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Over the years, I've learned from personal experience, research and observation that how we think about and use time makes an enormous difference in how our lives, careers and achievements unfold. No matter how we use time, however, the days march on, bringing changes to our lives and to view of life.  

Today, immersed in the college application process with my oldest child, Nolan, I find myself marveling over the passage of time. Living it, it seems life has consisted of speedy hours, fast days, slow weeks and years that keep gathering speed and momentum as I grow older. Somehow, all those days and months and years have yielded a 6'2" young man who is ready to contemplate a future outside our home. And, somehow, simultaneously, that highly studied Millennial generation has graduated from college and stepped into leadership positions in organizations everywhere.

In a recent vision class, we offered a quote from a James Taylor song: "The secret to life is enjoying the passage of time." One of the aspects of life at Nebo that I'm enjoying most right now is watching Rachel Wold, our talented radio show producer and newsletter editor, step up as a Millennial leader in her own right. On Monday, Rachel will be the guest host of a conversation that's all about what her generation offers the world as they rise into management and leadership roles. Rachel is the perfect person to host this conversation, and I can't wait to listen. I hope you'll join me!

Very best,

Kate Ebner
Nebo Company

Visionary Leader, Extraordinary Life on VoiceAmerica Business  

Monday, October 28, 2013     

11 AM Eastern Time

On VoiceAmerica Business


Listen on Monday. 

A Conversation About the Future - and Present- 

of Millennial Leadership 

with David D. Burstein and Rachel Wold

David Burstein
Photo: Julie O'Conner


Millennials are heralded as the future leaders of the world but the millions of people born between 1980 and 2000 are already making an impact in politics, business, not-for-profits and the arts. In his book Fast Future: How the Millennial Generation Is Shaping Our World, one of the emerging voices of the Millennial generation, author, filmmaker and social entrepreneur David D. Burstein examines his fellow Millennials. What makes Millennials the way they are? Is it coming of age amidst the war on terror? What are the effects of Baby Boomer parents? For a generation who's grown up amidst in a challenging economic and political environmentin the most rapidly-changing era of technology the world has ever seen, one thing is certain: millennials are used to adapting to the rapid pace of change. On October 28, join David D. Burstein and Guest Host Rachel Wold as they examine the forces that have shaped their generation and peer into the future of a world guided by Millennial leadership.


Learn more about David by clicking here and be sure to tune in on Monday morning!


Be inspired. 
Become inspiring.  


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Dr. Kathleen Christensen's Vision:

Work that Works for Everyone



Careers today are better described as "jungle gyms" than "ladders" as both men and women try to successfully integrate work with the rest of their lives. As the requirements of work continue to evolve,  flexible work arrangements are becoming more important than ever. But what does flexible work actually mean? And why should employers want to bring greater flexibility to their organizations?


On the radio show last week, Dr. Kathleen Christensen offered important distinctions about "flexible work":


1) Day-to-day Flexibility - Choosing or altering one's working hours

2) Time-off Flexibility - Determining when to work and when to take periods of vacation or rest

3) Career Flexibility - Working with different levels of intensity of commitment to career at different stages of life


Kathleen offered a poignant, true life example of when a flexible work arrangement could have made a difference:


A single mother works in a nursing home and needs to clock in a 8 am everyday. If she's late, she is docked points and could risk being fired. However...


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Nebo Inspiration Corner

What the Nebo team is finding educational, provocative and inspirational this week
This week, we bring you two small businesses whose vision supports women in less developed areas of the world and helps them share their cultural heritage at the same time:

ThreadWritten Textiles aims to support women artisans, their communities and cultures, by paying fair trade wages, preserving the integrity of traditional styles and techniques within contemporary designs, and educating consumers about lesser-known crafts that are disappearing. Click here to explore their story and check out the products. 



(Thanks to our friend Helene at brandhelene for sharing ThreadWritten Textiles with us!)

One Degree� South is a fair trade shop, supporting individual women artisans, refugee women groups and disabled artisans in Kenya by purchasing directly from them and expanding their markets to you. One Degree� South features jewelry, handbags and home wares. Click here to learn more about their mission. 


What's inspiring you? Send us your ideas! Email and you could be featured as the reader inspiration of the week!
Note: We feature stories, songs, words and brands we love in The Inspiration Corner and do not receive any compensation from featured organizations.
October 25, 2013   
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In This Issue
Next Monday: A Vision for a Flexible Workplace
Dr. Kathleen Christensen's Vision: Work that Works for Everyone
Nebo Inspiration Corner
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Missed the last show?

Discover possibilities to make your work situation fit better with the rest of your life on the October 21 episode of Visionary Leader, Extraordinary Life.

Be inspired, become inspiring. 
On Re-imagining Work

"Many of us suffer from a poverty of imagination- We can't really imagine work being done in a way other than what we've done before.

-Dr. Kathleen Christensen

Have you seen the new movie Gravity starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney? Regardless of whether astronaut flicks send you over the moon or not, check out these lessons on building resilience in your mentee that Nancy Lamberton took away from the film. Click here to read on. 
Recommended Resources 
by Anne-Marie Slaughter
The most widely-read Atlantic article ever outlines the pitfalls of an inflexible workplace. 
Featured Links

David D. Burstein

Kathleen Christensen

The Inspired Leader blog

 Mentor~Wise blog