Mar 28, 2014
Hello ZimmComm Fans:

We hope you have had a wonderful National Agriculture Week.

The ZimmComm Team had a lot going on that included:

National Ag Day Activities - Photos (including Great American Wheat Harvest Movie/USFRA Panel/FARMLAND)

There are lots of interviews and other audio from these activities in our story posts.  Thanks to BCS Communications for making our coverage of National Ag Day Activities possible.

The ZimmGlass Project keeps moving forward. Chuck now has his Glass mounted on custom frames with his prescription lenses installed! Looks a little less agnerdy. If agricultural Journalism classes and agricultural media organizations would like Chuck to make a presentation please let him know. This new wearable tech could change how we report news in the future!

With the national premier of The Great American Wheat Harvest film documentary and the private screening of FARMLAND this week we thought it would be interesting to get some public opinion in our new ZimmPoll that asks the question, "Do you think farm movies can help the public image of agriculture?" Let us know what you think.
Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:
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 AgWired  AgWired     


The Continuing Saga of Pancake Ray 

If you've stayed up very late on Thursday night at the Agri-Marketing Conference the last couple of years then you know of Pancake Ray. He's the chef of the Rhea & Kaiser After the After Party. MORE


Great American Wheat Harvest Premier 

The National Premier Screening of The Great American Wheat Harvest movie took place yesterday as the first of many National Ag Day activities. MORE

2014 USPB Grower Survey Results 

Coming out of the January 2005 Grower Survey, 73% of U.S. potato growers rated the job being done by the United States Potato Board (USPB) as "excellent or good." By many standards that level of support for an industry organization is very strong. MORE
DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel 

The Littlest Lobbyist for Ethanol 

Wearing a tie and sporting a "Don't Mess with the RFS" button, 10-year-old Ethan Fagen was the youngest of the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) Biofuels Beltway marchers this week on Capitol Hill. MORE


Big Turnout for ACE Biofuels Beltway March 

An enthusiastic crowd of more than 80 ethanol supporters from 15 states are chomping at the bit to be set loose on Capitol Hill to visit the offices of Congress members and educate them about the importance of biofuels during the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) Biofuels Beltway March. MORE


Blue Sun Project Achieves Milestone

key development milestone has been achieved by the collaborative project between Blue Sun Energy, ARA Inc. and Chevron Lummus Global (CLG) in their 100 barrel/day (4,200 gallons/ per day) demonstration-scale Biofuels ISOCONVERSION (BIC) facility located in St. Joseph Missouri. The plant has now been commissioned and is producing biofuels. MORE

 Precision Pays

Hick Chick Chat: Dick Durbin Talks Ukraine, Farm Bill 

Driving into town one day last week, I caught most of an interview with Senator Dick Durbin on the radio station where I used to work. Senator Durbin has been a staple on the air with morning show AM Springfield host Sam Madonia and he would often join me when I hosted my own noon show on the same station.  MORE


Evolution of Prescription Farming 

When we think about technology advancement over the past 20 years a good example is our electronic devices. Smart phones, hand held tablets, sleeker computers; all these devices having data/software storage by the gigabyte and increasing. We live in a technology driven age with demand for real time information. This technology is common place in our society, but has also incorporated itself quite extensively into production agriculture over the past few years. MORE


Expert Habitat Advice Provided to Land Managers


Agriculture Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment, Robert Bonnie, announced today a renewed and expanded partnership to provide expert habitat advice to farmers and ranchers managing land within lesser prairie-chicken range. MORE    




Borlaug Statue Unveiling           

A statue of Dr. Norman E. Borlaug was installed March 25, 2014 at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., on what would have been the great agricultural scientist's 100th birthday. The leadership of the United States Congress, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, Governor Terry E. Branstad of Borlaug's home state of Iowa, and Amb. Kenneth M. Quinn, who chaired the Borlaug Statue Committee, were all part of the ceremony. MORE


National Ag Day Celebration 

The celebration of 2014 National Agriculture Day in Washington DC included events March 25-27. MORE

Swine Health Seminar Focuses on All Aspects of PCV2                

Boehringer Ingelheim (BIVI) recently hosted its Swine Health Seminar in Dallas, Texas. The theme: Running the Option: A Multifaceted Approach to PCV2 (or Porcine Circovirus). MORE

 World Dairy Diary  



GEA Adds Eating Time Analysis to CowScout                      


Electronically monitoring cows for activity helps to automate the heat detection process, and supply more accurate breeding information for increased pregnancy rates. Activity monitors can also alert producers to health challenges ahead of clinical signs being visually observed, allowing for earlier treatment and avoiding a potential drop in milk production. To increase monitoring capabilities, GEA Farm Technologies has added eating time to the CowScout™ activity monitoring system.  MORE 

Opposition Allowing Interstate Sales of Raw Milk 


The nation's dairy farmers and dairy companies today expressed their opposition to new legislation in Congress that would allow the interstate sales of raw milk, saying that any additional availability of the product will increase the number of sicknesses and deaths of people who consume it. MORE 

Aging US Population Seek Dairy Products to Boost Health

As the US population continues to age, dairy products that meet the nutritional needs of older consumers will become increasingly influential. US dairy marketers should communicate the health benefits of their dairy products by promoting their advantages for maintaining an active lifestyle. MORE 
Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1507 Templemore Dr.
Cantonment, FL 32533
850-780-6617 office
850-308-1221 fax
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Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises