Eden Alternative
Mission: To improve the well-being of Elders and their care partners by transforming the communities in which they live and work.

The Vine 

-an online newsletter for Eden Registry Members

January 2016   

Registry Renewal for 2016
It is Registry renewal time for everyone! Registry renewal expectations include:

1. Pay the annual renewal fee of $497.50. Invoices went out last week via email and are being snail mailed this week. If the annual Registry fee is paid by February 19, 2016, your team gets to choose to receive a Paradigm Buster document for FREE! (a $75 value)

2. Update your organization's contact information. An email will be coming out in early February to complete this process. This year we will be asking organizations to verify Certified Eden Associate (or Eden at Home Associate) status as well. Here are the requirements for Registry Membership:

a. Path to Mastery Milestone 1: Administrator, Director of Nursing, Social Services and Life Enrichment (activities) leaders for long-term care. For assisted or independent living, two formal leaders are required to be Eden Associates.

b. Path to Mastery Milestone 2: All formal leaders and at least one hands-on care partner per neighborhood/household

c. Path to Mastery Milestone 3: 20% of employees and at least one family member and Elder

3. Submit the current Path to Mastery Milestone Assessment Tool your team is working on. It does not need to be complete.

4. Schedule a collaboration call with Denise Hyde or Suzette Molina by July 1, 2016. These calls are fun and generally last 30-45 minutes. The topics will be sent out ahead of time.

5. Share your plan to submit the annual Path to Mastery data in 2016. The attached data collection worksheet is also posted on the "Tools" page for Registry Members only. (attach document)

6. Once all these steps are completed, your team will be renewed for 2016!
2016 Registry Networking Calls

The 2016 Registry networking calls have been scheduled for the year and the topics are looking good. Click here to get a copy of this year's schedule. The calls will be happening monthly in 2016 on the first Thursday at 2pm ET. The focus will be on topics included in the Path to Mastery. We will be going over the Milestone steps related to the topic and offer ideas on how to achieve mastery based on what Registry Members are doing. It will be a great way to get your team familiar with the Path to Mastery and Milestone steps so you can be strategic about your next steps. It will also be an opportunity to teach others what you are doing and celebrate successes! Click here to get registered for this year's calls.
A Conversation with Dr. Bill Thomas
Growing Culture Change Leaders: Keeping the Journey Alive!

Dr. Bill Thomas book jacket photo
 We've all had the experience. A strong, effective culture change leader has the journey going strong within the organization. Then something happens and they leave the organization and everyone holds their breath. Who will be the next leader for the journey and will they be equally committed, passionate and skilled?

The culture change movement is more than 20 years old now, and there is much more to be done. We are just starting to see many champions on their journey retiring or having life style or career changes. Does that mean the journey is coming to an end or are there things we can be doing today to keep this movement alive and thriving?

Join Dr. Bill Thomas as we discuss the following questions. It promises to be an inspiring conversation!
  • What is left to be done by leaders to effectively change Eldercare forever?
  • What does an effective culture change leader look like? Are they different from leaders of the past?
  • What personal qualities should organizations look for as they bring new leaders into their journey?
  • How can organizations set leaders up for success to move their journey into the future?
  • How do we grow the next generation of leaders to drive person-directed care even farther?

Date: February 15, 2016
Time: 4:00pm ET, 3:00pm CT, 2:00pm MT, 1:00pm PT
Lights, Camera, Action: Wise Elders Tell Us Why
It is time to hear from the Elders! 
The theme for the 2016 Eden Alternative International Conference is "It's About Time." More than ever, we need the voices of Elders telling the whole world why "It's About Time!" Celebrate the wisdom of the Elders you know by capturing a short video (no more than 30 seconds). Get out your smart phones, get the Elder's permission, frame up the shot and be prepared to be wowed! Then send the video to Laura Beck (lbeck@edenalt.org). More information about this opportunity, how to make and send the video, and some questions you can use, can be found in this document.

Everyone who submits a video will be entered in a drawing for one free registration to the 2016 Eden Alternative International Conference!

Early Bird Registration Ends January 19, 2016
Be sure to go online and get your team registered to attend. Registry Members receive a discounted rate! You can click on the right sidebar menu on the main conference web page to see who the different speakers will be for the intensives and the break-out sessions. Click here to go directly to the registration page.

International Eden Alternative Awards
The journey to person-directed care is long and sometimes difficult. Individuals and organizations committed to creating caring communities deserve to be honored for the difference they are making at the 2016 conference. The Eden Alternative welcomes nominees for the following awards:
  • The International Eden Elder Award recognizes the extraordinary efforts of an Elder care partner to apply the Eden Alternative Philosophy to create a life worth living.
  • The International Eden Employee Care Partner Award recognizes the extraordinary efforts of an employee care partner to apply the Eden Alternative Philosophy to create a life worth living.
  • The International Eden Family Member Award recognizes the extraordinary efforts of an Elder's family member care partner to apply the Eden Alternative Philosophy to create a life worth living.
  • The Nancy Fox Leadership Award recognizes an individual involved in the Eden Alternative journey that embodies leadership in thought, word, and deed.
  • The Master Gardener Award recognizes the unwavering commitment and journey of an Eldercare organization (e.g. long-term or skilled care) or community-based service to bring the Eden Alternative Principles to life throughout their organization and community.
  • The Seedling Award recognizes an Eldercare organization (e.g. long-term or skilled care) or home and community-based service new to the Eden Alternative journey, that has demonstrated a level of commitment and progressiveness that challenges others to grow.
  • Eden Champion Award recognizes the efforts of an individual who champions the ongoing growth of the Eden Alternative Philosophy, bringing it to life for those closest to them and others around the world.
Click here for the nomination form (add link to the document). Complete the form and attach a photo of the individual or organization and send it to Denise Hyde at dhyde@edenalt.org. Deadline for nominations is March 1, 2016.
Upcoming Educational Events Worth Noting

Dementia Beyond Drugs
The National CMP grant will be bringing this training in 2016 to the states of: Kansas, Illinois and Texas. Be watching for information on how to attend if you are in these states. Eden Registry Members in these states definitely need to register people to attend! 
Train the Educator Intensives for 2016
The Eden Alternative� is reaching out to experienced Certified Eden Associates and Certified Eden at Home Associates to become Eden Educators. Our desire is to seek out people that have the qualifications, skills, and the spirit to open people's hearts and minds in the quest for a better world for all care partners. This is a great growth opportunity for organizations with passionate Eden Associates who could provide trainings internally at a greatly reduced cost to the organization. Registrations are needed soon because the Train the Educator Intensives are happening:
  • February 22-26, 2016 in Louisville, KY
  • March 7-11, 2016 in Battle Creek, MI
Potential Educators need to complete the application and send it to Meredith Martin at mmartin@edenalt.org. She will then provide the registration information for the events.
The cost to grow an Eden Educator is:
  • $1500/person for general registration + travel
  • $1200/person for Registry Members + travel
  • $800/person for active Eden Mentors + travel
This offering is available in the USA only. For more information outside the USA, please contact your Eden Alternative Regional Coordinator.

The Eden Registry: A Passionate Network of Person-Directed Care Organizations
A free, informational webinar about the Eden Registry will be happening on February 18, 2016 at 2pm ET. Please forward this registration link along to peer organizations who may be interested in joining the Registry. Participating in this webinar is also an opportunity to refresh members of your team about the value of the Registry, especially new leaders!
A Research Opportunity 
My name is Dr. Cheryl Kruschke and I am an associate professor at Regis University in Denver, Colorado.  I am working on a research project that provides the opportunity for non-profit nursing homes to collaborate with Regis University to develop a grant-funded education program for Registered Nurses who have an Associate Degree or a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing.  I am looking for five to ten non-profit nursing homes from any state in the United States to develop this collaborative relationship.   If you are interested in learning more about this research project please contact me at ckruschk@regis.edu.   
Celebrations! balloons2.jpg

Celebrating Milestone mastery:
*    North Ottawa Care Center, Spring Lake, MI - Milestone 2
*    Signature HealthCARE at the Courtyard, Marianna, FL - Milestone 2

Here is some celebratory news from the UK. Capel Grange Community Nursing Home in Newport and Penylan House Nursing Home in Cardiff have been named as two of only three nursing homes in Wales on the Eden Alternative UK Register of Homes for their commitment to improving the quality of life of its residents. The homes were inspected recently by a team of assessors from the Eden Alternative, with the report commending both homes for their warm, welcoming atmospheres and ability to demonstrate true companionship between employees and residents. Read more about their story of celebration!

One of the newest members of the Eden Registry had a great holiday story to share on their call. One of the Elders became a Salvation Army bell ringer outside the General Store in his home. The story goes that he did a fantastic job of ringing up some fund raising for the Salvation Army, beating out the sorority girls who were posted outside the local Walmart! Check out the story and celebrate Mr. Alexander!
~Gardening Tools for Registry Members~
Upcoming calls:
Phone number: 605-475-2090
Access code: 331465
Newest Registry Members:

Points West Living Lloydminster in Lloydminster, AB, joined the Eden Alternative Registry on 12/17/2015. There are 65 Elders that live in this vibrant and lively home. To create close and caring relationships they are divided into 5 smaller cottages. Each cottage boasts colorful walls, warm and cozy living and dining rooms and they are uniquely decorated representing the individuals that work live and work there.  Mealtimes are a special time each day where Elders and employee care partners sit down and enjoying breaking bread together. Meals are served family style and they always make sure there are a wide variety of options. Elders partnered with Big Brothers Big Sisters to give 30 children in need a very special Christmas stocking as one of the many ways that they enjoy giving back to the community. They wanted each child to know how special and important they really are and that they are cared about.  Each spring the courtyards are filled with pink and white petunias, fresh strawberries, and Cooper their very friendly Shitzu that loves to give sweet kisses.  No two days are alike and you never know what surprises they may have in store. One day a local business man stopped by and gave everyone buggy rides from his horse drawn carriage. These are just a few of the many examples of how life here is filled with fun, variety, and close relationships.