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Greetings! There are only two weeks left in 2013.  What is your immediate reaction to that fact?

  1. A) Yikes! Only two weeks to complete all my 2013 resolutions.
  2. B) Phew! Glad this year is almost over and I can put it behind me.
  3. C) Yay! Can't wait to start fresh with the New Year.
  4. D) All of the above.

Whether your reaction is in the realm of denial, relief or anticipation, most of us tend to think of the New Year as a time to start fresh. This is the year that we're going to get organized, start that diet, make a career change, invest time in our own development or a myriad of other promises to ourselves. Maybe these are the same goals that we had last year, but didn't accomplish. How is 2014 going to be different for you?

We encourage you to stop and reflect on the lessons learned from 2013, before you set any goals for the New Year. Why? By telling ourselves the truth about what worked for us and what didn't, we can make adjustments and develop practical strategies to do better. Failure can be a great teacher if we take the time to reflect and adapt.  

Kate Ebner, Nebo's founder and CEO, shares some tips in this issue on how to effectively reflect on your success and failures.  We hope that one or more will resonate with you.

If you are interested in learning more about the power of reflection as a step in reaching your goals, be sure to listen to Kate's conversation with Bette George on the Visionary Leader, Extraordinary Life radio show in January.  More details follow in this issue.

Also in this month's issue of Nebo for Women, we thought it would be fun to ask our team to share their favorite books of this year.  It was a hard choice for everyone to pick just one!  Hopefully, you'll be inspired to read one over the holidays or perhaps give one as a gift.  

All of us at Nebo wish you joyful and safe holidays!  


Warmest regards,

  Nancy signature





Nancy Lamberton, Leadership Coach 
VP, Mentoring Solutions
 Time to Reflect: 
Kate Ebner's Top 6 Tips for the Year's End
  1. Older and wiser? Take time to reflect on the year that has passed.  You can do this by writing a letter to yourself or journaling or even by having a conversation with a friend in which you "interview" each other about what you've learned and experienced this year.  
  2. Celebrate!   This is the season of light after all. No matter your faith, December is an ideal time to celebrate all that is good and meaningful in your life and in the world.
  3. Give a gift.  Each year at Nebo, we consider the causes that have moved us through the year. We dedicate a portion of our profits to the cause that speaks most directly to our hearts and is best aligned with our values. We recognize that we are fortunate to be able to make this choice and that, in the giving, we benefit as much as the recipient of our resources and support. Who would you like to give a boost to in the New Year? What gifts could you share?
  4. Winter is the perfect time to continue the "inner work."  Ask yourself to answer the question, "What's true now for me?" This question is a powerful way to ground yourself with a clear understanding of the challenges, opportunities and simple truths that are present in your life today. By telling yourself the truth about your situation and feelings about your life, you will clear the way for good decisions in the New Year.
  5. Set an intention for the New Year. The old adage says that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions," but research suggests otherwise. Setting a clear intention for your new year will help you navigate the months ahead with a sense of purpose and commitment. An intention is a simple, memorable statement of commitment to a way of being or doing.  Your intention, once articulated, can be used as a guide for your actions and choices in the New Year.
  6. Forgive yourself and let go!   You know, it's really okay that you didn't accomplish everything you set out to do this year.  You are now a year older, wiser and more experienced. Take the lessons and the laughs and let go of any regrets. One of the beautiful things about the turning of a year is a fresh start and a slate as clean as new-fallen snow.
Nebo's 2013 Favorites:  
Inspirational Books to Give and Receive

I highly recommend Leading From the Emerging Future: From Ego-System to Eco-System by Otto Scharmer and Katrin Kaufer.  Inspiring and visionary, creative and practical, Scharmer and Kaufer present a compelling guide to transforming society, organizations and our own individual lives. Peter Senge declares this book "a watershed-an inspiring weaving of the inner and outer dimensions of the systemic changes so many around the world are now working toward." 
              ~Bette George, Nebo Leadership Coach

I loved Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime, by John Heilemann and Mark Halperinbout, which covers the 2008 U.S. presidential election. It is fascinating to get a behind-the-scenes look at our country's political leadership. A great exercise is to read through and evaluate the decisions made throughout the election cycle and to think about what might have been if different decisions had been made and if better leadership had been demonstrated across the board.
              ~Erin Gregg, Director, Marketing and Client Services
Risking everything
 Risking Everything: 110 Poems of Love and Revelation by Roger Housden. I read many great books this year, but I turned to this book over and over again to find a poem to share with a group or read to myself. This poetry is a beautiful collection of words that really do inspire.

              ~Kate Ebner, CEO & Founder

I was deeply moved by the story of this teenage girl's courage and conviction in standing up for her belief that girls, too, deserve an education.  I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban, by Malala Yousafzai, paints a vivid picture of how lovely Swat Valley in Pakistan came to be overtaken by the Taliban and how life changed dramatically for the local people.

        ~Nancy Lamberton, Leadership Coach and VP, Mentoring Solutions

Reading Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Coast Trail by Cheryl Strayed transported me from my cozy DC loft to the rugged wilderness trail on which the author hiked more than 1,000 miles during a dark period in her life in her mid-20's. I found this book inspirational because it reminded me that I don't need anyone's permission or to be an expert in something to try new things or seek adventure- a valuable message for any woman. If you're itching to spend more time outdoors in 2014, or need the courage to take a risk, read this true story of endurance and transformation.

              ~Rachel Wold, Senior Consultant and Media Specialist 

December 2013  
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In This Issue
Kate Ebner's Top 6 Tips for the Year's End
Nebo's Top Books of 2013
What's next for you?
Celebrate the New Year with Special Radio Shows!
What's Next For You?

lotus_flower Are you ready for a change in your life or career? If you'd like extra support to make 2014 your best year yet, contact us about Nebo's visioning and coaching services. Under the guidance of a Nebo coach, create a vision that will inspire, motivate and keep you focused on the results you want next year using our 6-step visioning process. Or, work with a coach to identify improvement areas at work and transform your leadership in 2014. 

Get in touch via email or phone (301-657-3201) and have a Happy New Year!

Visionary Leader, Extraordinary Life Celebrates the New Year!

On Monday, January 6, 2014, Host Kate Ebner will welcome leadership coach Bette George back to the program for her 3rd annual year's end episode on Visionary Leader, Extraordinary Life. The show will tackle the question, "What do you do when the complex nature of life challenges your best intentions?"

In the two Mondays leading up to this program, we will be replaying the 2011 and 2012 year-end episodes featuring Bette and Kate discussing how to take stock of your year and set intentions for the one ahead. If you're looking for some inspiration as you look inward and prepare for the year ahead, join Bette and Kate on Monday, Dec 24, Dec 30 and January 6 for three great shows that will help you start the New Year right!

 We want to hear from you!

Speaking of making time for reflection, as we wrap up the year, we would love to hear from you. What about the newsletter is useful to you?  What could we improve upon? And finally, what topics would you like to see us cover in 2014?  Send your feedback to us at We truly appreciate your readership and input. 


Thank you!

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