Jan 23, 2015
Hello ZimmComm Fans:
For a full decade ZimmComm has provided the Biodiesel Blogger for the National Biodiesel Conference.  That has primarily been Chuck who just got back from this year's conference in Ft. Worth.  He's got a lot of stories to share still in the next several days which will include a focus on new biodiesel vehicles, young scientists and their products and the annual Eye on Biodiesel awards.  There are also 472 photos online from the event for your viewing/sharing pleasure. We can't say enough how much we appreciate the long term enjoyable relationship with the National Biodiesel Board and their support of what was a new communications channel at that time!  On to Florida for the conference next year.

Starting today the AgriBlogger will be conducting regular AgNerd giveaways.  He's been doing it on social media for a while but will now do so more formally on AgWired and it will tie in to his new AgNerd Cloud column.  He's got some cool items in his giveaway stash so keep your eye out for announcements.  If you'd like some great online exposure for your company by being the sponsor of all this AgNerd goodness please contact Chuck for ideas.  He always has some good ones!

There's a big football game coming up on February 1 and it seems like the media just want to talk about commercials, the Deflatriots vs. Seahawks, and old statistics. But we want to know about Super Bowl Food!  Yeah.  Like, as in, What's your favorite Super Bowl party food?  That's our new ZimmPoll.  So c'mon foodies.  Let us know so we can share. 

Here are some interviews from this week you might have missed:

Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:

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Consumer Electronics Offer Glimpse into Ag Tech

 did not attend the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas but via Twitter I met John Shutske, Associate Dean for Extension and Outreach Programs in the University of Wisconsin's College of Agricultural and Life Sciences who was attending. John agreed to share some of his observations of the events he attended during last week's show so that's what we're talking about in this week's program.  MORE

Water Availability is a Growing Concern

A growing population, increasing environmental demands and climate change are combining to pose long-term questions for water availability, especially in the western part of the United States, and California in particular. MORE

 Grain Shippers to Benefit from Rail Investment


Billions of dollars to improve service on one of the most important railroads for grain producers looks to resolve problems that hurt the grain industry last year. Attendees of the recent American Farm Bureau Federation's 96th Annual Convention and IDEAg Trade Show heard from Greg Guthrie, director of ag products for BNSF, who updated them them on a $5 billion capital investment plan the company announced at the beginning of 2014, which grew to closer to $5.5 billion by the end of the year. MORE


DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel 

Matt Blunt Delivers Message to NBB Attendees
It was good to see former Missouri Governor Matt Blunt on stage today at the National Biodiesel Conference. Matt accomplished great things for the industry during his time in office. He is now the President of the American Automotive Policy Council and lives in Virginia. By the way, he also has a small herd of beef cattle. MORE

Joe Jobe Meets the Press

After this morning's general session during the National Biodiesel Conference NBB CEO Joe Jobe met with the press. This gave reporters a chance to ask specific questions about not only his earlier speech but also more background and details on what is happening (or not happening) with the RFS and tax credits. MORE

Solar Jobs Increase Again in 2014

Outpacing the growth of the U.S. economy as a whole by 20 percent, the solar industry added another 31,000 jobs in 2014. The Solar Foundation (TSF) released the Solar Census Report late last week and found that total employment in the solar sector is 173,807 workers.  MORE


Hick Chick Chat: Top Ten All-Time Favorite Tractors

Farm and Ranch Living recently asked their readers to submit and vote for their favorite tractor of all time. This very much hit home for me as my dad still has the first tractor he over bought. A Massey-Harris 101 Junior. He also has the first car he ever bought, but that's a different story.   MORE 

Digi-Star to Introduce New Grain Tracker App 

Digi-Star will introduce the new Grain Tracker app at the 2015 National Farm Machinery Show held February 11-14 in Louisville, Ky. MORE 

The Yield Lab Announces First Cohort


The Yield Lab, the nation's largest agriculture technology business accelerator, announced its first five participating companies, which will begin the program this week in St. Louis. The companies were selected from a pool of more than a hundred applicants from around the world and reflect the Yield Lab's mission to promote solutions for a healthier, more sustainable future globally. MORE 



National Biodiesel Conference


Biodiesel producers headed to Fort Worth, Texas for the 12th annual National Biodiesel Conference and Expo January 19-22, 2015. MORE

Fiery Biodiesel Industry Speech - NBB CEO Joe Jobe Speech
Joe Jobe Meets the Press - NBB CEO Joe Jobe Press Conference
Legislative Discussion from NBB - NBB Legislative Forum
NBB Chairman's Report - NBB Chair Steven Levy Remarks
Matt Blunt Delivers Message to NBB Attendees - Matt Blunt speech at biodiesel conference


America's Renewable Future Campaign Launched
Iowa Governor Terry Branstad has announced a major new bi-partisan campaign called America's Renewable Future that will promote the Renewable Fuel Standard in the 2016 Iowa Presidential caucuses. America's Renewable Future will be co-chaired by former Iowa State Representative Annette Sweeney, a Republican, and former state Lieutenant Governor Patty Judge, a Democrat, as well as Iowa renewable fuels industry leader Bill Couser. Coordinating the effort will be Governor Branstad's son Eric, a public affairs specialist and campaign operative. MORE


Eco Agro Expands Team
Eco Agro Resources (EAR) expands its team with the addition of industry veterans Richard Sherman and Debbie Lewis. It also expands its network of offices with the addition of a Saint Louis-area office. MORE




Canada Cattlemen Comment on COOL

The Canadian Cattlemen's Association (CCA) attended the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) annual convention in mid-January as part of its ongoing lobbying efforts related to U.S. mandatory Country of Origin Labeling (COOL). The CCA is making sure that U.S. farmers, ranchers and legislators understand that Canada is serious about imposing tariff s on a wide variety of U.S. agriculture and processed products if the discrimination against our livestock caused by COOL is not eliminated. MORE

Elanco, Tyson Foods & GNP Company Fight Hunger


Elanco announced results of its #Feedthe9 community outreach to help fight hunger. In support of its vision for a food-secure world, Elanco's poultry business unit donated a total of $18,000 to three customers' community partners, and worked with 400 employees at GNP CompanyTM and Tyson Foods locations in three states to provide more than 10 tons of food and package over 14,000 meals. Elanco also recognized Tyson Foods team members in Monroe, North Carolina, for generating the most social media posts using the hashtag #Feedthe9TysonNC to raise awareness about their partner, Operation Reach Out. MORE

Rodale Institute to Partner with CowMaster


Rodale Institute, a non-profit dedicated to pioneering organic farming through research and outreach, announced that they have partnered with CowMaster to provide botanical formulas from certified organic and wild-crafted sources to dairy farmers. Through the partnership, 20% of all CowMaster profits will be donated to Rodale Institute. "Rodale Institute's new partnership with CowMaster will not only generate a new source of funds for our continued research, education and outreach in the field of organics, but will also enhance the health and well-being of dairy cows around the world," said Rodale Institute Executive Director, 'Coach' Mark Smallwood. MORE 
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ZimmComm New Media

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Cantonment, FL 32533
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Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises