April 1, 2015           Volume 4, Number 6

If you could choose just one leadership skill to cultivate - one that would make you the best leader possible - what would that be? Consider that question as you read this issue's feature. We hope you'll  email us to share your thoughts!
Leadership: A Product or a By-Product?

Whether you're running a business, running a home, or serving in a ministry, you're called to lead others. Leadership is influence. If you have influence over anyone in your circle, you're a leader.

Think back to the books you've read ... courses you've taken ... leadership seminars you've attended ... the leaders you have observed at home, in church, in the marketplace, or in the community. Put all your experience and training together and consider this question:

If you could choose just one leadership skill to cultivate - one that would make you the best leader possible - what would that be? Hold that thought ...

In This Issue
What People Are Saying

You offered such help and example among us. I do not doubt that now in the new mission with "The Back 40" that you are equally an enormous blessing to others. I encourage you to continue, and pray always that the Lord increases your wisdom and strength.

Aida L., Colombia 


second-articleLook for Faces of the Back 40 

Just a reminder to look for  Faces of the Back 40 at mid-month, which will offer an inspirational story or profile of a Christian in The Back 40. We're excited about this opportunity to connect you with Christians in remote areas around the world and how they are cultivating their spiritual health and look forward to hearing how these stories impact you.

Thanks for reading and for staying subscribed!