Dec 6, 2013  
Howdy ZimmComm Fans:

Looks like a white winter already in parts of the country.  Can't say Chuck and Cindy are regretting their move back to home state Florida where it was 75 degrees this morning!  However, Chuck gets on the agriblogging highway Sunday for Chicago and a visit to Nufarm's new North American headquarters and manufacturing plant in Alsip, Illinois.  He still has his midwest winter gear though so don't worry.

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, "What are you thankful for?"

Our poll results:

· All of the above - 37%
· Friends and family - 15%
· Good health - 12%
· Freedom - 8%
· Affordable food - 8%
· Rewarding work - 7%
· Our great nation - 7%
· Other - 7%

There are so many things for us to be thankful for that it's no wonder an "All of the above" would be the top choice. We hope your families had a wonderful holiday and are now preparing for the Christmas season with full hearts as well!

Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, "Do you plan to make any year-end equipment purchases?" Is your farm expanding? Maybe it's out with the old, in with the new? Maybe for tax purposes? Let us know!

Here are some interviews and audio from this week you might have missed:

In case you have missed it, the ZimmComm Team has most of the interviews conducted at the NAFB convention aggregated on here and here   Check it out since you or your client may be featured.

Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:

 AgWired  AgWired     

BCS Communcations Celebrates Ten Years

In this week's program we'll help celebrate BCS Communications ten year anniversary. They actually celebrated quite a bit last night but I couldn't be there. It was their annual holiday open house. MORE


Research, Promotion & Education at Pork Board 

The National Pork Board is the entity that conducts research, provides education and promotes the product. They were at the recent NAFB Convention and I caught up with them during the always busy, yet fun and exciting Trade Talk. MORE


Merck's Attack on BRD

Merck Animal Health is dedicated to spreading the awareness of one of the most common diseases found in the cattle industry. Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) continues to take an economic toll on herds across the country. During NAFB's Trade Talk I spoke with Dr. Brent Meyer, technical services veterinarian for Merck. He shares what the company is doing to tackle BRD and educate producers.  MORE

DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel 

What Does Wall Street Think of the RFS

So what does Wall Street think of the EPA's 2014 proposed rule for the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). This question was asked during a media call hosted by the Advanced Biofuels Association (ABFA) in anticipation for the EPA public hearing on December 5th regarding their proposed rule. And the answer was given by Pavel Molchanov, SVP and Equity Research Analyst, Raymond James & Associates Inc. MORE


Rep. Cheri Bustos Loves Ethanol 

Did you know that Representative Cheri Bustos (D-IL) loves ethanol? Those in attendance at Patriot Renewable Fuels roundtable and RFS rally learned this when hearing from Rep. Bustos about her support of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).


IKEA Plugs In 3 Blink EV Charging Stations 

IKEA has plugged-in three BlinkŪ electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at its Dallas-area store as part of its partnership with Car Charging Group, Inc., the new owner of the Blink Network and Blink charging stations, and the largest provider of EV charging services with more than 13,430 charging points in 35 states and three countries. To charge an EV at IKEA Frisco, drivers pull into a designated parking spot, tap their Blink InCard (RFID card) to the reader below the screen, plug the charger into the EV, and then shop and eat at their leisure in the IKEA store while the vehicle is charging. MORE 
 Precision Pays

GSI Acquires JSI  

With a record corn crop going in the bin, more storage is needed and that's where GSI comes in. Andrew Stednitz director of North America Dealer Sales for GSI had some exciting news for me while we were at NAFB Trade Talk last month. They have recently acquired JSI (Johnson Systems Inc.) which will bring them into the tower, catwalk, and superstructure business. MORE


Hick Chick Chat with Case IH about 2014 Products


Everyone has their preferences. On our farm, we liked red tractors and combines, on yours you may like green ones, maybe blue or even yellow or silver. Regardless, new products are rolling out for 2014. I had a chance to chat with the boys from CaseIH while at Trade Talk at NAFB about their upcoming 2014 line. MORE  



'Farm Portfolio' Approach to Simplify Conservation 

City dwellers as well as farmers need bottom-line returns from over $4 billion invested in federal conservation programs every year. A new "Farm Portfolio" approach shows that the U.S. economy, human health and the environment can benefit in measurable ways from coordinating conservation at all levels. MORE



Analyst Summarizes Canada Crop Report       

Canadian farmers harvested record crops this season, according to the December report from Statistics Canada. Production of most field crops increased in 2013 compared with 2012 as yields reached a number of record highs. Both canola and wheat production reached record levels in 2013. MORE


Advanced Biofuels Industry Previews EPA Testimony       

The Advanced Biofuels Association (ABFA) hosted a call today to preview their testimony that will be delivered during EPA's public hearing on December 5, 2013 about its proposed 2014 renewable fuel volumes as part of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The EPA is also accepting comments on its proposal to in part, slash advanced biofuel requirement along with slashing all categories of renewable fuel requirements. MORE


Concerns about Impact of Lowering RFS  

Representatives from state government, the agriculture community, and the ethanol industry all say the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed 2014 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) biofuels requirements would have a negative impact on agriculture and rural economies. MORE


 World Dairy Diary  



POOP May Win Superbowl Ad        


Out of 15,000 applicants, an Idaho startup called Poop Natural Dairy Compost is now one of four finalists in the running to win a professionally produced Super Bowl commercial through the Intuit QuickBooks Small Business Big Game competition. MORE 


Scholarships to Attend Pa. Dairy Summit


Want to attend the 2014 Pennsylvania Dairy Summit? If you are a student between the ages of 17 - 25, apply to receive financial assistance, made available by the Pennsylvania Dairymen's Association and the Center for Dairy Excellence. MORE   
Holstein Association Board Report


The Holstein Association USA, Inc. (HAUSA) board of directors held their fall meeting in Chicago, Ill. on November 21-22. MORE 
Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1507 Templemore Dr.
Cantonment, FL 32533
850-780-6617 office
850-308-1221 fax
email: (inquiries/news releases/announcements)
Chuck on Twitter
Cindy on Twitter

Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises  

   Roundup Ready Plus
