January 15, 2016 
Hello ZimmComm Fans:
Our very own @FarmPodcaster covered the annual American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Meeting this week in Orlando and watched a new Presidential election.  While she was there the @AgriBlogger went on location for his first ever Potato Expo in Las Vegas.  He now appreciates one of his favorite vegetables even more but things got a little strange with the Nufarm Zebra named Chip   You'll have to read his coverage to find out why.  He'll be off to Indianapolis next week for the Soil Health Summit.
A lot of you are foodies so our new ZimmPoll wants your feedback on the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans.  Let us know what you think.
Here is some audio from this week you might have missed:
Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:

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NuFarm Working to Tame the Zebra

Chip, the Nufarm zebra has been roaming the rows at the 2016 Potato Expo this week with a goal of educating attendees about new research into fighting zebra chip. MORE


Zippy Duvall Elected New @FarmBureau President

Georgia Farm Bureau president Zippy Duvall has a new job after a three ballot election at the American Farm Bureau Federation convention in Orlando. MORE


GROWMARK's Matching Gift Program Supports Local Giving

A new matching gift program from GROWMARK will support local member giving. The company, through its foundation, is introducing a matching gift program to team up with its members in support of local non-profit organizations. MORE 
DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel 

Groups Sue EPA Over RFS
A coalition has sued the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), over the final rules of the Renewable Fuel Standard for 2014, 2015 and 2016 that were finalized near the end of last year. The current levels for fuels do not meet legislative mandates for those years regardless of the fact that the biofuels industry has shown they can meet fuel volumes. MORE

China Instigates Anti-Dumping Investigation
China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) has initiated anti-dumping countervailing duty investigations into U.S. produced distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) exported to the country. Both the ethanol industry and the grains industry expressed concern over the announcement. MORE

Arkema Addresses Corrosion in Biodiesel Process
One of the issues for biodiesel producers is corrosion of equipment by chemicals used in the production process. Pennsylvania-based chemical company Arkema has developed a low corrosion version of Methane Sulfonic Acid (MSA LC) that will turn free fatty acids into quality biodiesel without using the acids that damage the biodiesel production equipment. MORE


Sonoma Co. Wine Growers Focused On Sustainability

As they move closer to their quest to become the first 100% sustainable winegrowing region, Sonoma County Winegrowers announced they are expanding their efforts in 2016 to focus on the socially-responsible component of sustainability with the relaunch of the Sonoma County Grape Growers Foundation. The Foundation will work with a number of community-based organizations and government agencies to provide resources and support for agricultural employees and their families. MORE 

New Data Solution Provided Via Drone

If your farm needs include a drone that's ready to go right out of the box, the Enduro quad copter might be for you.  Designed in partnership between Agribotix LLC and Hawkins Manufacturing Inc., this technology comes with a fully supported agricultural analytics solution, creating a product that's turnkey for the user. MORE 

Corn Demand Estimates Reflect Sluggish Markets

Growers across the country have worked hard in less than desirable conditions this year to bring in a quality corn crop. With a predicted 3rd largest corn crop produced on record, NCGA is working hard to constantly improve demand for the commodity. MORE 

Vilsack Talks Trade, Climate & SOTU
USDA Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack held a press call yesterday to discuss President Obama's last State of the Union (SOTU) address. Vilsack, who has served in the capacity of Ag Secretary throughout Obama's Administration, said he is very proud to have been part of an administration that has basically taken the country from a brink of an economic collapse to where we are today. He noted that there is still a lot of work to do and one way change will continue is through what President Obama termed the "innovation economy".  MORE

#PotatoExpo 2016
It is potato time in Las Vegas: Potato Expo 2016. The annual event features world class experts in potato production, research and marketing. The goal is to discover new ideas and share business solutions with growers from across the globe. MORE

Listen to audio here.

#AFBF16 in Orlando
The 97th annual convention of the American Farm Bureau Federation was held January 10-12 in Orlando, Florida. The event kicked off with the Opening General Session where outgoing President Bob Stallman addressed thousands of farmers and ranchers from around the country and encouraged them to stand up and be counted. MORE

Listen to audio here.

Animal Ag Testifies at TPP Hearing

The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) hosted three days of hearings entitled TPP Agreement: Likely Impact on the U.S. Economy and on Specific Industry Sectors. The goal of the hearings was to gather information for an economic analysis of TPP. Many animal agriculture groups gathered to testify on the pros and cons of the trade agreement. MORE
Forum on Antibiotic Use in Humans & Animals

The Farm Foundation Forum will take place January 20, 2016 and focus on the issue of antibiotic use in both humans and animals. If you have an interest in agricultural, food and rural policy, including members of Congress, congressional staff, executive branch officials, industry representatives, NGO representatives, academics and members of the media, the Farm Foundation encourages you to attend. MORE  
NCBA Urges House to Support Disapproval of WOTUS

The National Cattlemen's Beef Association and Public Lands Council, along with 42 state affiliate organizations, have sent a letter to the House of Representatives urging support of Senate Joint Resolution 22, disapproval of the EPA and Army Corps' "waters of the United States" rule. NCBA President Philip Ellis, said withdrawal or defunding of WOTUS remains a top priority for cattlemen. MORE  
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