Visionary Leader Header
Dear Reader,

I always enjoy a contrarian view -- especially when I agree with it. Cal Newport brings a scientist's mindset to the topic of how to create work you love and debunks the popular advice to "follow your passion" in his terrific new book,
So Good They Can't Ignore You. His message has particular resonance for the millennial generation who've been told often that the path to happiness and career fulfillment is to follow their bliss -- advice Cal feels actually works against you when seeking to find your path. 
I hope you'll join me (and invite your friends to listen) for a lively and provocative conversation next Monday when Professor Newport brings his perspective to
Visionary Leader, Extraordinary Life.   
I can't wait to wrestle with the problem with "passion mindset" on air. 
Very best,

Kate Ebner
Nebo Company
Visionary Leader, Extraordinary Life on VoiceAmerica Business  

Monday, October 22, 2012    

11 AM Eastern Time

On VoiceAmerica Business


Listen on Monday.

Follow Your Passion? Maybe Not.

A Fresh Take on Finding Your Path with Scientist, Author and Blogger Cal Newport

Cal Newport "Follow your passion!" sounds like great advice - until its time to get a job and disillusionment sets in. Cal Newport teaches computer science at Georgetown University by day, but he also writes the Study Hacks blog on decoding "patterns of success" that attracts over 100,000 unique visitors a month. At 30, Newport is fascinated by why some people create successful, enjoyable and meaningful lives while so many others do not. This question is the subject of his new book, So Good They Can't Ignore You.  A self-described geek, he is not interested in simplistic slogans ("Follow your passion!"), or conventional wisdom ("Successful students are all joyless grinds.") Instead, he dives deeper, looking to decode the often nuanced patterns that happy, engaged people employ to succeed. Newport taps into his personal experience in a way that makes his findings valuable for anyone at any stage of life. Join Host Kate Ebner for a scientist's take on self-help that will move you well beyond conventional thinking towards a more fulfilling life.



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Awakening the Dreamer:
Visionary Lynne Twist Speaks to Us as a
Conscious, Committed Human Family


Lynne Twist began the conversation on last week's show with a simple statement: "I've lived a committed life.  I've been governed since my early 30's by my commitments rather than my wants or desires.  My commitment to end world hunger, preserve the natural world, empower women and girls worldwide and to give and receive love in every interaction."  She invited us to uncover and live the commitments "that are in the very heart and soul of who you are."  Today, through her work with the Pachamama Alliance, the Soul of Money Institute and the Nobel Women's Peace Initiative, Lynne's commitment is to the future of life itself -- the sustainability of the earth itself.

Twist noted that visioning is the very mission of her work with the Pachamama Alliance, where the indigenous people of the Amazonian rainforest have invited her to partner with them in changing the dream of the modern world. Pachamama's symposium program, Awakening the Dreamer, invites participants around the world to awaken from the trance of modern life and change the dream.  They believe that changing the dream is the first step.  The actions follow.

A renowned global activist whose work has inspired a movement for a more harmonious and sustainable world, Lynne Twist envisions an environmentally sustainable future in which we are living as a part of a community of life with other species, governed "not only by our best ideas, but also paying close attention to the way the natural world operates."  Her vision is of a socially just world where women are in co-equal partnerships with men all over the world, a world where the good of the community and the well- being of the whole is the highest concern and within that, individuals flourish. 

To hear Twist's powerful personal call to action and her deeply moving vision, visit her episode on our past shows page.  
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October 19, 2012  
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Cal Newport on Visionary Leader, Extraordinary Life
Lynne Twist's global vision
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Be inspired by Lynne Twist's global vision on the October 15th episode of
Visionary Leader, Extraordinary Life.


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An Unprecedented Opportunity  


"The choices we make in the next two to five years will determine the future of life on Earth for future generations for the next thousand years.  Some people might see this as a burden, but it is enobling and gives our lives a meaning that no previous generation has had." 


-- Lynne Twist 

Visionary Leader, Extraordinary Life, 10/15/12 

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