Details on BCSP's qualifying certifications can be found at

Safety is Kentucky Guardsman's Middle Name
'Safety is no accident' is a common slogan used in the National Guard. To operate safely, it takes training, awareness, and professionals to advise and train. One of those professionals for the Kentucky Guard is Sgt. 1st Class Ken Varble, a three-year veteran of the State Safety Office.

Recently he achieved a major milestone in his career as he became the first Soldier in the Kentucky Army National Guard to pass the Occupational Health and Safety Technologist� (OHST) exam. Having achieved a certification shows you have mastered the core knowledge required for professional safety practice. The OSHT credential is a validation of Varble's professional expertise and a product of his training, self-development and on-the-job experience.

"This was an extremely difficult test that took a year to prepare for and over 4 hours to take," said Varble. "I feel like I have accomplished a lot, and am glad to add the experience to my role with the Kentucky Guard."

The certification adds to Varble's position as a subject matter expert in all things safety. He regularly advises units and Soldiers on the appropriate regulations and guidelines of safety. Of the numerous manuals, handbooks or rules set forth by the Army or government safety organizations, Varble knows where to find the answer. He also ensures units and armories have the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) required to perform their job.

One weekend a month, Varble serves as a maintenance platoon sergeant with Kentucky's 351st Aviation Maintenance Company.

Capt. Josh Witt, the State Safety Officer, said Varble is one of only 37 active OHSTs in the Commonwealth, and one of 1,800 nationwide.

"The Kentucky National Guard is privileged to have such a self-motivated and highly proficient operator on our team," said Witt. "His accomplishment represents countless hours of study, academic preparation, and hands-on experience. Sgt. 1st Class Varble has distinguished himself as a fully qualified and capable ambassador in the field of Safety and Occupational health."

"Having the OHST certification increases my standing within the Safety Community," said Varble. "It also gives me credibility and added confidence when I conduct unit visits."

Although this certifies him as an expert, it is by no means the end of his training and education. Varble is currently attending Eastern Kentucky University working toward a Bachelor's degree in Safety and Occupational Health and certification in Career Program 12 from the U.S. Army Safety Center.

Ken Varble, OHST

Article originally authored by Walt Leaumont for the Kentucky National Guard. Reprinted with permission.

BCSP Recertification Quizzes Now Offered Free of Charge 
BCSP is now providing the online quizzes offered as part of the BCSP Recertification Quiz Program free of charge, allowing certificants to test their knowledge for recertification points at no cost.

"Dedicated safety professionals stay current on the latest developments in safety practice," explained BCSP's Examinations Director, Susan Gould, CSP, ASP, OHST, CHST, STSC. "Making these recertification quizzes complimentary rewards certificants who are actively seeking new knowledge."

The online quizzes assess certificants' knowledge in particular areas of the safety profession. They are based on the technical contents of well-circulated membership organization journals, NSC's Safety+Health, and ASSE's Professional Safety.

"BCSP certificants are lifelong learners and actively pursue professional development; we are happy to provide greater opportunity to have their efforts reflected in their recertification," says BCSP's Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Treasa Turnbeaugh, CSP, ASP, CET.

Certificants who would like to take an online quiz can create a unique account in the quiz system, after which they can register for quizzes based on specific issues of the journals offered. The quiz system places no time limit on the person taking a quiz, which can be closed and resumed at any time by logging in and visiting the "My Quizzes" page. The final results are sent to the quiz taker's email, and should be retained, as they will be needed if the user's recertification activities are audited.

The BCSP Recertification Quiz Program can be found online at

New STSC6 Blueprint to go into Effect in Late 2016 
The Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) has released a new Safety Trained Supervisor Construction (STSC) blueprint, which will apply to the STSC6 examination expected to be released near the end of 2016.

BCSP completed a validation study of the STSC in 2015. Validation studies are conducted to ensure the subject material in examinations are relevant to current practice. After conferring with industry leaders and evaluating the topics covered, a new blueprint was developed for the next version of the STSC examination, the STSC6. The new blueprint may be found on BCSP's STSC webpage. A summary of the changes to go into effect with the new examination is included.

"The STSC6 will soon go through a beta test so that the updated version is of the highest quality. We will send an invitation to participate in the beta examination to eligible candidates in April," said BCSP's Examinations Director, Susan Gould, CSP, ASP, OHST, CHST, STSC. "We appreciate candidates who participate in our beta tests, and will include an incentive in the beta test invitation."

The current STSC5 examination will be replaced by the new, STSC6 examination expected to be released near the end of 2016.

In This Issue
» Message from the President of the Board
» Fostering a Sustainable Safety Culture
» BCSP Expands Scholarship Contributions with AGC
» BCSP Issues Public Comment on OSHA Management Guidelines
» Pennsylvania Recognizes BCSP Certifications' Value
» Safety is Kentucky Guardsman's Middle Name
» BCSP Recertification Quizzes Now Offered Free of Charge
» New STSC6 Blueprint to go into Effect in Late 2016
Board of Directors

John E. Hodges, CSP, OHST

C. Christopher Patton, CSP, ASP
(Vice President)

Patricia A. Cruse, CSP, CET

Treasa M. Turnbeaugh, PhD, CSP, ASP, CET, CAE, IOM
(Secretary and CEO)

Cece M. Weldon, CSP, CHST, STSC
(Past President)

Joshua J. Franklin, CSP, CET

James A. Gentry, DBA, MBA

Cheryl L. Marcham, PhD, CSP

Linda F. Martin, CSP, ASP, OHST, CHST, STSC, CET

Richard A. Pollock, CSP

Mario A. Varela, CSP

Subscribe to Unique BCSP eNewsletters
BCSP offers unique eNewsletters: The Partners eNewsletter, designed for sponsors, business persons using our certifications, collaborating agencies; and the Collegiate eNewsletter, for university faculty and students.

Click to subscribe to unique BCSP eNewsletters.

Current Changes Index
Over the course of the year, a range of policy changes, procedure updates and other modifications occur. We want to make everyone aware of these changes on a regular basis, as well as keep an archive of the announcements.

Visit the Current Changes Index page on our website to find the most up-to-date policy and procedure information.

CMS Tutorials
If you will be using the BCSP Certification Management System (CMS) for the first time, you may want to view our CMS video tutorials.
Your Source for
Safety Expertise
A Who's Who listing over 1,000 safety professionals, eSafetySource helps individuals and companies find certificants that can assist them with their particular safety needs.

Enroll in or search eSafetySource. 

Mentor Program
The BCSP Mentor Program recognizes certificates who assist the career development of other safety practitioners.

Credential holders who are interested in mentoring an applicant, should visit the BCSP Mentoring webpage.

Those currently mentoring are honored in the Mentoring Honor Roll.

Promoting the
Value of Certification

BCSP will be exhibiting at the following conferences in 2016:

RIMS 2016
Booth 929
April 10-13
San Diego, CA

AIHce 2016
Booth 431
May 23-25
Baltimore, MD

NECA Safety Professionals Conference
Booth 16
May 23-25
Indianapolis, IN

ASSE Safety 2016
Booth 1744
June 26-28
Atlanta, GA

ASCA Annual Conference
Booth 606
July 9-11
New Orleans, LA

VPPPA Conference
Booth 513
August 29-September 1
Kissimmee, FL

NSC Congress and Expo
Booth TBD
October 15-21
Anaheim, CA 
Please stop by our booth. We'd love to meet you!

BCSP's Toolkit for Advancing the Safety Profession
Banner displays are a great way to promote BCSP certifications and earn Recertification credit. A display is available to any certificate holder for use at chapter meetings, regional or local conferences, career fairs, and other safety-related seminars, meetings, and presentations. BCSP ships to and from any U.S. venue and provides literature at no cost.

If you would like to reserve a display, fill out a Banner Display Request. Displays are first come, first serve, and must be returned.

Presentations on safety certification can also be done for Recertification points, and BCSP has many resources that can be used for presentations, including pre-made PowerPoints, on our Articles and Presentations webpage.

Item writing illustrates your safety knowledge, earning you Recertification points as well. Find out more on our Item Writing webpage.

Unauthorized Use of Our Credentials
BCSP pursues cases of individuals claiming to hold our credentials without permission. We pursue those cases in which there is clear evidence of the unauthorized use and the individual has a clear responsibility, control, or knowledge of the use. Evidence may be a business card, resume, letter, website, or other publication. If there is no clear evidence, BCSP cannot act on the case.

BCSP 2015 Certificants
Congratulations to everyone who achieved certification last year! 

Career Center
The BCSP Career Center connects job seekers with prospective employers in the safety, health and environmental industry. Results are just a click away!

The Career Center allows job seekers who hold any of our credentials to post an anonymous resume in our resume bank for free.

For companies looking to hire individuals who hold our credentials this is your direct route to qualified individuals.