August 3, 2015           Volume 4, Number 10

In the wake of the recent U.S. Supreme court ruling declaring the unconstitutionality of same-sex marriage ban, advocates celebrated vigorously using the slogan, "Love Wins."


What does that slogan mean? Learn more in this issue's feature. Our goal is to equip you to engage in healthy discussions. 

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FEATURE: Love Wins, Part 1
What "Love Wins" Means

Love Wins protest
Image: Reuters via Charisma News
On June 26 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges, declaring that state-level bans on same-sex marriage are unconstitutional.

The decision sparked the trending slogan "Love Wins," used by same-sex marriage supporters to celebrate victory for the ruling ... and their disapproval of those who do not embrace same-sex marriage as constitutional.

"Love Wins." What does that mean? In English, just one word expresses ...

In This Issue
What People Are Saying

I thank God and the people who support this great ministry. It has been a blessing. I have seen that the life I thought was important and now the different viewpoint God has given me about what is really important. Thank you.

Carlos J., Guatemala


More testimonies from God's people 

second-articleLook for Faces of the Back 40 

Just a reminder to look for  Faces of the Back 40 at mid-month, which will offer an inspirational story or profile of a Christian in The Back 40. We're excited about this opportunity to connect you with Christians in remote areas around the world and how they are cultivating their spiritual health and look forward to hearing how these stories impact you.

Thanks for reading and for staying subscribed!