August 2016     

The New Header
"The challenge is to create landscapes that convey both a sense of regional context and that reflect our commitment to shape a positive, sustainable future"  - Landscape designer Fawn Hayes Bell  
Farm Stand Friday continues every Friday from 3-6 p.m. 
Above, great finds from last week's Farm Stand Friday: (from left) beautiful delicious Tongue of Fire heirloom beans, from the Galileo School Garden; a Red Rubin basil plant from King Basil's (many other varieties of basil for sale too) and beautiful mixed greens from Prospect Farm.  

Many of your favorite vendors will be back this Friday, including Lorena Jakubczak, owner of Azteca Gourmet, who returns from a two-week trip to Oaxaca and will have freshly made Oaxacan-style mole tamale and sauces!

Also, Lindsey Aparicio - better known as the Goat Cheese Lady - is selling $100 mix-and-match soap-or-lotion boxes to help fund a new creamery at their farm near Penrose. (She's also getting ready to host her next farm-to-table dinner on August 20, featuring Chef David Cook. This is a treat not to be missed! CLICK HERE for more details.)

We also expect to have more local produce from Galileo School Gardens and Prospect Farm and several other local vendors. Come by, make some new friends and take home some of your own "farm stand finds"!

Visit the Facebook page, CLICK HERE, to get the latest details on who will participate each week.  
Judy Purcell will be back at Farm Stand Friday to grill samples of Callicrate pork, seasoned with her homemade rubs, on Friday from 3 to 6 p.m!  

Judy is offering her last grilling class of the summer on Saturday, August 13, at Ranch Foods Direct. Her topic will be how to grill fish and seafood. CLICK HERE to sign up. 

She promises to demystify the magic of marinades and brines while concocting simple sauces right before your eyes. You'll get to sample everything and take home recipes.

CLICK here for Judy's delicious beef skillet fajitas recipe, which can be used to showcase fresh, local peppers that are now in season! It's one of many from her Savoring Today blog. 

Neighborhood farm builds model to inspire local food economy


Prospect Farm, located in the same neighborhood as Ranch Foods Direct, at 3403 N. Prospect, is run by Sophie Javna and Mercedes Whitney (from left, shown above) two Colorado College alums who live on-site. Prospect Farm is the original "tiny farm" launched last year by Pikes Peak Urban Gardens' Small Farms initiative.
Chatting with Mercedes and Sophie, it's clear that their true passion is making healthy food accessible and educating people about it. "We hope by showing that we can accomplish this, we can inspire the local food movement to expand," Sophie says. "We want to create the model of what's possible."
They also want to restore stronger links between people and their food. "We want to create a new way of selling produce online through a website that we'll update everyday, and then we'll make deliveries by bike," she says.
They also want to ensure the food they grow is accessible to everyone regardless of income level, so they have a work-share program and provide free lunches on volunteer workdays. They also host neighborhood potlucks during the growing season.

In the weeks to come Prospect Farm will be sharing their bounty at Ranch Foods Direct's Farm Stand Friday, including "a summer and winter squash explosion," sweet corn, pole beans, kale, lots of heritage tomatoes and more. Produce grown just a few blocks away? You can't get more local than that!
Customer Snapshot:
Meet the Lawsons  

Larry and Jill Lawson created a paradise, right in their own backyard, that honors their intense dedication to homegrown food. Larry is a teacher in the Cheyenne Mountain School District; Jill is a painter and artist who has done solo exhibitions in local art venues such as Soiree.
Married for 20 years, the two have "always had a garden everywhere we went," Jill says.
Five years ago they moved to the Patty Jewett neighborhood and restored an old greenhouse garden shed, which included salvaging a pair of old French doors from one of their neighbors and putting it to good use again. In the bucolic setting they've created, where garden beds overflow with lush plants, they host an annual harvest dinner for about a dozen friends and neighbors at the end of every growing season.
One of Jill's specialties, which is served at every harvest party, is her chicken sausage gumbo. Ravioli made from scratch is another popular dish, along with lamb curry and a kale sausage stew that contains Great Northern beans, sausage, onion, garlic and chicken broth.
"She's amazing. People come from all over for her cooking," Larry says with a smile.
Annual favorites from their garden include the mixed greens and fresh herbs.
"I love kale and Swiss chard, and we eat those twice a week if not more," Jill says. "They are so healthy and just make such a beautiful crop. They are so versatile: they can be roasted, sauteed or cooked in the pressure cooker."
Throwing some of these stout, colorful greens together with mushrooms and asparagus and topping it all with goat cheese makes a simple but satisfying meal.
The couple were first tipped off about Ranch Foods Direct by neighbors several years ago. Their favorite RFD products include the ground lamb, lamb shank, pork chops, sirloin steaks, rabbit, bacon and the assorted cheeses.
In addition to shopping the store, they've brought some of their excess produce to sell at Farm Stand Friday. "I just don't like to waste anything," Jill explained. "I'd rather it go to somebody else's meal."
They like the idea of supporting a small, local business while also contributing to the local food economy."We should all be more supportive of locally grown products... and artists," she says.  

Got excess produce? Backyard gardeners are welcome to participate in Farm Stand Fridays at Ranch Foods Direct. E-mail Nichole at [email protected] for more info.  

New Summer Hours:
Now open til 6 p.m. on Saturday!

Attention Wholesale Customers...

Please contact our Sister Company to learn about how you can procure
high quality Ranch Foods Direct products for your restaurant or store:

Peak to Plains
4635 Town Center Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80916
Cell: (719) 314-9727
Office: (719) 574-0750
Email: [email protected]