Jan 16, 2015

Hello ZimmComm Fan:


Cindy is home from the 2015 American Farm Bureau Federation Convention.  You can find all kinds of interviews and other content on AgWired and also aggregated onto AgNewsWire as well.  She gets a break next week while Chuck heads to Ft. Worth for the National Biodiesel Conference where he'll morph into the Biodiesel Blogger once again.  Yep, we're back into the season of conventions and meetings.

We were a little surprised at the results of our lastest ZimmPoll   Even with a lot of concerns people have regarding human rights violations in Cuba an overwhelming 84% of respondents said the U.S. Ag Coalition for Cuba will benefit all aspects of agriculture.  No respondents thought it a bad idea.

So, this week's ZimmPoll goes another direction asking, Is China's recent ban on imports of U.S. poultry & eggs justified?  Let us know what you think.
Here are some interviews from this week you might have missed:

Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:


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AgNerd Cloud - Ayrstone Ayrmesh

It's time for another edition of the AgNerd Cloud, a fairly regular column on new technology for the farm. In this program we'll learn about how you can obtain a good internet cloud on your property that can include remote ethernet connections via a new wireless device!  MORE

Ag is Target for Guest Worker Audits

Agriculture has a target on its back when it comes to compliance with guest worker regulations, according to Eileen Scofield an immigration law attorney who held a workshop at the American Farm Bureau annual meeting this week. MORE

 Nufarm Cotton Plant Regulators


With a little help from Tony St. James, All Ag All Day, we get to learn more about some of the products that Nufarm is bringing to the cotton market. Tony sat down with Dr. Bob Bruss during the 2015 Beltwide Cotton Conferences. MORE



DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel 

UMass Researchers Identify Genes to Improve Biofuels
Plant geneticists including Sam Hazen at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Siobhan Brady at the University of California, Davis, now have a handle on the gene regulatory networks that control cell wall thickening by the synthesis of the three polymers, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. This breakthrough could have a positive impact on developing more efficient production technologies to convert cellulose to biofuels and biochemical. MORE

Algenol Receives EPA RIN Status

Algenol's advanced biofuel has received D-5 classification status under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). As such, their bio-crude co-product patented Direct to Ethanol pathway, is now eligible for a Renewable Identification Number (RIN). MORE 

Brazilian Ethanol Summit Planned

The 5th annual Ethanol Summit 2015 will take place in the Golden Hall of the World Trade Center (WTC) in S�o Paulo on June 29-30, 2015. The event supported by the Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association (UNICA) and will focus on renewable energy, especially ethanol, biomaterials and biochemicals that can be produced from sugarcane. There are more than 100 speakers in four major plenary sessions, 15 thematic panels and opening and closing ceremonies, as well as side events. Ethanol Summit 2015 will be organized by one of the world congress companies, MCI. MORE


USDA Marks New Era for Conservation Efforts

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Wednesday announced 115 new projects in all 50 states and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico will receive more than $370 million in Federal funding as part of the new USDA Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP).  MORE 

Bayer CropScience Offers New  Cotton Varieties 

Whether it's the unpredictable heat and late-season storms in the Texas Coastal Bend or the tough full season in Georgia, cotton growers face unique regional challenges each year. Bayer CropScience announces four new FiberMax� and Stoneville� cotton varieties for the 2015 season that are bred to help growers overcome major challenges indigenous to their region. MORE 

Farmers to Share their Soil Health Stories


Farmers attending this year's Iowa Power Farming Show in Des Moines February 3-5 can learn how other Midwest farmers are making decisions that improve the health of their soil, along with yields, profits and environmental outcomes. MORE 



96th AFBF Annual Meeting


The 96th annual convention of the American Farm Bureau Federation was held in San Diego, January 11-13, 2015. MORE

FDA Official Provides Update at AFBF -
Interview with FDA Deputy Commissioner Mike Taylor at AFBF
Ag is Target for Guest Worker Audits -
Interview with immigration attorney Eileen Scofield at AFBF
San Diego Sun Sets on AFBF Convention - AFBF president Bob Stallman top issues at delegate session


Ag Coalition for Cuba Launched
More than 25 companies and organizations launched the U.S. Agriculture Coalition for Cuba (USACC) in Washington Thursday to liberalize trade and re-establish Cuba as a market for U.S. food and agriculture exports. MORE


Corn Growers Welcome New Congress
The National Corn Growers Association spent Tuesday on Capitol Hill this week, welcoming the 114th Congress to Washington and talking up the importance of agriculture to the American economy. Pictured here is NCGA President Chip Bowling of Maryland with Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL) - photo from NCGAMORE




IDFA & Dairy Foods Magazine Aim to Broaden Audience

For the first time in the 30-year history of Dairy Forum, the industry's premier annual meeting, the International Dairy Foods Association and Dairy Foods magazine are collaborating to offer live online broadcasts of several key sessions. Dairy Forum will be held January 25-28 in Boca Raton, Fla., and the live-streaming sessions will be offered January 26 and 27. MORE

Reaction to Chinese Ban on U.S. Poultry Imports


China this week banned imports of U.S. poultry and eggs following the detection of avian flu in wild birds in the Pacific Northwest. MORE

Zoetis Partnership Helps Boost Value of Feeder Cattle


Zoetis Inc. has partnered with Verified Beef, LLC, to support Reputation Feeder Cattle™, a program for ranchers and cattle feeders that helps define feeder calf value by verifying industry-leading genetics and best practices. MORE 
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ZimmComm New Media

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Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises