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Dear Reader,

From Mexico to Vermont, this week has been one to remember.  I was honored to bring my work to the American Montessori Conference for Heads of School in Mexico last weekend. The setting in Puerto Vallarta was gorgeous -- warm and sunny with azure skies and the constant drumming of the Pacific on the beautiful beaches of Mexico. In this restorative place, we worked together to explore how leaders inspire through conversation, storytelling and vision. Standing in the sand on Monday afternoon, I found it hard to believe that soon I would be bundled up in ten degree weather in Middlebury, Vermont to work with students in the innovative Midd CORE program on the question of how to discover their paths in life.

Yesterday, Rachel and I, along with colleague Sarah Laskin of The National Geographic Society, presented two workshops to a highly engaged audience of sophomores and seniors.  In the evening, we had the opportunity to hear Billy Parish, founder of the Energy Action Coalition, talk about his journey and the visionary work of his organization. A Yale drop-drop out, Parish left college because he wanted to make a difference as fast as possible.  His story offered a fresh perspective to Middlebury students on what one's path can look like.  Parish was awarded Middlebury's Visionary Prize.

The theme of finding your path is on my mind again as I look forward to the conversation with Aryae Coopersmith next Monday.  Here again is a leader whose sense of mission compelled him to leave an impressive traditional career to embark upon an endeavor designed to benefit humankind.  Once again, we will explore the role of circles in manifesting his extraordinary vision, which involves helping YOU to find your spiritual path.  

From Mexico to Vermont and beyond, here's to all who dare to discover as in Frost's great poem, The Road Not Taken, that taking the path "less traveled by" makes "all the difference."  Please join me again next week to meet and learn from Aryae Coopersmith. 

Very best,


Kate Ebner
Nebo Company
Visionary Leader, Extraordinary Life on VoiceAmerica Business  

Monday, January 28, 2013     

11 AM Eastern Time

On VoiceAmerica Business


Listen on Monday.


Inspiring the Next Spiritual Revolution with Author and Entrepreneur Aryae Coopersmith    


Have you ever felt a sense of oneness with the whole world? Maybe it was during a religious service, on the top of a mountain or during a particularly intense session on the yoga mat? If not, meet Aryae Coopersmith. Aryae is the author of

Holy Beggars, an account of his experience in the spiritual revolution that occurred in San Francisco in the 1960's. Aryae wants each and every person to experience their own personal spiritual revolution and in pursuit of this, he is transitioning from a successful career running the HR Forums in Silicon Valley to found One World Lights, an organization that aims to cultivate visionary leadership in every citizen by inspiring connection, community and caring through circle-style meetings. This is the third installment in a month-long series on circle leadership. If you thought that 60's on Haight and Ashbury were all about sex, drugs and rock and roll, don't miss this fascinating guest's conversation with Host Kate Ebner. 

Guest Biography

Aryae Coopersmith is founder and CEO of the HR Forums, whose members are Silicon Valley's human resource executives. This year Aryae is stepping aside from his HR Forums role and initiating a new community: One World Lights - a global community of leaders from all walks of life who are supporting each other in transforming the world. The premise is simple: to inspire thousands of these visionary leaders, "Global Citizens," all over the world, to come together and support each other through local wisdom circles and global communication to accelerate humanity's urgently needed course change toward a healthy, just, peaceful, sustainable world. 

Aryae is also the author of Holy Beggars: A Journey from Haight Street to Jerusalem. Published in 2011, Holy Beggars is an account of his experience living in the Haight-Ashbury community in San Francisco during the 1960s and participating in the spiritual revolution taking place in the neighborhood. Aryae holds an MA in Humanistic Psychology from California State University, Sonoma. He lives near the beach with his wife Wendy in the San Francisco Bay area.

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Become inspiring.  


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The Dalai Lama Foundation: 
A Force for Ethics and Compassion 
in the 21st Century
by Rachel Wold

We hear from fascinating people every week on Visionary Leader, Extraordinary Life. Our guests are innovative leaders from many professional fields. Last week, Tenzin Tethong and Darlene Markovich startled us with the breathtaking simplicity of their mission to help connect with love and compassion to create peace in our lives and in the world. Their work at the Dalai Lama Foundation invites each of us to join them to support the development of our shared global capacity for ethics and peace, based on a non-dogmatic ethic of compassion.
Tethong, President of the Foundation and Markovich, Executive Director, invited listeners to dig deeper into some of the Dalai Lama's teachings. For example, Tethong noted that, "compassion is not simply feeling sorry for someone or giving away money or goods, it means giving freely of yourself." One of the fundamental building blocks of the Dalai Lama Foundation is the use of study circles to encourage spiritual discovery and ethical education through His Holiness' book, Ethics for the New Millennium.
 Tethong and Markovich also shared their own visions for a peaceful world with the audience. Tenzin envisions a world with no more arms, where governments replace departments of war with departments of peace. He sees a future in which the money saved on military spending could then be used to improve living conditions and health in developing countries like India, where he spent most of his childhood. Darlene emphasized the power of each citizen to initiate change in his or her own backyard in her vision: "Each person has a unique ability to make a difference. Volunteer, step up, commit to an action for your community." She shared with us that as a result of her work with the Foundation, and the Missing Peace Project in particular, she will be traveling to work in tuberculosis-stricken area of Russia this year.  Both leaders are deep into the process of making their visions real.
You can join them by downloading the Dalai Lama Foundation's Study Guide and organizing a circle of people who would like to explore it with you.  We've included a link to both the book and the excellent accompanying Study Guide in the resources bar to the right side.
Click here to hear more of this powerful conversation or download the podcast.
Announcing the Nebo Company Store!  
Woman laptop dreamyThe Nebo Company is pleased to announce that our website now offers an online store!  Our first offering through the store is our upcoming web course for professional women,
She Leads.  Review  course descriptions, schedules and pricing by clicking here!
Take a Deep Breath, Mentor

Do you rush into mentoring sessions straight from your last meeting or phone call? Read Nancy's helpful tips on how to center yourself reconnect to your purpose before meeting with your mentee. 
January 25, 2013   
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In This Issue
Aryae Coopersmith on Visionary Leader, Extraordinary Life
Nonsecular Ethics for the 21st Century
Announcing the Nebo Company Online Store
This Week on Mentor-wise: Take an "Ahhh" Moment
Create Your Vision!
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Create Your Vision!
We have designed a quick  and easy visioning exercise just for you! You will receive your own personal vision statement immediately upon hitting "submit."
To create your vision statement, CLICK HERE.

The Dalai Lama on Compassion 


"Compassion is a necessity, it is not a luxury. Without compassion, humanity cannot survive." 


--Tenzin Tethong, President, Dalai Lama Foundation,  quoting HH the Dalai Lama on

 Visionary Leader, Extraordinary Life, 1/14/13    

Radio Show

Missed the last show?    

Hear more about the fascinating life stories and work of Darlene Markovich and Tenzin Tethong on the January 14 episode of Visionary Leader, Extraordinary Life.


Be inspired. 

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Recommended Resources    
Ethics for the New Millennium
by: His Holiness the Dalai Lama
STUDY GUIDE:  Click the picture to download a Study Guide for Ethics for the New Millennium
 in your choice of 6 languages.
Featured Links

One World Lights

The Dalai Lama Foundation