Apr 11, 2014
Hello ZimmComm Fans:

Chuck, Cindy and other members of the ZimmComm team are pretty much exhausted after NAMA Agri-Marketing Conference week in Jacksonville, FL. What a fantastic week though. We celebrated our ten year anniversary with many, many friends and clients and appreciate all of them and you. Now it's on to ten more.

If you didn't make it to the conference you can live it in photos in our Agri-Marketing Conference Photo Album. We've got many more stories to share on AgWired after a short recovery. But then it's back on the agriblogging highway next week!

Here are a couple interviews from this week you might have missed. There are lots more so visit our websites to see what else was new this week.

Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:

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 AgWired  AgWired     


NASS Census Division Director at NAMA

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) announced it will publish the 2012 Census of Agriculture full report on May 2. The announcement was made this week as NASS Census and Survey Division Director Renee Picanso was attending the National Agri-Marketing Association conference in Jacksonville, Florida. MORE 



Fresh From Florida NAMA Farm Tour

Since it's usually in Kansas City, the annual NAMA conference rarely has a farm tour, so getting to see and hear about some agriculture outside the Midwest was a treat this week. Thanks to the Florida NAMA chapter for setting it up and to sponsors Ag Net Media and Vance Publishing for making it possible. MORE

Alliance Stakeholders Summit Asks: "Who is Big Ag?"

Growing weary of the buzzword bonanza and juxtaposition of jargon, the Animal Agriculture Alliance announced today an interactive panel at Summit that will tackle the myths surrounding "big agriculture." At the Alliance's 13th annual Stakeholders Summit, themed "Cracking the Millennial Code," panelists from Monsanto, Ray-Lin Dairy, Zweber Farms and the Illinois Farm Bureau (ILFB) will discuss how agriculture can move past negative name-calling and drill down to the heart of agriculture: farming. MORE
DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel 

NASCAR Leader Testifies for Biofuels 

The Senate Agriculture Committee held a hearing this week on advanced biofuels. Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow of Michigan says advanced biofuels are here now, and they are an important part of the energy title in the recently passed farm bill. MORE


ACE: Blend Wall Cost Reporting Wrong

Several recent media reports have reported that the "blend wall" cost refiners nearly $1.35 billion last year. The blend wall is the amount of ethanol that can be blended into the fuel supply. Today is this considered E10 and for the most part this has been achieved. The next step to hurdle the so called blend wall is to either increase the amount of ethanol blended into the fuel supply, such as E15 which is a voluntary blend (retailers can choose to blend E15 and consumers can choose to purchase E15) or to promote mid-level or higher blends of ethanol such as E85, which can be used in flex-fuel vehicles. MORE  

Minnesota Biodiesel Mandate: I'm Not Dead Yet!

Minnesota's biodiesel mandate, looking like it could take a hit, has risen up like a Monty Python character and shouted back, "I'm NOT dead yet!" Recently, we told you how the mandate was facing an uncertain future, as the date to finally move to B10, a 10 percent blend of the green fuel, is coming this year. But that put it dangerously close to another milestone of moving to B20 next year. But this article from Biodiesel Magazine says a compromise piece of legislation looks like it could preserve the mandate... just at a slower pace. MORE

 Precision Pays

Hick Chick Chat about Norman Borlaug

Back in early October, I got an email from Cindy asking if I would be available to join her in Des Moines for the World Food Prize. Of course I was available, but what on earth is the World Food Prize. I did some Google research, I had seen our agenda, but I really had NO clue what I was about to learn and hear in downtown Des Moines. I kept telling Cindy that I was totally fascinated by the sheer knowledge I was gaining. At some points I think she wanted to choke me if I said "this is fascinating" one more time. Truth be told, I'd never heard of Norman Borlaug, the Borlaug Dialogue and had no idea what I was getting myself into. Boy, did that all change.  MORE


BASF Offers Advice for Early Weed Control

Experts agree the best way to improve yields, control weeds and fight resistance is early season weed control. MORE

NCGA Supports Federal GMO Labeling Legislation


The National Corn Growers Association announced its support for legislation introduced at a press conference today that would establish a federal standard for the safety and labeling of food and beverage products made with genetically modified ingredients. MORE



Interviews From Capitol Hill           

During National Agriculture Day and American Coalition for Ethanol Fly-in activities last week, we were able to interview three lawmakers from the Midwest about issues important to agriculture. MORE

Sen. Thune Talks Rail Delays and Livestock Aid - Podcast
Listen to more audio here.

Interview with RFA CEO from DC

In this interview, Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen discusses the latest from Washington DC, including what he is hearing about the EPA proposal to lower the RFS, the latest anti-RFS ad campaign from Big Oil, rail delays impacting ethanol shipments, getting the tax credits for advanced biofuels reinstated, USDA plans to continue to support ethanol, and enthusiasm in the industry. MORE

 World Dairy Diary  



Registration Open for Mastitis Council Meeting                     


Registration for the National Mastitis Council (NMC) Regional Meeting, August 4-6, 2014, is now open. This three day event will be held at Ghent University in Ghent, Belgium.  MORE 

PortaScience Team Educates Rwandan Dairy Farms


PortaScience, Inc. president, Michael Gavin just returned from Rwanda. There he participated in the educational segment of a program funded by a grant from Feed the Future Partnering for Innovation to commercialize a milk quality test for East African small farms. He was joined by David Lee, professor from New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station and Nathaniel F. Makoni, Ph.D. with African Breeders Services, Total Cattle Management Ltd. Each provided educational resources to Rwandan dairy farmers. MORE 

NMPF Praises Introduction of Voluntary GMO Labeling Bill

The National Milk Producers Federation today applauded introduction of legislation establishing federal standards for the safety and labeling of foods containing genetically modified ingredients (GMOs). MORE 
Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1507 Templemore Dr.
Cantonment, FL 32533
850-780-6617 office
850-308-1221 fax
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Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises