May 2, 2014

Hello ZimmComm Fans:


Chuck and Cindy want everyone to know that they survived the Florida Panhandle Flood just fine and really appreciate all the contacts checking in on them. Between 20-26 inches of rain fell in one 24 hour period! At least their yard sprinkler water bill won't be much for a while.


Last week we listed a number of events that we're seeking sponsors for. Another one that has come up on our radar after being invited is the International Food & Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA), Cape Town 2014 Symposium/Forum. The focus will be on maintaining and sustaining the huge growth in the agribusiness sector in Africa. If your company is interested please let Dave Larson know.



Here are some interviews from this week you might have missed:



Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:

Sponsored by:
 AgWired  AgWired     


More on IFAJ and the FOA Agreement

As announced earlier this week, the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists has signed an agreement with the FAO. Signing for IFAJ was current President, Marcus Rediger. MORE

Farm Bureau Urges Ditching of EPA Water Rule

The Environmental Protection Agency's proposed "Waters of the US" rule was published in the Federal Register last week - all 111,000 words of it. The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) responded with just three words - "Ditch the Rule". MORE

Vote for 2014 American's Farm Mom of the Year

Monsanto and the American Agri-Women are pleased to announce the regional winners in the 2014 America's Farmers Mom of the Year Contest. These amazing farm moms have significantly and positively impacted their communities. Now they need America's support through online voting to determine who will be named "National Farm Mom of the Year." MORE
DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel 

Saudi Oil Money Backing Ethanol Smear Campaign

Americans United for Change and held a press call today to reveal IRS documents showing that Saudi Oil money is helping to finance the multi-million dollar anti-renewable fuel smear campaign ads that the American Petroleum Institute (API) is waging against ethanol and the Renewable Fuel Standard. Also today, the API held a press call to once again call for the lowering of ethanol volumes as mandated by the RFS. MORE

DF Cast: Fuels America Fights Back with "Oil Rigged" 

Backers of renewable fuels say when it comes to the fight against Big Oil, the fight is rigged... oil rigged.  MORE

Checkoff Targets Big Yields for Biodiesel Feedstock

A farmers' checkoff is targeting research to get bigger yields for this country's primary feedstock for biodiesel. This story from Biodiesel Magazine says the United Soybean Board wants to increase average soybean yields by about 50 percent in the decade. MORE

 Precision Pays

Precision Pays Podcast: The Great American Wheat Harvest 

Custom harvesters are big users of precision technologies. A recently released documentary follows several custom harvesters and shows how wheat makes it from the field to the bread on your dinner table. MORE


RoboFlight Provides Latest in Data Collection

RoboFlight is a global company that deals in data acquisition including UAV platforms as well as full scale aircraft and satellite systems. Beyond the agricultural industry, RoboFlight also works in security, search and rescue, utilities, mining and insurance. MORE


Utilizing UAV Imagery with SMS Advanced 


The production ag community has envisioned the many benefits of utilizing UAV technology since its inception. With many affordable solutions on the market today, ag professionals have begun offering services, and growers have realized the opportunity of using their own UAVs in their operations. While UAVs have become more affordable, often this technology has required the purchase of additional software programs to stitch, process and analyze captured imagery. While SMS doesn't currently offer image stitching tools, the software is capable of processing and analyzing the raw NIR imagery. MORE



Monsanto Makes Sustainability Comments


Kicking off a new Sustainable Product Expo this week, the CEOs from more than a dozen global companies gathered at Walmart headquarters in Arkansas Tuesday to pledge to increase sustainable food production.   MORE


REPREVE RENEWABLES Deploy Biomass Crop System 

REPREVEŽ RENEWABLES, LLC, is collaborating with farmers and landowners in the United States to grow giant miscanthus grass for renewable product solutions, combining an innovative business model with proprietary equipment technologies custom-built for rhizome-propagated crop production. This innovative approach provides an economic alternative for leveraging marginal and underutilized land. MORE

Walmart Sustainability Expo

Kicking off a new Sustainable Product Expo this week, the CEOs from more than a dozen global companies gathered at Walmart headquarters in Arkansas this week to pledge to increase sustainability, starting with the food and agriculture sector. MORE

 World Dairy Diary  



BouMatic Honors Erdman after 34 years of Service                       


BouMatic, the largest U.S. based, globally operating dairy equipment company, announces the retirement of Roger Erdman, Chief Engineer-Dairy Systems Architecture.  MORE 

Shamrock Farms Amps Up Milk Drive with Facebook "Like" Drive


Shamrock Farms is encouraging the public to get involved with the Great American Milk Drive and help those in need obtain up to 10,000 servings of nutrient-rich milk with a "Like Drive" on the Shamrock Farms Facebook page now through June 30, 2014. MORE 

CWT Assists with 7.3 Million lbs in Export Sales

Cooperatives Working Together (CWT) has accepted 26 requests for export assistance from Bongards Creameries, Dairy Farmers of America, Foremost Farms, Michigan Milk Producers Association and United Dairymen of Arizona to sell 873,031 pounds of Cheddar, Gouda and Monterey Jack cheese, 3.748 million pounds of 82% butter and 2.668 million pounds of whole milk powder to customers in Asia, Africa, Central and South American, Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. The product will be delivered April through October 2014. MORE 
Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1507 Templemore Dr.
Cantonment, FL 32533
850-780-6617 office
850-308-1221 fax
email: (inquiries/news releases/announcements)
Chuck on Twitter
Cindy on Twitter

Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises