Mar. 13, 2015
Hello ZimmComm Fans:
Spring is almost here and we hope most of you are having a nice warm feeling at home for a change.  Spring also means National Ag Day is coming up.  You can catch the activities on as Chuck covers the various events that will take place in Washington, DC courtesy of GROWMARK.

When it comes to Trade Promotion Authority our ZimmPoll respondents told us Congress should grant the President that authority.  Seventy five person said yes!

Now we're asking, "Which potential presidential candidate would be best for ag?" Let us know what you think.

If you haven't registered for April's Agri-Marketing Conference keep in mind that the deadline for early registration is March 19.

Here are some audio files from this week you might have missed:

Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:


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 AgWired  AgWired     



The inventor of Schmacon accepted a challenge to do better than the turkey bacon he and a friend were eating one day. So he invented "Beef's Answer to Bacon - Schmacon." If you attended this year's American Farm Bureau Federation convention you might remember being able to sample it. You can read his full story here (pdf). MORE

EPA and USDA Heads to Keynote NFU Convention
Members of the National Farmers Union will hear from both Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and EPA administrator Gina McCarthy on Monday at their convention in Wichita. MORE

USFRA Holds Research & Food Industry Workshop


I had the opportunity to catch up with U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) chairwoman Nancy Kavazanjian during the Commodity Classic to find out about their Research & Food Industry Workshop which was held just prior to Classic. MORE 




DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel 

Administration Releases Wind Energy Report 
The Department of Energy today released a new analysis of America's wind energy industry - Wind Vision: A New Era for Wind Power in the United States. MORE


The American Coalition for Ethanol is holding its 7th annual DC Fly-In, also known as the Biofuels Beltway March, on March 24-25. MORE


Bobby Likis to Spotlight Ethanol Exports 

Syndicated car-talk program "Bobby Likis Car Clinic" will feature a discussion on global demand for U.S. ethanol and its co-products on this week's globalcast which airs live on Saturday morning March 14. MORE

While at the 2015 Mid-South Farm & Gin Show, our own Chuck Zimmerman had a chance to chat with Monsanto's Keylon Gholston, Cotton Product Manager with Monsanto, who provided insight into new cotton technologies and products that will be beneficial to growers. MORE

Registration is now open for the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) 132nd Annual Convention which will be in Washington DC this year, June 17-20, where members will be sowing seeds of information inside the Beltway. MORE

Learn More About Overlap System

As weed resistance is increasing and weed characteristics are changing, weed management strategies have to change. That's why agronomists and weed scientists recommend using more than one soil herbicide. This strategy, called the Overlap™ System, takes weed stress off post herbicides by introducing multiple effective modes of action, different chemistries and controlling weeds before they emerge for longer periods of time.



Biofuels Leaders Defend RFS 


As the American Petroleum Institute on Wednesday renewed its call to repeal the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), representatives of the ethanol and advanced biofuels industry and corn growers defended the law and the fuel. MORE



Iowa Ag Summit
Nine potential Republican presidential candidates were asked their opinions on various agricultural issues at the Iowa Ag Summit in Des Moines on March 7. MORE

Listen to audio here

The 63rd Annual Mid-South Farm & Gin Show brought together farmers from Texas to Missouri to the southeast Gulf coast. The 2015 event took place in Memphis, TN and Chuck was there to cover it all. Find links to all his photos and audio below. Don't forget to check back, more will be added daily. MORE

Listen to audio here.  



U.S. Poultry Industry Statement on Avian Flu  

In light of the recent detections of avian influenza (AI) in the United States, the U.S. poultry industry would like to assure the public that detailed response plans are in place for controlling the spread of the virus and for eliminating the virus entirely. MORE 

Report From National Pork Industry Forum


The pork industry held its annual business meeting, the National Pork Industry Forum, March 5-7 in San Antonio. At the meeting, Pork Act Delegates ranked nine candidates for the National Pork Board and submitted the list to the U.S. secretary of agriculture. MORE 

Millennial Marketing at Alliance Summit


Jeff Fromm, author and executive vice president of Barkley, the largest employee-owned advertising agency in the United States, will address attendees at the Animal Agriculture Alliance's annual Stakeholders Summit, to be held May 6-7, 2015 in Kansas City, MO. Early registration is now available for the 2015 edition of the Alliance's showcase event, themed "The Journey to Extraordinary." MORE 
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