Aug 30, 2013  
Hello ZimmComm Fans:

It might have been hot at this week's Farm Progress Show but thanks to new media tent sponsor, BASF, we kept our cool.  The ZimmComm team set a record with five reporters on location counting our fall intern Kristyn Stidham and newcomer and "old" friend Leah Guffey!  There's a lot to see and hear on AgWired thanks to our sponsors, GROWMARK, New Holland & Bayer CropScience and Precision Pays thanks to our sponsors Ag Leader Technology, GROWMARK and John Deere.   The ag media can find a growing list of photos and interviews available to them on   

Now Chuck and Cindy are heading to Argentina for the 2013 International Federation of Agricultural Journalists Congress courtesy of long time sponsor Dupont Pioneer and Novus International.  They'll begin coverage after the kickoff reception on Sunday evening.

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, "What is your opinion on farm info graphics?"

Our poll results:
· Love them, they are helpful 69%
· Waste of energy 6%
· Confusing 13%
· Other 13%

It looks like the time spent creating these easy-to-use, quick-to-read infographics is worthwhile. Keep up the good work.

Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question "Why do you attend farm shows?" A lot of companies spend a lot of money promoting their products, answering questions and launching new products at trade shows, but we want to know why YOU go! Let us know.

Here are some interviews from this week you might have missed:

Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:
 AgWired  AgWired     

Advocating with Youtility

The AgChat Foundation has a new President after the board meeting held during the 2013 National Agvocacy Conference. He's Jeff VanderWerff, Michigan farmer. I spoke to him during the conference and with our keynote speaker. MORE


Bayer Markets New Wheat Herbicide 

Bayer CropScience released the new Huskie Complete this year. Cereal Herbicides Product Manager for Bayer, Thorsten Schwindt, was very excited to talk about the product here in Decatur, IL at the Farm Progress Show. MORE


GROWMARK Supports Illinois Ag in the Classroom 

GROWMARK took advantage of the warm sunny skies of the 2013 Farm Progress Show and announced their donation of $70,000 to Illinois Ag in the Classroom programs.  MORE
DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel 

ACE: Fighting Fallacies and Making Believers in E15

Making people converts to the idea of ethanol, especially higher blends of E15 and above, is no easy chore. But many of the folks gathered for this week's American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) 26th annual conference, with the theme of "Unite and Ignite," seemed pretty united and ignited to fight some of the fallacies swirling around E15. Among those is former Amoco and BP oilman Vince Kwasniewski, now with GTL Resources. During last March's ACE Biofuels Beltway event in Washington, D.C., he told Joanna that his message to lawmakers on Capitol Hill was one of choice for the consumer. MORE


Ethanol Report on RFS Attacks 

The attacks on the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) by the oil industry just keep coming and Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) president and CEO Bob Dinneen was at the 2013 Farm Progress Show this week to talk about the latest - a petition for a partial waiver submitted recently to EPA by the American Petroleum Institute (API) and American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM).


ACE: Infographic Tells a Thousand Words 

You've heard the expression that "a picture tells a thousand words." Well, some advocates of ethanol believe a well-done picture coupled with compelling facts can tell that thousand words even better (which falls in line with our latest ZimmComm poll results about infographics). MORE

 Precision Pays

Precision Pays Podcast: New old technologies 

What was once considered old is now becoming popular again.  Cameron Mills is a Beck's Hybrids seed dealer and farms in Indiana.  Earlier this month he was presenting at Becknology Days in Atlanta, Ind.  He says farmers are looking for ways to carry over nutrients in the soil.  One of the best ways to do that, he says, is by utilizing cover crops.  MORE


New Tracks for John Deere Combines


John Deere has been showing off its 2014 product line to farmers this week at the Farm Progress Show, and the big news for the S-Series combines is that for the first time ever, John Deere will be offering 36 inch tracks for better flotation with reduced compaction and fuel use in challenging field conditions. MORE 



ACRES Crop Management Tool 

In a crowded marketplace, Steyer Seeds continues to innovate as a growing, progressive company with access to the best genetics and a new proprietary crop management tool marrying farmers' data with seed attributes. MORE



2013 Farm Progress Show 

The 2013 Farm Progress Show was held August 27-29 in Decatur, Illinois.  As always there was lots to see and do at the 60th anniversary of the nation's largest outdoor farm show. High temperatures didn't stop visitors or exhibitors. There was a record number of exhibitors this year with 70 new additions and the parking lot was overflowing by noon. MORE

Growth Launches "You're No Dummy" Campaign 

In response to the major ad campaign funded by Big Oil in an effort to block higher blends of ethanol into the marketplace (such as E15) ethanol advocacy group Growth Energy has launched an advertising campaign called "You're no Dummy". The goal of the campaign is to help Americans better understand that the oil industry is trying to stop the growth of renewable fuels for the purpose of protecting their bottom line.  MORE


On Target Application Academy Training Sessions 

Through the On Target Application Academy training sessions, BASF and Bob Wolf, Ph.D., Wolf Consulting and Research, have educated thousands of growers on herbicide application best practices since 2012. The program, which was developed by BASF in conjunction with Dr. Wolf, is a one-of-a-kind educational opportunity that provides growers extensive hands-on training for better awareness of herbicide application best practices. Included in the training is important information on preventing and managing drift.  MORE


 World Dairy Diary  



Valley Pride Purchases Md. Plant


Valley Pride LLC, Harrisonburg, Va. has purchased the former Good Humor-Breyers ice-cream plant in Hagerstown, Md. MORE 


Organic Valley Coop Debuts New Product


Organic Valley Cooperative has launched "Grassmilk" - a line of non-homogenized, minimally pasteurized milk from grass-fed cows, and introduced lactose-free whole milk and half-and-half. It also sells milk fortified with Omega-3 fatty acids. MORE  
Aurora Expands Operations


Aurora Organic Dairy has expanded its High Plains Dairy Complex with a new dairy that has the capacity for 3,200 more cows. It is the latest expansion for the growing company which has a dairy herd of 22,000. MORE 
Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1507 Templemore Dr.
Cantonment, FL 32533
850-780-6617 office
850-308-1221 fax
email: (inquiries/news releases/announcements)
Chuck on Twitter
Cindy on Twitter

Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises  

   Roundup Ready Plus
