Oct 3, 2014
Hello ZimmComm Fans:

The ZimmComm Team hopes you're enjoying our look at life on the agriblogging highway this week.  Events include the Verdesian Life Sciences media event, "Tomorrow's Science Delivering Today's Returns" in Los Alamos, NM; World Dairy Expo courtesy of New Holland; Canadian Farm Writers Federation Annual Mtg. courtesy of CaseIH and New Holland Blogger Days in Turin, Italy.

The legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes has become a hot topic as more states consider legislation to make it available on some kind of legal basis.  We receive quite a few press releases from the hemp industry so we thought we'd pose this question for our ZimmPoll: When do you think medicinal marijuana will become a major cash crop?  We've got pretty good response so far!

Here are some interviews from this week you might have missed.  Many more will be posted in coming days from all these events too!

Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:
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Cooperatives Set Another Record
October is National Cooperative Month and once again the nation's agricultural cooperatives set a new sales record for 2013.  MORE

Verdesian Life Sciences Aquires QC Corporation

QC Corporation is the sixth company to be acquired by Verdesian Life Sciences - a company according to founder and CEO JJ Grow - that is focused on nitrogen and phosphorus, two extremely important inputs for farmers. The combined company will continue to be owned by and have the capital backing of Paine & Partners. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed. MORE

Heading Home from Italy

It's time for the AgriBlogger to head back to ZimmComm World Headquarters from Italy. I've had a fantastic few days with some fellow ag bloggers from Italy, England and Brazil and the New Holland team. We've talked Expo Milano 2015, visited CNH Industrial Village, a diesel engine plant and lots more. This is our team outside the CNH Industrial Village. MORE
DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel 

More Corn in the Bins
There's more corn in the bins than there was a year ago at this time. USDA's newest Grain Stocks report shows 1.24 billion bushels of old crop corn in all positions as of September 1, up 50 percent from the same time last year. Of the total stocks, 462 million bushels of corn were stored on farms and 774 million bushels were stored off the farm, up 68 and 42 percent from the prior year, respectively. The U.S. corn disappearance totaled 2.62 billion bushels during June-August, up from 1.95 billion bushels during the same period last year. MORE

Ford Hauls Bad Guys Away with Biodiesel and E85

Ford is doing its part in helping clean up the streets while also cleaning the environment. The automaker has introduced its new 2015 Ford Transit Prisoner Transport Vehicle, or Transit PTV, capable of hauling up to 12 prisoners at a time and able to run on biodiesel or E85 ethanol.  MORE

Randall Doyal Elected as Board Chairman of RFA

The new leadership of the Renewable Fuels Association has been elected. The Board selected Randall Doyal, General Manager and CEO of Al-Corn Clean Fuel, as the next Chairman of the Board of Directors. Doyal heads an ethanol facility in Claremont, Minnesota that produces 50 million gallons annually. MORE

Be Part of Nutrient Management Solution

There are lots of good reasons to be proactive about nutrient management in agriculture, not the least of which is the threat of government regulation and litigation. MORE



Holland Loves New Holland

The T6 AutoCommand tractor, from CNH Industrial brand New Holland Agriculture, has won the Boerentrekker of the Year Award 2014 in the Netherlands by leading Dutch farming magazine Boerderij. MORE

Study Finds No Problem With GMO Feed


A new scientific review from the University of California-Davis has found no adverse impact on the performance and health of livestock and poultry consuming genetically engineered feed in the time since it was first introduced 18 years ago. MORE



Water for Food Global Conference


Mobilizing new data gathering capabilities to improve global water and food security is the subject of the sixth annual Water for Food Global Conference, hosted by the Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute at the University of Nebraska in association with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Oct. 19-22 in Seattle, Wash. MORE


NACD Meets with EPA on WOTUS
Representatives of the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) met with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials last week to express concerns on behalf of member conservation districts regarding the proposed "Waters of the U.S." (WOTUS) rule. MORE


See Everglades Ag Conservation in Action
Lettuce, sugar cane and owls will be just a few of the crops and creatures seen on this year's Conservation in Action Tour, hosted by the Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC). MORE




World Dairy Expo in Full Swing

Over 3,000 head of dairy cattle were pre-entered for this year's World Dairy Expo. No official count on the total of head actually exhibited, but the New Holland Pavilions are packed full of dairy cattle of all ages. I spoke with Scott Bentley, General Manager for World Dairy Expo, following the ribbon cutting ceremony and he said the cattle were appreciative of the new pavilions. The dairy cattle exhibitors were loving them and they were definitely the story for this year's expo. MORE

Drink More Milk, Buy More Balers


Exhibitors at the 2014 World Dairy Expo are the first to break in the New Holland Pavilions. Last night New Holland Agriculture hosted one of their infamous Club Blue parties for all World Dairy Expo exhibitors. The evening was full of food, drinks, music and some great conversation. MORE

NPPC Comments on Breakdown of TPP Talks


A breakdown in negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) last week is a good news/bad news situation for the National Pork Producers Council. MORE

Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1507 Templemore Dr.
Cantonment, FL 32533
850-780-6617 office
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Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises