April 8, 2016 
Howdy ZimmFans:
Happy National Empanada Day.  Empanada's are a stuffed bread or pastry that is baked or fried. The name empanada comes from the Galician, Portuguese and Spanish verb em pandar, meaning to wrap or coat in bread. So there you go foodies.  Find some recipes here.
Now on to the cool stuff.  ZimmComm and Nufarm at the 2016 Agri-Marketing Conference.  That's where you'll find the ZimmComm Team next week.  We will have some announcements sure to amaze you but here's a sneak peak at what's going on in our Connection Point booth.  You might remember that I worked with Nufarm's Brian Rund earlier this year at the National Potato Expo   We had Chip the Zebra there, gave away "zelfie" sticks and had a contest to win the right to take Chip home.  Think of it as a wildlife rescue/home placement project.  Chip says he's real happy with his new home near Calgary, Canada.
We loved the project so much we've taken on another zebra for re-location.  Stop by and meet Zimmie the Zebra.  She needs a new home after becoming separated from her herd in Zambia.  By the way, Zimmie is a rare pygmy zebra which makes her extra special.
Here's how it will work. You stop by the ZimmComm booth during the Agri-Marketing Conference Connection Point trade show (booth 417-419). Use a Zelfie stick to take your picture with Zimmie and post that to #NAMA16 and #ZimmieZebra and @AgWired. After the end of the Connection Point all Zelfies will be judged for creativity and quality. One lucky person will take Zimmie home and provide her with a nice environment to live in.
Although zebras have been taking zelfies for a long time they were first introduced in the U.S. by Nufarm. When you take your own zelfie you will get to keep your zelfie stick as long as supplies last. This is one way you can do your part to preserve the NAMA wildlife.
spoke with Zimmie by phone yesterday. Her voice was not very good because she's been doing so many interviews as she travels to the United States to find a new place to live. I'm sure she'll be in top form next week.
Zimmie is hoping that her new caretaker will have good hay (alfalfa mixed with timothy) and beer. She likes beer as you'll hear in our interview. Hopefully she'll be able to sample some Boulevard Brewing products during the conference.
J.L.Farmakis, Inc has just released a new research study conducted in February by Millennium Research that shows plans farmers are making this year in reaction to lower commodity prices.
Among the findings of the "Farmer Speaks Study" are:
* Half of the farmers surveyed are seeking off-farm employment
* 74% will switch to generics or change brands of crop protection products
* No new equipment purchases will be made by 37% of the farmers
* Reduced traits in seeds and changes in fertilizer practices were significant.
* Increased attention to marketing aims to raise revenue through better prices
Listen to my interview with Bill Farmakis about the study to learn more here.

Finally for this week, Cindy just published the latest episode of 
"I Am USFRA." a podcast series featuring member representatives talking about their support for the organization.
Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:

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 AgWired  AgWired     
Ethanol Trade Mission to Peru

The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) took part in a recent trade mission to Peru led by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack which included discussions about increasing cooperation with that country when it comes to ethanol production and exports. MORE


Zimmie the Zebra Looking for New Home at #NAMA16

Meet Zimmie the Zebra. This rare pygmy zebra has been homeless for some time as habitat in her native land of Zambia has been disappearing. When I found out about this I called Brian Rund, Nufarm, because he and I had worked on a zebra home placement project during Potato Expo earlier this year. During that show we helped Chip, a full sized zebra, find a new home in Canada. So, with that experience behind us are working together again during the Agri-Marketing Conference to find a new home for Zimmie.  MORE


New Insights On Colony Collapse Disorder

Researchers from Arizona State University's (ASU) School of Life Sciences recently discovered that the commonly accepted claim that blames nutritional deprivation for the increasing collapse of honey bee colonies is incorrect. The two studies published by ASU researchers found that the stress of short-term nutritional deprivation as larvae actually makes honey bees more resilient to starvation as adults. The findings were published this week in two papers in The Journal of Experimental Biology.  MORE 
DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel 

Clean Cities Coalitions Promoting Propane Autogas
Clean Cities Coalitions around the U.S. have been promoting the use of propane autogas to lower tailpipe emissions. Just around the corner, the Alliance AutoGas converted F-150 will set out on its 5,500 mile 12-city "Alliance AutoGas Coast-to-Coast Clean Air Ride". The tour kicks off in Kansas City on May 2, 2016 and will be hauling a propane autogas 2013 Exmark Lazer Z Ultra Cut 60 mower. powered by a 25.5 horsepower Kawasaki FX801 V-Twin gasoline engine, converted to propane by Alliance Small Engines. MORE

IRFA Testifies at Senate Ag Subcommittee Hearing
Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) Executive Director Monte Shaw recently testified before the Senate Agriculture Subcommittee on Rural Development and Energy. The hearing focused on USDA Rural Development Programs and their economic impact across the country. Shaw said during his testimony that properly supporting renewable fuels programs are vital to the well-being of rural America. MORE 
Push Poll Push Back
The American Petroleum Institute has unveiled yet another anti-biofuel poll. The latest released during a media call today was conducted by Harris Poll. According to the poll, 77 percent of registered voters are concerned that breaching the so-called  ethanol blend wall would drive up the cost of gasoline for consumers and reduce the nation's fuel supply (85 percent Republicans, 75 percent of Democrats and 71 percent of independents).MORE


35,000 Students Take Virtual Field Trip

This week students across the nation had to opportunity to visit a farm without ever getting on a school bus.  The U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance and Discovery Education have put together an unique program that allowed more than 1,200 schools to take a virtual field trip. MORE 

Hortau Irrigation Expands to High Plains, Southwest

Hortau has been a provider of precision irrigation management systems and services for agriculture since 2002.  Now they are expanding their line of products and services in the High Plains and Southwest regions of the U.S.  This new announcement comes on the heels of last month's expansion into the Pacific Northwest. MORE 

WSSA Ranks Troublesome Weeds

If you farm within the U.S. it's probably not a shock to learn that the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) has ranked Palmer amaranth, or Palmer pigweed, as the most troublesome weed in the country.  Those in Canada reported weeds in the Galium genus (cleavers, catchweed bedstraw and false cleavers) as the most difficult to the north. MORE 

Jeanette Merritt - I AM USFRA
In this week's I AM USFRA, Cindy Zimmerman speaks with Jeanette Merritt. A wife and mother of three, the 4th generation Indiana hog and soybean farmer is a Purdue University graduate who serves Hoosier State agriculture in a variety of ways as including as the Director of Checkoff Programs for Indiana Pork. She also sits on the board of the Indiana Soybean Alliance and in that capacity was chosen recently to serve on the board of the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA).  MORE


Research Finds Cost-Cutting and Survival Strategies of Farmers
A new research study conducted in February by Millennium Research and commissioned by J.L.Farmakis, Inc. shows the extent to which growers are reacting to low commodity prices. Farmers shared the changes they are making to survive the downturn and signaled dramatic shifts in their plans for 2016. MORE


Get Ready to Fly In for ACE's Fly In
The 8th annual American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) legislative fly-in is coming up next week, April 13-14, and some 70 members of the organization from about 15 states are planning to attend this year. MORE


Meet New Angus CEO

Just four short months ago the American Angus Association brought in Allen Moczygemba to help lead the organization as Chief Executive Officer. Just last week I was fortunate to have the opportunity to sit down with him. Allen was eager for you to learn more about his life-long commitment to agriculture and share his vision for the breed going forward. MORE


Pork Community Supports Combating Antibiotic Resistant

The National Pork Board and National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) applaud the action steps defined by the White House through the Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (PACCARB). The report issued March 31 stated U.S. pork producers having been doing their part to tackle the growing resistance problem. MORE

Tyson Announces Water Conservation Goal

Tyson Foods officials announced today that the company will be expanding their ongoing water conservation efforts. The announcement accompanies the release of the third installment of the company's 2015 Sustainability Report, which includes information about its environmental stewardship. MORE 
Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1507 Templemore Dr.
Cantonment, FL 32533
850-780-6617 office
850-308-1221 fax
email: [email protected] (inquiries/news releases/announcements)
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Cindy on Twitter