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Ozark Waters 
Volume IX, Issue 38
September 21, 2015
In This Issue


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There are jellyfish in our lakes! 

David Casaletto, Executive Director, Ozarks Water Watch

(Correction to last week's newsletter: National Drug Take Back Day is Saturday, September 26th - sorry for the mix up!)

The USGS website tells me that Beaver, Table Rock and Bull Shoals Lakes all contain freshwater jellyfish. I learn something new everyday!

Craspedacusta sowerbyi is a freshwater jellyfish in the phylum Cnidaria and is classified as a hydrozoan. It is an invasive species originally from the Yangtze basin in China. They were likely transported throughout the world via ornamental aquatic plants in the late 1800s and are usually found in calm, freshwater reservoirs, lakes, impoundments, gravel pits or quarries. They prefer standing water, and are not generally seen in fast flowing streams or rivers.

The jellyfish do not grow very large.

Much of their life-cycle is spent as a polyp, attached to something in the lake. Individual polyps will often replicate themselves to form colonies. Eventually, some environmental cue (e.g. temperature of 77� F) triggers the polyps to metamorphose into medusae, the jellyfish form we're familiar with. At this point the jellyfish are mobile and can move about in the water column. To survive the winter, polyps will contract and harden into egg-like podocysts. When the lake water warms again, the podocysts will revert to polyp form.

Freshwater jelly fish are found throughout the United States.

The medusae wave their tentacles slowly in the water to find food. When a daphnia, copepod, or other tiny prey touches a tentacle, special stinging cells discharge to help subdue the prey. The tentacles draw the food into the jellyfish's mouth. Any tiny animal is fair game, but zooplankton (microscopic animals that float in the water) are the staple.

If you see a freshwater jellyfish, look around for more. They often will metamorphose into medusae in large numbers, an event sometimes called a "bloom." Once in the medusa form, they live for a few weeks and then die. In lakes where they have been observed, the free-swimming medusae do not bloom every year. In some cases it may be more than a decade between jellyfish blooms. Look for freshwater jellyfish in the summer and fall, when the lake water is warm. And don't worry, while they have the same basic "stinging cells" on the tentacles (used for feeding), these probably cannot penetrate human skin.

Quote of the Week

"The sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers, 
it shines for the wide world's joy."

~ Henry Ward Beecher

It's nature's way: Mother Nature is one of the best parents a child can have

The Register-Guard
September 16, 2015

The query: In his book "Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder," Richard Louv examines research on American children's decreased exposure to nature. Louv concluded that direct exposure to nature is essential for healthy children and society and that it's urgent for kids to spend real time in the natural world. How much value to do you place on children connecting with nature and being outdoors? What are the benefits? How do you encourage interactions with nature and the outdoors?

(Answer # 1) Demand outdoor play: I grew up with a channel and a half on TV. When my show was over, there wasn't anything else on I wanted to watch. I spent much of my childhood outdoors and I encourage, and even demand, that my kids do now. Most of the time we go outside together. I don't expect them to always want to be outdoors, but I know how good it is for them. I make it a point to be outside with them. To take hikes, go to parks, go to the river ... anything that creates an interest in the outdoors for them. Dirt, bugs and water activities usually get a big cheer, but I know I have to be the camp counselor to help create the interest too. We love the outdoors. (Click on link below for 22 more answers to "the query".)
To read more, Click: HERE
Septic Maintenance Prevents Water Pollution
University of Arkansas Extension
September 2015
Poorly designed, failing, or aging septic systems can contaminate ground and surface water with nutrients and pathogens that can make humans sick. This short video educates viewers on how septic systems work, and how routine maintenance prevents pollution and expensive repairs. Watch the short video below.

To read more, Click: HERE.
Making drugs more biodegradable to protect water resources

Medical News Today
September 7, 2015

A team of scientists is working on a way to reduce the amount of pharmaceutical pollution in our water systems by making commonly used drugs biodegradable without impacting their effectiveness as medicines. Worldwide, water systems are gradually showing increasing contamination by micro-pollutants - including pharmaceuticals - that have the potential to harm fish and other aquatic creatures.

While the concentrations of such pollutants are fairly low, they are high enough to cause concern, and recent research shows advanced treatment of effluent may not go far enough to solve the problem in a sustainable way. For these reasons, a team led by Klaus K�mmerer of Leuphana University of L�neburg in Germany decided to tackle the problem from the other end - redesign commonly used drugs so they biodegrade once they reach the environment.
To read more, Click: HERE

Contact Info
OZARKS WATER WATCH                          MISSOURI OFFICE                                 ARKANSAS OFFICE

David Casaletto, President                         PO Box 636, 2 Kissee Ave., Ste. C         1200 W. Walnut, Ste. 3405
(417) 739-5001                                             Kimberling City, MO  65686                    Rogers, AR  72756

[email protected]