First Quarter 2013

BCSP eNewsletter  

Welcome to the First Quarter 2013 BCSP eNewsletter.

No matter which certification or designation you hold with BCSP, or if you are in the process of attaining one, we've included news and information that will help you in your professional safety career.

See the In This Issue section to the right to navigate to the stories of most interest to you.

If your email address is going to change and you would like to continue to receive this eNewsletter, please click on the "Update Profile/Email Address" link at the very bottom of this email or contact customer service to update your contact information.
BCSP a Leader in the Advancement of Safety Practice
Rixio Medina, CSP, STS, CMIOSH

Year after year, BCSP has been successful in attracting new qualified professionals and practitioners wanting to pursue and maintain quality accredited SH&E certifications. Early indicators tell us that 2013 will be yet another year of growth.


Along with this success comes renewed Board of Directors and Staff commitment to governance and fiscal responsibility. During a time of stagnant economies and high unemployment worldwide, BCSP has forgone scheduled price increases that occur every three years on its primary revenue sources; applications, exams and renewal fees. We continue to evaluate pricing changes with sensitivity and respect to our credential holders.


BCSP staff is making significant progress with the Credential Management System (CMS) project. In preparation, they recommended opportunities for standardization and simplification of processes that were approved by the Board. Current efforts are in the vendor selection aspects and preparing for the more intense design phase ahead.


BSCP Standing and AdHoc Committees have initiated their activities. We are excited to have current Directors work alongside former Board Members and Certificants appointed to serve in these committees with staff support. Their contributions will soon be considered as part of continuous improvement efforts of processes and services and to advance BCSP and the profession.


We participated in the InterSociety meeting held in Chicago and sponsored this year by the National Safety Council. It was a great opportunity to share our initiatives, plans and results with BCSP sponsoring organizations and other participating non-profit SH&E organizations.  


The BCSP Spring Board meeting will be held in San Antonio, Texas April 12-14. Along with the customary professional and business agenda items, we will be reviewing the BCSP vision and mission, the board self-assessment and our strategic plan. We look forward to a having a productive meeting.


Sustainable Safety Leadership Built Through BCSP Certification

Any organization with a strong safety culture knows that the maintenance of that safety culture is as big a challenge as its initial creation. New team members have to learn safe practices, experienced individuals have to refrain from acting with complacency, and safety leaders have to promote the culture among personnel. To consistently inspire safe practices among team members an organization requires sustainable safety leadership. A proven, reliable tool in maintaining sustainable safety leadership is the regular use of safety certification.


BCSP's STS Sponsorship organizations know this. Using the Safety Trained Supervisor� (STS) certification, they have created programs which generate front-line leaders and ensure the safety of their workforces. Among the most intensive STS Sponsors, the Diamond Class, Hensel Phelps Construction Co. reports an improvement in supervisor training, Clark Construction a decrease in incident rates as safety ownership grows, and URS an 88 percent reduction in injuries.


URS is one of the foremost pioneering organizations in the use of safety certification to build sustainable safety leadership. The company started using STS certification 14 years ago, has over 2,263 supervisors who hold the STS today, and is now encouraging those supervisors with the experience and drive to achieve the Construction Health and Safety Technician� (CHST�) certification.


"In the decade that followed our use of safety certifications we built a safety program that resulted in a record eight times better than the national averages for all recordable injuries and illnesses," explains URS's Vice President of Environmental Safety Health and Security, Brad Giles, PE, CSP, STS.


Giles is the latest in a long line of safety leaders at URS. One of the organization's heritage companies, Morrison Knudsen (MK), had three CSPs in their corporate office, led by Ben Rietze, Past President of ASSE, who began encouraging project staff to achieve certification in the 1980s. He and another CSP, Lowell Townley, the successor to Rietze as Corporate ES&H Director, encouraged Giles to become certified. They worked to increase the professionalism of the safety staff and by the late 1990s certification became one of the most important components in building sustainable safety leadership at the company. The certification became a requirement for all senior safety management positions.


"The professionalism practiced in preparation for, and the confirmation of knowledge that is a result of, achieving a certification has made our regular use of quality certification one of the greatest contributing factors to our improved safety culture and record," Giles says.



BCSP Names 2013 Scholarships After Distinguished Safety Professionals
Fred Manuele, CSP and Kevin Moorhead, CHST Honored
L-R: Terry Grisim, CSP, Fred Manuele, CSP, Fred Fortman, ASSE Executive Director
To assist aspiring safety professionals in their studies, BCSP provides two scholarships through the ASSE Foundation, the Professional Scholarship and the Technician, Technologist, and Supervisory Scholarship.

The Professional Scholarship is named in honor of Fred Manuele, CSP, PE this year.

"I've known Fred Manuele throughout my career," says Terrence Grisim, CSP, President of Safety Management Consultants, Inc and former BCSP Board Member. "He has an impressive knowledge of safety, which he has generously shared as a prolific author and as a member of the ASSE, BCSP and NSC Boards of Directors. Manuele is a fantastic role model for today's safety scholars."


The 2013 Technician, Technologist, and Supervisory Scholarship is named after Kevin Moorhead, CHST.


L-R: Kevin Moorhead, CHST, Carl Heinlein, CSP, OHST, STS


"Moorhead's contributions to safety practice have been phenomenal," stated Carl Heinlein, CSP, OHST, STS, BCSP Board Past President. "He was instrumental in transitioning the original CCHEST certifications into the BCSP family, and was an important leader in the construction of BCSP's new world headquarters, working with the project team and contractor to ensure a quality project built safely and delivered on time."  


You can see the list of available scholarships on the ASSE Foundation webpage. 


2012 Salary Survey Released
Employers Recognize the Value of Certification

BCSP released information gained from a 2012 salary survey it conducted in conjunction with the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) this February.


The survey quickly became a popular industry news item. Dr. Treasa Turnbeaugh, CSP, CET, BCSP CEO, said the results illustrated that "...certificants' hard work, and proving their knowledge and dedication through achieving a BCSP certification, frequently leads to personal material benefit."


Survey results revealed that the median annual salary of a CSP is over $25,000 greater than the median annual salary of the average Occupational Health and Safety Specialist, and that OHSTs and CHSTs receive median annual salaries about $20,000 more and $24,000 more than the average Occupational Health and Safety Technician, respectively.


Results are searchable on the BCSP Salary Survey webpage.  


BCSP Launches eSafetySource
Searchable Who's Who in Safety Practice

Over six hundred BCSP certificants have enrolled in eSafetySource since its launch.  


The eSafetySource website allows BCSP certificants to design profiles

publicly listing their specialties, expertise, and accomplishments. 
When a user saves their profile, the eSafetySource program includes them among search results. Those who visit the website looking for safety advice or consultation can then contact certificants who meet there needs. 


Users determine how much contact information they share, and those searching the database are able to contact certificants using a form on the certificant's profile, keeping certificants' emails confidential.


You can view, search, and join eSafetySource at


Join the Who's Who in safety practice today  
Certificants Invited to Participate in Videos on the Value of BCSP Certification

BCSP is eager to share your story on what certification means to you. 


A video recently shared by BCSP, Chuck Soderquist, CHST, STS, Safety Manager for Sturgeon Electric, credits the Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST) and Safety Trained Supervisor (STS) certification programs for giving him insight into the knowledge required to maintain a safe workplace, which he applies in his own professional development and the creation of training programs.

"Pursuing the certification has been well worth it," says Soderquist. "I use it everyday as part of my job, and I'm quite proud of it." 


Your video may be shared on BCSP's social media and website as well. To submit a video, contact Colan Holmes, BCSP Communications Specialist.  


Charles Soderquist, CHST, STS Explains the Value of BCSP Certification

Upcoming Events Encourage Safety Professionalism
ASSE Regional PDCs Planned, Second BCSP Awards Ceremony Part of Safety 2013

Safety practitioners are preparing for conference season.


ASSE Region IV leads us in this year with its regional Professional Development Conference (PDC) April 3-5, 2013. 


Early registration for ASSE's PDC, Safety 2013, will remain open for less than one month's time -- be sure to register before April 15, 2013. 


The BCSP Award of Excellence Ceremony will take place at Safety 2013's Thursday luncheon. Join us by reserving your spot when you register with ASSE.


You can find the conferences which BCSP will be attending on the resource column to the right. If you want to know what activities we are engaged in at any of those conferences, check out BCSP on Twitter.   


The Board-Approved Universal Code of Ethics Designed for Display
The ethical code BCSP certificants must follow is something to be proud of, and the Board's decision to apply the same ethical standard to all certificant's this year has led to the creation of a universal Code of Ethics document.

"Our ethical standard is another important component of what it means to be a BCSP certificant," BCSP Board President, Rixo Medina, CSP, STS, wrote in his February letter to certificants.

Join Medina and others in displaying the your BCSP Code of Ethics in your office or workstation.

Call for Examination Items
BCSP in Need of Proposals for Examination Questions
There is a continuing need for examination items for the OHST, CHST, STS and CET examinations. Consider this method of achieving Recertification points.

Information on item writing can be found on BCSP's Item Writing webpage, and Andrea Kamradt, BCSP Examination Manager, is available to explain the process to you.


CHST, STS Examinations Updated
New Blueprints Apply to Exams Authorized After July 1, 2013

CHST and STS applicants who pay their examination authorization fees after July 1, 2013, will take the newest versions of the CHST and STS examinations.


The update, announced in the 2013 Current Changes Index, is the result of a validation study to determine the tasks, knowledge, and skills associated with the CHST and STSs practice.


The latest blueprint and reference materials are now available on the CHST and STS webpages.  


In This Issue
» BCSP a Leader in the Advancement of Safety Practice
» Sustainable Safety Leadership Built Through Certification
» BCSP Names 2013 Scholarships After Distinguished Safety Professionals
» 2012 Salary Survey Released
» BCSP Launches eSafetySource
» Certificants Invited to Participate in Videos on the Value of BCSP Certification
» Upcoming Events Encourage Safety Professionalism
» Code of Ethics a Document to Take Pride In
» Call for Examination Items
» CHST, STS Examinations Updated

Board of Directors

Rixio E. Medina, CSP, STS

Lon H. Ferguson, Ed.D., CSP
(Vice President)

David B. West, CSP, P.E.

Treasa M. Turnbeaugh, Ph.D., CSP, CET
(Secretary and CEO)

Carl W. Heinlein, CSP, OHST, STS
(Past President)

Jack H. Dobson, Jr., CSP

James A. Gentry

Bruce Guiliani, CSP, CET, CIT

John E. Hodges, CSP

Edward J. Jones, CSP

Cece M. Weldon, CSP, STS

Newsletters and Annual Report Archives 
BCSP maintains a PDF or web-based archive of our past newsletters and annual reports. Visit the About BCSP webpage and on the right sidebar you will find links to BCSP and former CCHEST newsletters and annual reports.

If you require something older than what is archived online, please give us a call at +1 217-359-9263.

Current Changes Index 
Over the course of the year, a range of policy changes, procedure updates and other modifications occur. We want to make everyone aware of these changes on a regular basis, as well as keep an archive of the announcements.

Visit the Current Changes Index page on our website to find the most up-to-date policy and procedure information.

Unauthorized Use of Our Credentials
BCSP pursues cases of individuals claiming to hold our credentials without permission. We pursue those cases in which there is clear evidence of the unauthorized use and the individual has a clear responsibility, control, or knowledge of the use. Evidence may be a business card, resume, letter, website, or other publication. If there is no clear evidence, BCSP cannot act on the case.

Unauthorized Use PDF Directory

Mentor Program
The BCSP Mentor Program recognizes CSPs, OHSTs, and CHSTs who assist the career development of other safety practitioners.

Credential holders who are interested in mentoring an applicant, should visit the BCSP Mentoring webpage.

Those currently mentoring are honored in the Mentoring Honor Roll.

Promoting the Value of Certification
BCSP will be exhibiting at the following conferences in 2013:

Risk Management Society (RIMS)
Booth #1656
April 22-24
Los Angeles, CA

American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce)
Booth #811
May 20-22
Montreal, Quebec

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Booth #1059
June 10-13
Chicago, IL

Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM)
Booth #2528
June 16-19
Chicago, IL

American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Safety 2013
Booth #1351
June 24-27
Las Vegas, NV

International System Safety Society (ISSS)
Booth TBD
August 11-16
Boston, MA

Voluntary Protection Programs Participation Association (VPPPA)
Booth #520
August 26-29
Nashville, TN

Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals (AHMP)
Booth #109
September 15-18
Orlando, FL

National Safety Council (NSC)
Booth TBD
September 28-October 4
Chicago, IL

Please stop by our booth. We'd love to meet you!

BCSP's Toolkit for Advancing the Safety Profession
Tabletop displays are a great way to promote BCSP certifications and earn Recertification credit. A display is available to any certificate holder for use at chapter meetings, regional or local conferences, career fairs, and other safety-related seminars, meetings, and presentations. BCSP ships to and from any U.S. venue and provides literature at no cost.

If you would like to borrow a display, fill out a Tabletop Display Request form and email it to Anne Price.
Displays are first come, first serve.

Presentations on safety certification can also be done for Recertification points, and BCSP has many resources that can be used for presentations, including pre-made PowerPoints, on our Articles and Presentations webpage.

Item writing illustrates your safety knowledge, earning you Recertification points as well. Find out more on our Item Writing webpage.

Learn How You Can
Use BCSP Certification Logos

As a BCSP certificant, a person may use their corresponding certification logo(s) on certain materials.

For details on how you might do this, please see the webpage on BCSP Logo Use.

BCSP's certification logos are each registered or pending marks with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

CSP Directories

CSP 2013 Anniversaries

Do you know any CSP's who will meet their 10, 20, 30 or 40 year anniversaries of certification? Check the list of 2012 CSP Anniversaries.  


CSP Anniversaries | 2013   


BCSP 2012 Certificants
Congratulations to everyone who achieved certification last year.

New CSP Certificants | 2012
New OHST Certificants | 2012
New CHST Certificants | 2012
New STS Certificants | 2012

Career Center
Career Center
The BCSP Career Center connects job seekers with prospective employers in the safety, health and environmental industry. Results are just a click away!

The Career Center allows job seekers who hold any of our credentials to post an anonymous resume in our resume bank for free.

For companies looking to hire individuals who hold our credentials this is your direct route to qualified individuals.

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