Sep 6, 2013  
Hello ZimmComm fans:

Agricultural journalists from around the world gathered in Argentina this week for the 2013 IFAJ Congress. Chuck and Cindy were among nearly 30 from the United States at the Congress, courtesy of our sponsors DuPont Pioneer and Novus International .  This annual event provides professional improvement opportunities as well as learning about agricultural production in the host country. Unfortunately, internet access was not great - almost no upload speed - so we will be sharing stories from the event in the days ahead on

The ZimmComm team has continued to post interviews and stories from Farm Progress Show over the last week and there's still more to come, on both AgWired and 

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, " Why do you attend farm shows?"

Our poll results:  

To "window shop" new equipment 27%
To ask questions about existing equipment 19%
Other 19%
To purchase new equipment 16%
For the freebies 11%
For the food 8%
Among the "other" responses were: For kids to learn about agriculture, networking and for new ideas. For exhibiting companies, trade shows seem to be time well spent according to our poll results.

Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question "How important is it to learn about farming in other countries?" 

Here are some interviews from this past week:

Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:

 AgWired  AgWired     

Educating Ag Journalists in Argentina

The International Federation of Agricultural Journalists Congress not only provides for great networking with colleagues from all over the world but is also an opportunity to learn about agriculture in a new country. MORE


Results from GROWMARK Annual Meeting 

Last week GROWMARK held their Annual Meeting to discuss the year-end financial results and carry out other business for the cooperative. Business units produced record sales for the 2013 fiscal year, which ended August 31.MORE


Monsanto Update on FieldScripts 

Last year at Farm Progress Show, Monsanto previewed FieldScripts, the company's first product from the Integrated Farming Systems (IFS) platform. This year, we got to actually see how it worked in the field - sort of.  MORE
DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel 

Illinois Governor Supports More Ethanol

During a stop at the Farm Progress Show in Decatur, Illinois last week, Governor Pat Quinn was asked about his support of ethanol and the Renewable Fuel Standard. MORE


Offering Biodiesel Options to Ethanol Plants 

Ethanol producers are always looking to find ways to get more value out of their operations. Well, one company is offering ways for those plants turn more profits by adding on biodiesel. At the recent American Coalition for Ethanol's (ACE) "Unite and Ignite" conference in Des Moines, Iowa, Joanna caught up with Bernie Hoffman with WB Services, a renewable energy company offering a wide variety of plant optimization packages.


Reports Show Geothermal Continues to Grow  

According to a new report, there are strong growth signals in the international market for geothermal power. Released by the Geothermal Energy Association (GEA), "2013 Geothermal Power: International Market Overview," identifies 70 countries moving forward with nearly 700 geothermal power projects. MORE 
 Precision Pays

Taking the Guesswork out of Planning 

The recently announced SMS Water Management Module from Ag Leader boasts a variety of features to help take the guesswork out of planning a tile system. So what are some of the new enhancements?  MORE


Calcium Products at Farm Progress Show


Calcium Products, Inc. was answering farmers' questions about soil and fertility at the 2013 Farm Progress Show last week. MORE 



Make the Most of Data with Precision Ag Tools 

Understanding what worked this past growing season and what didn't is vital in planning for next year. To help turn data into management decisions for the next season, DuPont Pioneer experts are available to help growers analyze their harvest data with Pioneer Field360 services. MORE



Renewable Fuel: What You Missed During the Recess 

Congress is preparing to return to work and renewable fuels will be top of mind at their return with debate still ongoing around the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) as well as the need to pass a bi-partisan FAARM bill before the end of September. MORE


Unite & Ignite Conference A Blast 

The 26th Annual Ethanol Conference took place in Des Moines, Iowa August 26-28, 2013. Hundreds of ethanol advocates were on hand to network, strategize and learn about some of the biggest issues and opportunities facing the ethanol industry. MORE  

2013 IFAJ Congress 

Chuck & Cindy are abroad this week for the 2013 International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) in Argentina. The event will allow attendees to network with fellow agriculture communicators from around the world and learn new techniques to help tell the agriculture story.  MORE  

 World Dairy Diary  



Dairy Maid Dairy Purchased   

Dairy Maid Dairy, Frederick, Md. has been purchased by Dairy Farmers of America (DFA). MORE 

New Awards at Expo


Dairy cattle exhibitors will have the chance to compete for several new awards at the 47th World Dairy Expo. MORE  
Ambrosia Named Bailey's Irish Champion


Congratulations to Neal Pepper and his four year old Holstein Friesian cow, Sahara Goldwyn Ambrosia, who was crowned the he Diageo BaileysŪ Irish Champion! Awarded by the company Diageo, which owns the world's top selling liqueur brand, Baileys, the competition was held in Ireland.
Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1507 Templemore Dr.
Cantonment, FL 32533
850-780-6617 office
850-308-1221 fax
email: (inquiries/news releases/announcements)
Chuck on Twitter
Cindy on Twitter

Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises  

   Roundup Ready Plus
