June 2013 Vol. 13, Issue 4
Oakland City Attorney Barbara Parker 
News from the Oakland City Attorney's Office
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In recent weeks we have focused on our mission to help grow and encourage small businesses in Oakland. At the same time we are challenging major corporations that have violated the public trust.


Also in this month's newsletter: connecting with the next generation of young leaders and ongoing efforts to stop the federal government's attempt to shut down our City's licensed medical cannabis dispensaries.



Growing Local Businesses in Oakland 


In May, I co-sponsored a resolution with Councilmember Libby Schaaf making Oakland the first U.S. city to partner with global microlending organization Kiva through the nonprofit's "Kiva Zip" program.


Through its web site Kiva.org, Kiva has provided more than $400 million in loans to more than a million entrepreneurs in at least 67 countries around the world. The majority of these loans have been made to businesses in the developing world.


In 2011, Kiva launched Kiva Zip in the United States and Kenya to directly connect Kiva lenders to small businesses to spur local economic development and job creation. 


Microlending has worked around the world to create jobs, economic opportunity and empowerment for small entrepreneurs and the communities they serve. Small and 'micro' businesses are a major part of Oakland's economy, many of them serving immigrants, refuges and low-income residents. A few well-placed loans to up-and-coming local entrepreneurs can build tremendous economic opportunity in Oakland neighborhoods.


The program already has helped some Oakland businesses including the Mandela Foods Cooperative, which received a $5,000 loan to improve marketing and buy reusable and recycled bags.


Oakland will serve as a trustee under the Kiva Zip program to identify and recommend small businesses focused on social and economic need in Oakland to secure loans.


More info



Love Our Lake Day


It was wonderful seeing so many of you at Love Our Lake Day, Sunday June 9!


As a long time resident of the Lake Merritt neighborhood, I am ecstatic about the gorgeous renovations Oakland voters' generosity have made possible by passing Measure DD.


Lake Merritt has always been one of our City's crown jewels, and the improvements funded by Measure DD make it all the more stunning. Sunday's celebration was an example of Oaklanders joining together to enjoy what makes Oakland truly unique: our beautiful weather, our amazing landscape, our diversity and our deep sense of community (to mention only a few things).





I had the privilege of giving the commencement keynote speech to the 2013 graduates of Laney College, another Oakland jewel. I spoke to the students about new beginnings and striving for a new and better quality of life in the face of great challenges. These graduates and the renovation of Lake Merritt demonstrate how our community comes together and builds on the very solid foundation and extraordinary history of our City. These landmarks are supremely promising symbols of new beginnings as we continue our quest for a better quality of life for all Oaklanders, our nation and throughout the world. 



Legal Interns, Summer Law Clerks


A few weeks ago we welcomed summer legal interns and law clerks. Every summer and throughout the year, we offer internships for high school and college students, law students and practicing attorneys who volunteer their services. These generally young people bring great value to our Office and we provide training, oversight and mentoring to them. We advertise these positions on our web site. If you or someone you know wants to volunteer in our Office, please contact us.



Standing up for Oakland Residents, Taxpayers and Businesses 


The City Attorney's Office continues its court battle to protect taxpayers from corporate malfeasance.


I recently filed an objection in US District Court of Eastern New York challenging the proposed settlement of a multi-billion dollar class action, antitrust lawsuit against Visa and MasterCard for illegally colluding to fleece millions of dollars from Oakland residents, taxpayers and businesses.


The lawsuit against Visa, MasterCard and major banks was filed in 2005 on behalf of about seven million merchants across the country, including cities such as Oakland. Oakland and the other plaintiffs asked the court to stop these companies from conspiring to charge unreasonably high fees to process payments that individuals and companies make with credit or debit cards. The City of Oakland estimates that it pays MasterCard and Visa more than a million dollars per year in these processing fees for business taxes, parking tickets and other fees that are paid with credit or debit cards.


The proposed settlement offers only nominal financial damages to victims (literally pennies on the dollar), and more importantly, it does nothing to force the companies to change their abusive and illegal practices. We will not stand for powerful financial institutions making obscene profits at Oakland's expense by flouting antitrust laws.


More info



Stopping the Federal Government's Attempt to Shut Down Oakland's Medical Cannabis Program


We also continue to challenge the federal government's attempt to shut down Oakland's medical cannabis program. As you know, the government has filed a forfeiture action against the landlord of the property where Harborside Heath Center, one of the City's permitted dispensaries, operates. The federal district court dismissed our lawsuit on the ground that Oakland has no right to challenge the forfeiture action. We have filed an appeal in the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and we have filed a motion asking the federal district court's to stay (hold in abeyance) its forfeiture action until the court of appeals rules on our appeal.



As always, I look forward to your comments, thoughts and questions about how we are conducting the City's business.




Very truly yours,



Barbara J. Parker

Oakland City Attorney