Celebrating a Gift of Nature

Little-Levin Lake


Little-Levin LakeThe Nature Trust of BC celebrated the donation of 52 hectares (128 acres) near Fort St. John in the Peace River from Margaret and Jim Little in June. With friends and supporters gathered together, the Littles explained how they purchased this land in 1999 and it was always their intention to ensure that the property remained as is for future generations.


The property surrounds a beautiful lake located at the headwaters of Indian Creek near Murdale Lake and Whispering Pine Lake in the Montney area.


"We are delighted that this lake is now officially named Little-Levin Lake in honour of my grandparents and parents," said Jim Little.


Jim's family homesteaded the area during the Depression. From the beginning this family has loved the land, created a home and made a future for their children. This lake stands for these values.


The area is prime habitat for waterfowl, especially Western Grebes, rare plant species such as the Calypso Orchid, and wildlife. The property provides habitat for Mule Deer, White-tail Deer, Moose, Elk, Wolf, Red Squirrel, Northern Flying Squirrel, Grizzly Bear, Wolverine, and various bats.


If you would like to donate to help support land management for this project, please call us at 

1-866-288-7878 (604-924-9771 in the Vancouver area) or click here.

Wild About Nature!  
Fall Gala


Photo by Brian Hay
Photo by Brian Varty

We are hosting our 7th annual fall gala on Wednesday, October 2 at The Fairmont Hotel Vancouver. This year's gala, themed "Wild About Nature," celebrates the amazing wildlife in this beautiful province. You can enjoy a musical performance by NiteCap-Capilano University's vocal jazz ensemble-silent and live auctions, great food and a celebration of land conservation in BC.


Tickets are $225 per person ($100 tax receipt), $2,250 for a table of 10 ($1,000 tax receipt) or $4,000 for a special Gold table of 8 ($3,000 tax receipt). Click here for details.




New Nature Trust Director 


Brooke Wade

The Nature Trust of BC would like to welcome a new Director to the Board: Brooke Wade. He is the President of Wade Capital Corporation, a private investment company. From 1994 to 2005, Brooke was the co-founder, Chairman and CEO of Acetex Corporation. Prior to that, Brooke was founding President and CEO of Methanex Corporation.

Find us: facebook.com/NatureTrustofBCConnect with us! Click here to like us on facebook.

Gift in Honour 


"When I was very tiny my dad started a tradition in our family. On our birthdays we were to give our mother a small gift - a token of thanks for all she did for us. I did this until she passed away in October 1973 and felt she really enjoyed this.


Today I am 89 years and have decided I would like to do this. I am aiming for 105 years so hope you will be hearing from me for a few years yet."



Mrs. Cathleen Scott

If you would like a copy of our new, free

Bequest Brochure, please email Deb Kennedy at debkennedy@naturetrust.bc.ca or click here.

Save the Date!

Upcoming Events


Rivers Day: Drop by The Nature Trust of BC table at World Rivers Day at the Burnaby Village Museum.
Sunday, September 29, 11 am to 4 pm 

Click here for more details and other World Rivers Day events.


BC Conservation Symposium: Join The Nature Trust of BC CEO, Jasper Lament, as he speaks at the BC Conservation Symposium during the Artists for Conservation Festival on Grouse Mountain in North Vancouver. 

Thursday, October 3, 9 am to 4 pm. 

Click here to register and for more details.


Coffee Cutters: Join the Chilliwack Field Naturalists for their "Coffee Cutters" on the Camp River property. One hour of blackberry pruning is followed by coffee at Tim Horton's.

September to April on the first Saturday of the month at 9:00 am; May to August on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm. 

Click here for more details. 

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