Saturday, November 16, 2013 Mount Vernon Country Club Golden, Colorado (20 minutes from Denver)
A one-day seminar designed to help us move more deeply into the outer world of our stories so that we might more fully inhabit the inner landscapes of our characters. $95 if registered by October 31st. Late registration $110. Includes continental breakfast and catered lunch. All genres. FIND OUT MORE.
5 days, June, 2014
Vee Bar Guest Ranch
(less than 3 hours from Denver)
Photo by Kathleen Jo Ryan
Wyoming... the perfect place to ride, write,
The desire to "slow down and savor" was at the heart of owner Nicole Sullivan's dream when she created the Denver BOOKBAR. Not only can you browse the 3,000 boo  ks for sale, but you can slake your thirst with a glass of wine while indulging your appetite, choosing a Melville tuna sandwich, or a James Joyce corned beef, or a Mario Puzo pepperoni pizza. You can even hold your next book club gathering there, or check out their Events for upcoming author readings. Located at 42nd and Tennyson in Denver, It's a novel idea, don't you think?

I recently immersed myself in the waters of two powerful novels, and now I am thinking about oceans. Fathoms deep. Wide as the sky, unknowable watery gateways to the deepest mysteries. I am thinking of pirates and fishermen and tsunamis and sixteen-year-old Japanese girls. I am thinking of Captain Phillips and Captain Flint and of young Naoko Yasutani and her great grandmother Jiko, the hundred-year-old Buddhist nun. I am thinking of floods and earthquakes and the men of Loyalty Island, of moral choices and immoral acts, of diaries that float across oceans to faraway beaches, of the women who find them. I am thinking of the men who draw their livelihoods from the nets of hard times, betraying their sons with each ocean journey that leaves empty seats at the kitchen table. I am thinking of my own father and mother.
So powerful are these novels, A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki, and When Captain Flint was Still a Good Man by Nick Dybek, and the images they harbor, that I no longer care if the stories are factual. I only care that they are true.
When fiction mimics life, and life mimics fiction, and the lines between what is factual and what is make-believe blur, when we turn the last page of a good book and don't ask ourselves "Did this really happen?" but warn ourselves instead, "Close this book and you will forever lose your tenuous grasp on a profound and untouchable truth." That's when we understand that the truth dwells in many waters, and we know it not by what is factual, but by what is felt.
I remember in 1965, as my family and I sailed across the Pacific Ocean and then finally beneath San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge after a year of traveling across the waters of the world, my mother looked skyward, grateful that we were safely home. This is, perhaps, my favorite photo of her because when I look at it, I feel her presence and I am transported in time back to when our family was whole and all was possible.
Wishing you and your families safe travels and many blessings this fall. Page
P.S. Slightly more about my family and these astonishing novels at All Things Literary. All Things Natural.
Photo by Pieter M. Van Hattem/Vistalux
Denver is lucky to be a literary community. We read tons of books and treat their authors like celebrities. No one creates better author events than Lighthouse. This week JENNIFER EGAN is coming to Denver and I plan to be there. Inside the Writer's Studio is THIS Thursday night (reception and author dinner). The Craft Talk is Friday morning, October 25. That event is sold out but tickets are still available for Thursday night. If you don't make it to either event, contact me. I'm sure I'll be taking good notes!
SPOKEN-WORD FIREWORKS Sarah Kay: If I Should Have a Daughter
"I want [my daughter] to look at the world through the underside of a glass-bottom boat, to look through a microscope at the galaxies that exist on the pinpoint of a human mind." Listen and watch at
Congratulations to B.K. Loren ( Theft, Contemporary Fiction), Sandra Dallas ( True Sisters, Historical Fiction), Jane Isenberg ( The Bones and the Book, Original Softcover Fiction), Priscilla Stuckey (Kissed by a Fox) Creative Nonfiction), Elizabeth Watry (Women in Wonderland, Scholarly Nonfiction), Nicole Stellen O'Donnell ( Steam Laundry, Poetry), and Randall Platt ( Liberty's Christmas, Children's/Young Adult Fiction & Nonfiction). Read more at Women Writing the West.