Hello ZimmComm Fans:
For all you agnerds out there this was an exciting week. First of all Apple announced new iPads and Macbook Pros. You can still watch the livestream of the event. Nokia and Microsoft also announced new devices and Samsung had done so just recently too. Lots to choose from out there and more and more ag apps becoming available!
This week Chuck traveled to Boston for the USFRA's Food Dialogues event. He just got back and will be sharing interviews with panelists on AgWired.com. He'll get a break next week (sort of) since it's time for his annual deer hunt which he's titling, "The Rustler." Keep you eye out for more on that topic!
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, "What is most important to you when buying food?" Given the economy, it's not surprising that price won out in our poll, but it also tied with whatever you're hungry for. Maybe it just depends on your mood!
Our poll results: · Price - 29% · Whatever I'm hungry for - 29% · Organic - 14% · Brand - 12% · Other - 9% · Special diet - 7% Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, "Does farm size matter?" which was also the topic of the USFRA Food Dialogues in Boston this week. Increasingly, consumers are hearing they should be concerned about the size of farms, and may be making purchasing decisions without understanding how food is grown and raised on farms of any size. What do you think? Let us know!
Here are some interviews from this week you might have missed:
Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network: |
AgWired John Deere Supports Global Harvest Initiative Podcast
Future of Ag Technology and Investment
Executives from DuPont Pioneer, Elanco and Monsanto all participated in a panel discussion at the World Food Prize Borlaug Dialogue last week on "Research and Returns: The Future of Agricultural Technology and Investment." MOREPodcast
People Who Love Bugs Who Eat Bugs
The past president of the Canadian Farm Writers' Federation, Tamara Leigh, shows off her Bekina Boots in this photo with several researchers. Tamara was presenting them with a thank you gift for taking time to meet with us. We were assembled in the Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre during a stop on our CFWF farm tour. The Centre conducts research into integrated pest management, horticultural practices and nutrient management in berries, field crops and greenhouse vegetables. MOREPodcast
Domestic Fuel Global Farmers Learn Value of Ethanol
Genscape Invokes NASA for Updated Corn Yield Forecast
As the federal government and its agencies begin to ramp up from a mandated furlough, Genscape is filling the gap by using NASA satellite data. The company has released an updated October corn yield forecast of 13.3 billion bushels. The company has noted that other analysts, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), have wide gaps in their predictions ranging from 13.2 billion bushels of corn produced during the 2013 growing season, to 14.2 billion bushels of corn. MORE
EcoEngineers Receives "Waste Stream" Funding
EcoEngineers has been awarded a State Energy Program Formula grant from the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) to conduct a feasibility study of waste-to-energy projects in Iowa. The grant will enable EcoEngineers to evaluate the economic and technical feasibility of converting biogenic waste streams from Iowa's agricultural, livestock and industrial operations and municipal solid waste into renewable natural gas (biogas). MORE
Precision Pays
Aussies Use Technology on Farm
UF/IFAS Irrigation Apps
The University of Florida has released three smart device apps of interest to those in the irrigation business, and for the time being, users can download them for free. MORE |
Mobile Grain Trading by CHS CHS, Inc. just announced a new app for mobile grain trading agnerds. This sounds pretty handy. So here's another app tool for your device and speaking of devices, there are lots more new ones to choose from like the new iPads announced by Apple this week! MORE
House Passes WRRDA
By a vote of 417 to 3 on Wednesday, the House passed the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA), a bill that includes provisions to update locks and dams on the nation's transportation waterways critical to agricultural trade. MORE
U.S. Dairy 'More Export-Savvy'
U.S. dairy exports could hit $6.5 billion in 2013 on the back of efforts by the increasingly "export-savvy" U.S. dairy industry to capitalize on "favorable" market conditions, the US Dairy Export Council (USDEC) has claimed. MORE
Tipton Has Died
E. Linwood "Tip" Tipton, the first president and CEO of the International Dairy Foods Association, died on Saturday at the age of 78 after a yearlong illness. MORE
Contact Information ZimmComm New Media 1507 Templemore Dr. Cantonment, FL 32533 850-780-6617 office 850-308-1221 fax email: news@agwired.com (inquiries/news releases/announcements) Chuck on Twitter Cindy on Twitter
Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises |