Apr. 10, 2015


Hello ZimmComm Fans:

It has been a fantastic ending to the week for AgNerds.  Today the AgriBlogger placed an order for an Apple Watch   You'll be able to read his review in a future AgNerd Cloud column after he receives it.  Today is also the day that Android lovers can purchase a Samsung Galaxy S6.  You might guess it but the AgriBlogger traded his S4 mini for an S6!  Now he's got an AT&T iPhone 6 and a Verizon S6.  We should give him a score of 12 for that.

Speaking of the AgriBlogger, he's now taking your questions on all things AgNerdish.  Social media, gadgets, blogging, podcasting, search engines, analytics, you name it.  If he doesn't know the answer he'll make it up, er, find it for you.  Just email him or message him somehow or other.  There are so many ways now.

Our new ZimmPoll this week switches to the alternative fuel industry.  Our question is, "What is your favorite alternative fuel (to gasoline)?  Please let us know.  And thank you New Holland for continuing to be the sponsor of our weekly ZimmPoll.

The ZimmComm team has put the final touches on 2015 Agri-Marketing Conference plans.  We'll be the official NAMA photographers once again.  If you'd like to have a special photo taken during the conference just ask Chuck, Cindy, Jamie or Taylor.  See you there next week.

Here is some audio from this week you might have missed:

Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:



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In just a week agricultural marketers and students from around the country will be gathering in Kansas City, MO for the 2015 Agri-Marketing Conference. The ZimmComm team of Cindy, Jamie and Taylor and myself will be there bringing you all the play by play action. MORE

Ask the AgriBlogger
Ever since entering the online publishing business with a blog back in 2004 and then figuring out what social media channels were all about I have been frequently asked questions everywhere I go. These micro-consulting sessions have utilized a lot of my time over these years. But I'm always happy to help someone better understand the tools of the trade.  MORE

Happy National Order Apple Watch Day


The big day is here for wearable technology. The latest entry is Apple's new Watch. Today is the first day you can order the new gadget. MORE 


DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel 

President Obama Announces Solar Efforts
In Utah on Friday, President Obama announced new growth efforts for the solar industry and support for veterans. MORE 
RFA Reports February Ethanol Export Record

The Renewable Fuels Association reports that U.S. ethanol exports reached a new record in February, based on an analysis of the latest government data. MORE 

ARF Challenges Confirmed Candidates

The America's Renewable Future campaign is challenging the two confirmed Republican presidential candidates to take a stand for renewable fuels. MORE


11 Land-Grant Institutions Help Protect Pecan Yield

More than 75% of the world's pecan crop is produced in the United States, and researchers and extension specialists from 11 land-grant universities are working together to ensure that pests don't affect crop yield. The project, titled S-1049 Integrated Management of Pecan Arthropod Pests in the Southern U.S., is a multistate research project that helps pecan growers learn more about affordable, environmentally friendly, and sustainable pecan pest management options. MORE 
 Industry Adjusting to Lower Farm Equipment Sales

Sales of farm tractors and combines are continuing their downward trend this year and the industry is adjusting after several good years in a row, according to the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM). MORE

John Deere One of America's Best Employers

John Deere has been the maker of quality farm equipment for a long time. Now, it's being recognized as one of the best employers in the country. This company news release says Deere is 38th among 500 companies included in the recently-announced Forbes magazine list of America's Best Employers.



USDA Official on the Road for Trade

USDA Deputy Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services Alexis Taylor has been meeting with agricultural stakeholders around the country to talk about the importance of Trade Promotion Authority for the president in expanding international markets for U.S. products. MORE



Propane Program Pays Off for Growers
The Propane Farm Incentive Program paid off for participants last year, according to the Propane Education and Research Council (PERC). MORE



Cong. Vicky Harzler Interview
Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) and 70 House colleagues recently called for the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) to be based on sound nutritional science and not areas such as sustainability and tax policy. MORE




 Merck Enhances CreatingConnections™ Program

Merck Animal Health released an educational video about cattle shipping and transportation as part of its CreatingConnections™ program - designed to help producers better understand cattle behavior and use that knowledge to help reduce stress, improve reproduction and foster stronger immune responses. The first video in the series presents a practical look at low-stress handling techniques that capitalize on beef cattle's natural behaviors. It also illustrates how to move cattle calmly from the feedyard pens, through the chute, onto the trailer and unloading at the packing plant - utilizing a philosophy based on communication with the animals. MORE 

AEB Supports the White House Easter Egg Roll


The American Egg Board (AEB) continued its tradition of supporting the 137th White House Easter Egg Roll. The 38th Commemorative Egg was presented to First Lady Michelle Obama, on behalf of America's egg farmers, by AEB Chairman Paul Sauder, R.W. Sauder Inc., Lititz, Pa., and AEB President & CEO Joanne C. Ivy. President Obama again attended the presentation. MORE 

#BeefsOnMyPlate Campaign Kicks Off


The National Cattlemen's Beef Association has a unique opportunity for you to engage in the discussion around diet and health in Washington D.C. The most recent Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee's report has confusing nutritional messages by leaving lean meat out of healthy dietary pattern, despite its own nutritional evidence review. Now, you can engage by posting your pictures of how beef fits on your plate using #BeefsOnMyPlate. MORE 
Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1507 Templemore Dr.
Cantonment, FL 32533
850-780-6617 office
850-308-1221 fax
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