November 15, 2013: Volume 3, Number 2
In This Issue
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December 13
Board of Directors meeting
Albuquerque, NM

2014 Spiritually Healthy Leader� Workshop Series

Second and Fourth Thursdays
8:45 AM AM - 1 PM
30 60 100 MINISTRIES offices
Albuquerque, NM

1/9/2014    Spiritual Fitness
1/23/2014  Healthy Relationships
2/13/2014  Conflict Checkup
2/27/2014  Conditioning for the Course
3/13/2014  Clearing the Hurdles
2/27/2014  Finishing Well
 More details here


   * Interactive Group Planning

   * Mission Field Preparation

   * Leadership Transition

   * Conflict Resolution

 Learn more
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It's Christmas time in GUAT Business owners have long been proponents of efficiency.

Well-oiled operations, cost-effective time-savers, and a capable staff help a business maximize its efficiency and clear everyday hurdles successfully.

Do the same efficiency principles apply to obstacles you face in your day-to-day life? When you Check Your Stride and keep it consistent, you can effectively and successfully clear life's hurdles. Read about how to put those principles into practice in this issue's feature.


We look forward to hearing from you about how this article impacts your spiritual health.  Keep growing!
30 60 100 Serves Leaders in Guatemala City 
Sat. Seminar
Saturday open seminar in Guatemala
30 60 100 MINISTRIES joined FCCI leaders in Guatemala City, Guatemala for leadership training October 29 - November 7, 2014.

We guided the team as they drafted their vision, mission, and values statements, and identified their five major goals -- with plans to meet again in May at the FCCI Latin America conference in Mexico.

We also had the opportunity to conduct a one-day training event for managers and leaders of TransExpress, a leading Guatemalan shipping firm, as well as meet individually with key FCCI Guatemalan business leaders.

Thank you for your prayers and support for 30 60 100 MINISTRIES and these Christian leaders as they get equipped to serve God in their businesses and communities.
Spiritually Healthy Leader� Series in 2014   
SHL logo TM30 60 100 MINISTRIES announces its Spiritually Healthy Leader stateside workshop series schedule for 2014. Workshops will be conducted at our offices in Albuquerque.

The SHL series challenges Christians to reach outside the natural limitations  of their own power and abilities to experience living in the life and power of Christ. Each of the six workshops (listed on the left) lasts 4 hours. Learn more about this exciting series and register here.
Scripture compares a healthy Christian life to running a race - one with twists in the course and hurdles along the way. In order to finish the race strong, you need to be an efficient hurdler.

Hurdling is an exciting and challenging race, especially for the runner who understands the nature of the race, prepares mentally to maintain his speed to the finish line, and adjusts his stride over the barriers.

Do you?

Expect hurdles

Hurdles themselves differentiate this event from a straight running race. Athletes undertake a foot race, but along the way they negotiate a series of obstacles, too.

Likewise, hurdles are an integral part of everyday life. Obstacles you face are not just a barrier to slow you down, an obstruction to stop you, or a stumbling block to avoid.  "It's my job to hurdle over obstacles," says Lolo Jones, American record holder in the 60 meter hurdles and 11-time All American athlete. "Bad things are going to happen in your life, and those things can make you stronger if you just learn how to get over them."

A spiritually healthy Christ-follower embraces obstacles as part of the race.

Train mentally for hurdles

Surprisingly, the object of the race is not simply to clear the hurdles. Runners know better. Rather, a hurdles event is actually a sprint race ... with a few small barriers erected along the course.

That's why successful hurdlers (and spiritually healthy Christ-followers) train mentally to maintain their speed throughout the race, even when clearing each hurdle. With this mindset, the runner keeps his eyes fixed on the finish line rather than the obstacles en route.  

Train technically for hurdles

Hurdles require the runner to have a bit of extra technical skill in addition to speed. A typical beginning athlete runs up to the hurdle, slows down, jumps over the hurdle, and then starts running again. A resourceful, more experienced hurdler trains to overcome this "run-jump-run" instinct by developing a consistent stride pattern. Well-planned steps leading up to and between each barrier allow the runner to clear the hurdles as part of the sprinting process. Track coaches say the biggest factor in a hurdler's success is developing a consistent stride pattern. Runners adjust their stride, consistently repeating new gait patterns over and over until they become natural.

When you face life's hurdles, the temptation is to run from them, let them stop you, or even let them slow you down. The spiritually healthy Christ-follower learns to develop a new "stride pattern" - a habitual plan to effectively face and overcome challenges.

How is yours?

Efficient steps, both on the track and in life, are a winning strategy to run the race strong to the end.

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Growth Point

Clear hurdles as efficiently as possible.

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God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. (1 Corinthians 10:13, NIV)

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Prayer Points

  • What obstacles in life slow your momentum?
  • What distractions cause your eyes to shift from the finish line to the hurdles en route?
  • Describe your current "stride plan" for clearing hurdles in your life. Name one step you can take to adjust your stride to make it more efficient.
whatpeoplearesaying   What People Are Saying ...
Visioning pix 1 "Thank you for the time of instruction in the workshop and the seminar.  One of our co-laborers was there Saturday and met you for the first time. He was very motivated by what he learned. Our hope is that your time in Guatemala has been very good.  Blessings to you."

Erick J., business owner, Guatemala

leaf iconHear more testimonies from Christians in remote areas served by 30 60 100 MINISTRIES staff here.