Upcoming Chamber Events
Click on event to register or call the Chamber at 203-757-0701.
July 12 - Members' Breakfast
July 18 - YPOWR Happy Hour at the Hill's Restaurant - Register by emailing info@ypowr.org
Save the Dates: August 22 - YPOWR Netoworking Social at The Grand Oak Villa
August 28 - Out for Business at The Village at East Farms, A Benchmark Senior Living Community
September 25 - Out for Business at Fascia's Chocolate
October 2 - Malcolm Baldrige Community Awards Evening
October 25 - Out for Business and Leadership Greater Waterbury Welcome Reception at Aria Wedding & Banquet Facility
Welcome New Members*
Please visit their websites
*As of July 2, 2013 Shaker Auto Group Stone Tower Realty, LLC The Healy Strategy Sugar Daddy Vending Mathnasium of Naugatuck ValleyRenewing Members*
*As of July 2, 2013
American Electro Products American Heating Service, LLC And How Hearing B & G Sports Company, Inc Brass City Trophy & Gift Shop, Inc. Burton's Monument Shop, Inc. Cohn Reznick CoWorx Staffing Search Group CST Carpentry & Locksmith General Technology Group Gettymark of Waterbury Giglio Commercial Real Estate, LLC Girls Incorporated of Southwestern Connecticut Glenwood Systems, LLC G's Burgers Home-To-Home Foundation Hoops For Heart Health J. D'Amelia and Associates, LLC Losing Weight with Elizabeth Maiorano Funeral Home, Inc. Martland, Inc. Mohsen Solhjoo, DMD, LLC Montagno Insurance Agency, Inc. Natural Health & Wellness Northwest CT Public Safety Communication Center Porter and Chester Institute Randstad Secor, Cassidy & McPartland, PC Shakesperience Productions, Inc. State of Connecticut Department of Labor Stylez, Inc. Symbiont Performance Group, Inc. The Ark Child Development Center, Inc. The Grand Oak Villa Tom's Foreign Auto Recyclers Tony & Sons' Seafood Transfer Enterprises, Inc. Vision Associates of Prospect Vital Connections
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A Message from our President, Lynn Ward
Summer is often an important time for many businesses. For some companies, the workload lightens slightly and shifts more toward planning, while for other, more seasonal industries, it represents the peak work period. We encourage all our members to use this time to learn about how the Chamber can help you grow your business at our July 12th Members' Breakfast. This opportunity is especially beneficial for new members, as well as members who haven't recently connected with our programming. Meet the Chamber staff and fellow members and learn about the many opportunities we offer, including free marketing, educational programs, our comprehensive public policy efforts, discounted insurance products and more, that will help you maximize your Chamber experience. Please keep reading and scrolling for news and announcements from our members! As always, feel free to contact me if I can be of support to your business. Wishing you a productive and enjoyable summer,
Chamber News and Updates
On Wednesday, June 19, The Chamber's Manufacturers Luncheon Series featured Lindy Lee Gold, Senior Development Specialist with the State Department of Economic and Community Development. Ms. Gold detailed economic development assistance programs available to the state's small to medium sized businesses, and manufacturers in particular. Chamber members who have used these programs also shared their experiences in how they benefited their companies.
On Friday, June 14, members of the Waterbury Regional Chamber's Wolcott Street-Lakewood Road Association, the Veterans Affairs Committee and elected officials participated in a flag-raising ceremony on Wolcott Street in Waterbury in honor of Flag Day.
The Chamber's Health Care Council honored several individuals and organizations during its 8th Annual Members' Breakfast and Awards on June 18. From left to right, Dr. Steven Aronin, Waterbury Hospital's Chief of Infectious Disease Section and Dr. Michael F. Simms III, Saint Mary's Health System's director of Infectious Diseases, who shared theLeadership Award, Dr. ScottKurtzman, of Waterbury Hospital, who accepted the Unsung Hero Award on behalf of winner Dr. David C. Knight, general surgeon and associate program director of Waterbury Hospital's General Surgery Residency Program, and Dr. Sunil D'Cunha, Chief Medical Officer for StayWell Health Center, which received the Organizational Excellence Award. 
The 2013 Stephen Sasala Health Advocate Award was presented to Jim O'Rourke, CEO and executive director of the Greater Waterbury YMCA. Mark Smola, of Eemax, is congratulated by HCC Chair Loraine Shea, of Waterbury Hospital, for winning this year's 'Tighten Your Belt' contest, losing 60 lbs in 16 weeks. Eemax also won this year's Team Award, collectively losing more than 100 lbs. |
Member Spotlights
Northeast Region Green Distribution and Manufacturing Center
Connecticut's first solar resource center, the Northeast Region Green Distribution and Manufacturing Center, officially opened at 170 Freight Street in Waterbury with a ribbon cutting on June 20. The new Center wasformed by the building's owner, M.R.T. Realty, and Energy System Sales and Training, LLC (www.EnergySystemsllc.com). Both entities were created through IMTI, The Industrial Management & Training Institute at 233 Mill Street in Waterbury (www.IMTI.edu). "One of the goals of the new Center," Veronneau explained, "is to enhance ESST's ambition to bring clean manufacturing and solar incentives to Waterbury." ESST was created to distribute solar products throughout New England and provide resources to green building contractors and homeowners. Due to its' Waterbury location, and solar heating and cooling system, the Center has the advantage of keeping utility costs low for tenants by seeking financial incentives from the City of Waterbury and the State of Connecticut. Through the Connecticut's C-PACE - Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy's innovative financing program, the Center's tenants will receive cleaner, cheaper and more reliable energy."To learn more, contact Marcel Veronneau at 203-808-2544, or Marcel@EnergySystemsLLC.com.
College Planning Solutions
Visiting schools of interest? This has become a common practice and it is a good one. A family needs to know not only if the school meets their academic needs, but also whether their student will be in a safe environment. CPS can generate a report telling you at which schools your student will be accepted and what the award letter will be, with a 95 percent accuracy rate. Save time and money as well as managing family expectations. For your report, call or email Ernie B. Plourde, Senior Advisor, seec6611@aol.com , (203) 272-0274, toll free (866) 324-7098 or fax (203) 272-1863
Member News, Promotions, Honors and Updates
Are you Dense Ribbon Ride
Join a great ride for a great cause on Saturday, August 31 at Quassy Amusement Park, Middlebury. The Ribbon Ride leaves Quassy at 1:30 p.m. for a 50 mile, police-escorted, no-stop casual ride through the Litchfield hills and returns to Quassy for the 2013 Are you Dense 5-hour live MusicFest! Proceeds benefit Are You Dense, Inc. a 501 (c) (3) charity bringing awareness to the public of the high cancer risk for those with dense breast tissue. Registration at 11:00 a.m. - Riders $35/Passengers $10. Fee includes entrance to MusicFest, exhibits and silent auction tent. For ride info call Scott Little, Ride Chairman at 203-879-3353. Please visit: www.areyoudense.org
Aurora Senior Living Hosting Classic Car Show
On Thursday August 1st, Aurora Senior Living of Bucks Hill will be hosting a Classic Car Show from 5:30 - 7:30 PM located at 2817 North Main Street, Waterbury. Join them to show off your classic or antique car or just join them for the festivities which include food, live music and prizes. Only 25 spots are available for car participants. For more information and/or to register you car contact Diana DiCocco or Bill Fahy at 203-757-0731. Rain Date is August 15.
Branagan Communications Consultants Adds Two New Clients
Barbara Branagan-Mitchell, owner of BCC in New Milford, announced she has launched publicity placement campaigns for two longstanding Waterbury-based clients, theBusiness Women's Forum and the newly-opened Northeast Region Green Distribution and Manufacturing Center at 170 Freight Street in Waterbury. This is the fifth year BCC is conducting publicity placement campaigns for the BWF which will be held at the Aqua Turf Club on October 18. BCC has also been the publicist for Marcel Veronneau, co-owner of the solar-energy-oriented Northeast Region Green Distribution and Manufacturing Center and founder of IMTI and Energy Systems Sales & Training in Waterbury for the past four years. Her specialty is in helping companies and organizations significantly increase awareness of their products and services through traditional public relations ambitions of writing and placing press releases and captioned photos with newspapers, magazines, social media Internet sites, and radio and TV broadcast programs. To learn more, visit www.branagancommunications.com or call 860-210-0149.
Traver IDC Honors Corey O'Neill with Scholarship May 13 was a great day for Corey O'Neill, son of Traver IDC employee, Angela Quinn. Corey was the recipient of a $1,000 scholarship from the Smaller Manufacturers Association of Connecticut at their annual meeting. Corey, a senior at Wolcott High School, plans to attend Central Connecticut State University in the fall to study Business Administration. Traver IDCC, 165 Homer Street, Waterbury - 203-753-5103. Pictured are left to right are Jack Traver Jr., Corey O'Neill, Angela Quinn, and Jack Traver Sr. Coca-Cola, Fulton Park and You You can help Fulton win the title of "America's Favorite Park" as well as a grant of $25,000 to $100,000 to assist in the on-going efforts to restore, renovate and preserve Fulton Park, an Olmstead Brothers designed park. Cast your votes daily in three ways: on-line = 1 vote; via foursquare = 5 votes; and via my fitness = 10 votes. Vote on a daily basis and you can log 16 votes total. On July 13-14, each vote counts twice. The park with the most votes will win a $100,000 recreation grant from Coca-Cola and the title of "America's Favorite Park." Second- and third-place will win $50,000 and $25,000 grants, respectively. Another $15,000 grant will be awarded, at random, to a lucky park that comes in 4th to 25th on the leader board. Visit http://votefulton.weebly.com/ to vote. Last year Fulton Park, after starting three weeks late, finished 14th and this year is standing at 5th nationally. Save Money through Energize Waterbury Are you looking for ways to cut costs and make your home more energy efficient? Look no further than Energize Waterbury - a citywide campaign that offers special programs and pricing to help residents save money and conserve energy. Now through September 15, 2013, programs are available for existing homes, apartments, condos, and for homeowners building new homes or remodeling. Programs include Home Energy SolutionsSM - a popular service that brings CL&P-authorized energy professionals right to your house, condo or apartment, where they will locate and seal critical air leaks, replace incandescent lights with energy-saving bulbs, insulate your hot water pipes and evaluate your heating and cooling equipment, insulation and major appliances. As part of the Energize Waterbury campaign, CL&P customers pay only $75 (for homes heating with electricity or natural gas) or $99 (for homes heating with fuel oil or propane). There is no charge for customers who meet income guidelines, and those customers may be eligible for additional services such as free refrigerator, furnace and insulation upgrades. Home Energy Solutions participants will reduce their energy costs by an average of $200 a year and savings can be significantly higher when customers take additional steps to save energy. As part of the Energize Waterbury campaign, high efficiency insulation heating and cooling equipment will be available at competitive prices for city residents. Also as part Energize Waterbury, residents who live on or close to the natural gas main are encouraged to learn more about energy-efficient natural gas. There are special financing options and loans at low-interest rates from local lenders and state energy programs that can help Waterbury residents with the cost of installing natural gas equipment. For more information or to sign up for a program, please call 877.WISE.USE (877.847.3873) or visit www.energizect.com/communities/programs/Energize-Waterbury. Nardelli's Takes Grinders to Southington Southington will be the latest location for the continued expansion by Naugatuck based Nardelli's Grinder Shoppes. The deli and restaurant chain currently has two family-owned locations and six franchises. The new location, 405 Queen St., is expected to open in the fall, according to company co-owner Anthony Nardelli. Michael Osak of Oxford will own and operate the Southington franchise. Osak was previously in manufacturing, but has worked with Nardelli for a few years at the Naugatuck restaurant at 87 Maple St. "People will be able to apply at the site in August," Nardelli said, "and Osak's new staff, up to 12 part- and full-time workers, will be trained at company stores." Nardelli owns the third generation, family-owned restaurant chain with his mother, Rina Nardelli, and siblings Marco Nardelli and Diana Nardelli-Troiano. Anthony Nardelli said the company recently signed up its eighth franchise owner - Kristine Boucher of Waterbury, who has been a co-manager at the company-owned store at 540 Plank Road in Waterbury for six years. She is searching New Haven County for a location for her future franchise, he said. In addition to the company-owned Plank Road and Naugatuck stores, the other franchise locations are in Cromwell, Danbury, Middlebury, Oxford, Southbury, and 515 Watertown Ave. in Waterbury.
Colette's Summer Craft Program at the Naugatuck Historical Society During the month of July and August the The Naugatuck Historical Society will be presenting craft programs for all ages. Topics include Buttons, Beads and Bowls, Crafts that Pop" Pop-ups, Pinwheels and Paddles, Around the World, Fantastic Paper and Let's Make Music. To register for any of the following programs contact Wendy Murphy, 203 218 5349, wendy.murphy@snet.net or 203 729 9039, naugatuckhistory@sbcglobal.net. All programs will be held at the Naugatuck Historical Society, 195 Water Street. Limit for most Sessions: 12 Children, All Ages.
Naugatuck Savings Bank Foundation Provides Grant to Howard Whittemore Library
The Naugatuck Savings Bank (NSB) Foundation awarded a $500 grant to the Howard Whittemore Memorial Library to help fund the upgrade of its children's nonfiction book collection for grades K-6. "The library is an important community resource for families and this upgrade will encourage children's interest," said Charles J. Boulier III, President and CEO, NSB. "We are happy to support a project that helps promote children's literacy." The library, located in downtown Naugatuck, was established in 1894 and continues to be the cultural and information center of the community. "We are thankful for the Naugatuck Savings Bank Foundation's support," said Jocelyn Miller, Library Director. "It is contributions such as this that help the library continue to thrive."
Rollins Printing Increased Overall Print Volume and Improved Output Quality
Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. (Konica Minolta) announced that Rollins Printing & Publishing, Inc. (Rollins) increased its overall print volume and improved output quality with a Konica Minolta bizhub® PRESS C8000 Color Digital Press (PRESS C8000). After evaluating competitive solutions to meet the need for improved color output, Rollins principal Skip Del Vaglio installed the new PRESS C8000and witnessed an immediate quality improvement that helped grow the company's print volume by nearly 50 percent. According to Del Vaglio, it also provided the finishing options for a wide range of customer jobs, such as printing color business cards and CD cover inserts as well as improving turnaround times and decreasing downtime significantly. "The PRESS C8000 met our initial goal of improving the overall quality of our color work and we are now exploring how the technology will allow us to extend new solutions to our customers such as variable data printing (VDP) and mail merge projects. Most importantly, our overall productivity and workflow has been enhanced by the digital press and we value the partnership with Konica Minolta as one that comes with excellent service and support to help grow our business," said Del Vaglio.
Security Chief at Naugatuck Savings Bank Wins Award
Citing his role in identifying commercial businesses in Cheshire and Seymour that had been compromised in a series of network hacking cases, the Connecticut chapter of the International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators (IAFCI) awarded Robert Voets, an assistant vice president at NSB, its 2013 Investigator of the Year Award. Voets, a 27-year veteran of the West Haven Police Department, joined NSB in 2008 and is assistant vice president for financial crimes and director of corporate security. During his career with the West Haven police, Voets was a founding member of the department's Computer and Technology Forensic Crimes Unit and Fraud Division. During that time, he launched and investigated the first Federal phishing case in the nation's history.
Naugatuck Savings Bank Foundation Awards Grant to St. Margaret Willow Plaza Neighborhood Revitalization Zone Association, Inc.
The NSB Foundation granted $5,000 to St. Margaret Willow Plaza Neighborhood Revitalization Zone (NRZ) Association, Inc. to support and expand its youth after-school and summer programs including homework assistance, education enrichment, reading, arts and crafts, math and science projects, and other creative activities. It also offers a senior day activity program which provides seniors with the opportunity to receive needed health care services, educational enrichment activities, ad entertainment and socialization programs. "As a mutual company, we are committed to help support good programs that fill the void of services needed by children and senior citizens in our community," said Charles Boulier III, NSB President and CEO.
David Rotatori Appointed Executive Vice President of Naugatuck Savings Bank Naugatuck Savings Bank has named David J. Rotatori Executive Vice President. Mr. Rotatori will continue to serve the bank asChief Financial Officer, Chief Risk Officer, and Corporate Secretary. Mr. Rotatori is a Chartered Global Management Accountant and Certified Public Accountant with more than 23 years of experience in financial services organizations. Mr. Rotatori holds an MBA from the University of Connecticut and a Bachelor of Arts Accounting Degree from Western Connecticut State University. Mr. Rotatori is a current member of the Connecticut Society of Certified Public Accounts, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Beta Gamma Sigma-International Honor Society. David is past Campaign Chairman of the United Way of Naugatuck and Beacon Falls; he currently serves as Treasurer and on their Board of Directors, and is a past Chairman of the Salem Society. Pryme Tyme Entertainment Honored by Prospect Awards Pryme Tyme Entertainment has been selected for the 2013 Best of Prospect Award in the Entertainers category by the Prospect Award Program. Each year, the Prospect Award Program identifies companies that they believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and community. These exceptional companies help make the Prospect area a great place to live, work and play.Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2013 Prospect Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Prospect Award Program and data provided by third parties. For more information on Pryme Tyme Entertainment contact Aaron DeMarest Sr. at 877-PRYME-DJ or 203-437-7047. You can also visit, www.PrymeTymeEntertainment.net
Sutherland Insurance Group Hires Antonio Pinto
The Sutherland Insurance Group, a full-service independent insurance brokerage affiliated with Naugatuck Savings Bank, hired Antonio Paulo Pinto, of Waterbury, as an account executive. In his new position, Pinto will be responsible for managing, servicing and growing the agency's individual and business health insurance customer base. With many aspects of President Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as "Obamacare," scheduled to take effect in January, Pinto will also be helping agency customers make the right decisions on their future health insurance needs. Pinto created and released Obamacare411, a popular iPhone app on health care reform, a related website, and has authored a series of books on the subject. He is also a member of the Connecticut Health Insurance Exchange's SHOP (Small Business Health Options Program) advisory committee.
Savings Bank of Danbury Accepting Grant Applications The Savings Bank of Danbury Foundation is now accepting applications for grants. These grants are available to not-for-profit organizations serving both the Greater Danbury and Waterbury areas in support of education, community and economic development, health and human services, and arts and culture."Through our Foundation, Savings Bank of Danbury continues its long history of supporting organizations that are vital to the communities we serve," said Kathy Romagnano, Savings Bank of Danbury's President and CEO. "The Bank is proud of the Foundation's grant program and of the many volunteer hours our employees serve towards our mission of People Serving People." In 2012, a variety of grants were awarded to agencies such as HomeFront, Salvation Army Units in Danbury and Waterbury, Literacy Volunteers of Greater Danbury, Special Olympics, Preserve New Fairfield, Family and Children's Aid, Waterbury Youth Service System and Handy Dandy Handyman. For more information, visit their website at www.sbdanbury.com or contact Beth Ann Fetzer at (203) 744-8739. Virtual Density Launches RapidRecovery Virtual Density in Danbury, Conn., announced their offering of RapidRecovery,an IT data protection and recovery solution. Managing partner and company founder Christopher Furey stated, "This is the first on- and off-site backup and disaster recovery solution designed specifically for the needs and budget of small business owners. It provides the power of hybrid cloud backup scaled to meet the recovery needs of small businesses with from 1 to 19 employees." RapidRecovery is apalm-sized advanced, cost-effective and scalable IT recovery solution that provides even the smallest companies with a hybrid cloud platform for the virtualization of servers and workstations. By utilizing both on- and off-site backup, end users have a reliable and efficient way to ensure their data is recoverable regardless of any disaster scenario, including hard drive crash, fire, flood or loss of the office facilities. "Data loss and IT downtime is a major threat to the bottom line for businesses of all sizes and can result in lost revenue, reputational damage, decreased customer satisfaction, decreased productivity, intellectual property loss and supply chain disruptions," explained Furey. To learn more, contact Furey at sales@virtualdensity.com or call 855.DENSE-IT. Additional information can be found at www.virtualdensity.com and at www.facebook.com/virtualdensity