Apr 4, 2014
Hello ZimmComm Fans:
ZimmComm New Media is celebrating ten years! That's ten years of pioneering the use of online agricultural communications via blogs, podcasts and social networking. Sure wish we could say we were so enlightened that we planned it all. But we just went with the flow. Now we're looking at the next ten years and wondering what things will be like when we get there.

We look at the Agri-Marketing Conference in 2004 as our official company launch so next week's conference is a special one for us. If you're attending please stop by our booth for some anniversary cake and other goodies as well as ZimmGlass Demos.

Actually, Chuck will be doing ZimmGlass demos while Bruce Rasa, Tekwear, will be demoing his Google Glass. If you don't know Bruce you need to. He's THE Glass pioneer for agriculture. If you have not seen Glass in action and are wondering what this new thing is then we've got the opportunity for you to get an in-person look at the coolest new wearable technology. How can this apply to agribusiness and ag communications? Stop by and we'll give you some ideas.

NAMA Agri-Marketing Conference week is going to be a big one with Brownfield Honky Tonk and Rhea + Kaiser After the After Pancake Ray breakfast thrown in. We'll be seeing you there.

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, "Do you think farm movies can help the public image of agriculture?"

It looks like the majority polled believe these farm movies can play a positive role in improving the agricultural industries image. Getting people to theaters to watch them might be tricky, but the old fashioned word-of-mouth advertising could be the ticket. Check on the FARMLAND and Great American Wheat Harvest websites for public screenings.

Our poll results:

▪Definitely - 38%
▪Maybe - 27%
▪No - 11%
▪Not sure - 4%
▪Can't hurt - 15%
▪Other - 5%

Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, "What's the largest percentage of your 2014 marketing budget?"

Next week is the annual Agri-Marketing Conference in Jacksonville, FL. Agribusiness/agency/media and more will be networking and participating in professional development activities. We're pretty sure this question will be a part of the conversation.

Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:

Sponsored by:
 AgWired  AgWired     


Happy 10th Anniversary to Agri-Pulse

Just like us, our friends at Agri-Pulse started their company in 2004, so we are celebrating our tenth anniversary together! MORE


Industrial Hemp Making its Case

Industrial hemp could be on the verge of becoming a respectable alternative crop in the United States, as it once was back when the country was founded and our first president grew it on his farm. MORE

Freshman Lawmaker Learns & Teaches on Farm Bill

One of the problems of being a new lawmaker is you seem to come in on the middle of things.MORE
DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel 

Corn Growers at Biofuels Beltway March 

More than 80 people turned out for the American Coalition for Ethanol Biofuels Beltway March this year, the most ever, and the diverse group included ethanol producers, retailers, bankers, truckers, cattle ranchers, students - and a whole bunch of corn farmers. The team here consisted of (LtoR) Missouri farmer Gary Porter, Missouri Corn Growers public policy director Shane Kinne, and Minnesota farmers on the board of Chippewa Valley Ethanol Dale Tolifson and Dave Thompson.MORE


EPA's Feeling about RFS? Depends Who's Asking

How does the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) feel about its proposal to cut the amount of ethanol and biodiesel to be blended into the Nation's fuel supply? Well, that depends on who the folks at the agency are talking to. MORE


ACORE Releases Renewable Energy in America Outlook

The American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE) has released The Outlook for Renewable Energy in America: 2014, jointly authored by U.S. renewable energy trade associations from the power, thermal, and fuel sectors. The Outlook assesses the renewable energy marketplace and forecasts the future of each renewable energy technology sector, from the perspectives of each of the associations, and provides a list of policy recommendations by the respective associations that would encourage continued industry growth. MORE

 Precision Pays

Precision Pays Podcast: The Big Data revolution

"Big Data" is one of the hottest topics at just about any farm meeting. Some of the questions that surround its use focus on who owns it and how it should be used.  MORE


Midwest Region of US Boasts Photosynthetic Activity

Data from satellite sensors show that during the Northern Hemisphere's growing season, the Midwest region of the United States boasts more photosynthetic activity than any other spot on Earth, according to NASA and university scientists. MORE

Extended Tech Support Hours


Whether it's good (hopefully!), bad or "help me before I throw this thing out into the field and run over it", Ag Leader's customer support staff wants to hear from you. And during busy seasons such as planting and harvest, customer support specialists are on hand extended hours to be sure that across all time zones, day or night, if you have a question in the field you can get an answer over the phone. MORE






2014 ACE Biofuels Beltway March           

The 6th annual Biofuels Beltway March organized by the American Coalition for Ethanol was held March 25-26, 2014 in Washington DC. Over 80 supporters representing 15 states heard from officials with USDA, EPA, and the White House and then visiting the offices of more than 120 members of Congress. MORE

Lawmakers Listening to Ethanol Advocates - Podcast
Listen to more audio here.

National Ag Day Celebration 

The celebration of 2014 National Agriculture Day in Washington DC included events March 25-27. MORE
Farm to Fork Politics sponsored by Agri-Pulse - Podcast
Listen to more audio here.

 World Dairy Diary  



Great American Milk Drive                      


Right now, 1 in 6 Americans face hunger. Many rely on food banks for nutrition assistance, including more than 12 million families. Across the country-and in your community-these families are missing out on the important nutrients found in milk.  MORE 

From Cow to Candy


A unique exhibition will be featured at PMCA's 68th Annual Production Conference. Transforming raw milk to finished candy is a complex and amazing process! Visitors to PMCA's dairy exhibit will have the opportunity to learn about the wide range of dairy ingredients available for use in confectionery products. From farm production through ingredient processing, the exhibit will provide a unique insight into the dairy product industry. MORE 

Dairy Industry Applauds White House Strategy

America's dairy farmers, cooperatives, processors, manufacturers, and other industry leaders applaud today's announcement by the White House of a Biogas and Energy Roadmap to reduce methane emissions from agriculture. MORE 
Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1507 Templemore Dr.
Cantonment, FL 32533
850-780-6617 office
850-308-1221 fax
email: (inquiries/news releases/announcements)
Chuck on Twitter
Cindy on Twitter

Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises