Hello ZimmComm Fans:
It has been a little bit of a catch up week for the ZimmComm team as we have continued to publish interviews from some the events we covered last week. However, this week our Jamie Johansen is attending the NAMA Boot Camp while Cindy is off to North Carolina with BIVI for their annual Swine Health Seminar. A busy summer keeps on rolling.
Our internship program kicked off at the beginning of the summer, giving a young college student interested in agriculture communications a chance to get their feet wet in the industry. Now the ZimmComm team would like to introduce our new intern for this fall.
Kristyn Stidham, grew up raising registered Angus cattle and growing pecans on her family's farm in Welch, Oklahoma. She currently attends Missouri State University and will graduate in May 2014 with a Bachelor's of Science in Agriculture Communications. Throughout her college career she has written for the William H. Darr School of Agriculture's Ag Review Journal and worked with the media team during the Missouri State FFA Convention. After graduation, Kristyn, plans to obtain a career in public relations for a agricultural based company while sharing her agriculture story. Kristyn will jump onto the agri-blogging trail with us as we attend the Farm Progress Show at the end of August. You will also see her at other events throughout the fall snapping pictures and gathering interviews.
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, "What is the biggest growth area for ag jobs?"
Our poll results: ˇ Precision Technology 22% ˇ Management & Biotechnology 17% ˇ Agronomy 13% ˇ Biofuels, Engineering & Media 9% ˇ Advertising/PR 4% If you are looking for a job in agriculture, or seeking to fill a position in your company or organization, check out AgCareers.com. With the constant negative pushback from activists regarding the techniques and technologies being used to increase yields in both crops and livestock, our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question "How important are biotechnology and antibiotics for food production?"
Here are some interviews from this week you might have missed:
Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:
AgWired Farm Bureau Discusses Cyngus Acquisition Since we are in a busy agriblogging month, you get a double dose of the ZimmCast this week, with a second podcast about an important recent announcement in the agribusiness world. MORE Podcast
BASF DPM is a Gator
Dr. Brianne Reeves with BASF Crop Protection has a DPM from the University of Florida - that would be a plant doctor, not a foot doctor. MOREPodcast
Monsanto Press Release Hoax
A very official looking release came in by email today with the headline "Mexico Grants Monsanto Approval To Plant Large-Scale GM Corn Fields." It had technical details about varieties and quotes from Monsanto and Mexican officials. MORE
Domestic Fuel In Center Ring: Biofuels Versus Big Oil
Patriot Renewable Fuels: A 5 Year Retrospective
Patriot Renewable Fuels based in Annawan, Illinois came online on August 31, 2008, during the first financial crisis of the industry and the beginning of the financial crisis in America. But this didn't keep the biorefinery from success, and later this month the plant is celebrating its fifth anniversary. I spoke to Gene Griffith today to get a retrospective on the landscape of the ethanol industry then and now. MOREPodcast
Penn State Offers Renewable Energy Degree |
Precision Pays
FMC Announces Anthem Finalists
Agrisure Duracade E-Z Refuge Trait Stacks
Syngenta announced that the EPA has approved the Agrisure Duracade™ 5122, E-Z RefugeŽ and Agrisure Duracade 5222, E-Z Refuge trait stacks. These single-bag refuge products will provide growers with unmatched corn rootworm protection plus a convenient 5 percent integrated refuge. MORE |
Higher Water Quality Means Greater Profitability The Field to Market alliance is preparing to release a water quality metric to its Fieldprint Calculator. This update includes the integration of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service Water Quality Index and can help growers better understand how their farming systems and practices affect the quality of water flowing off their fields. MORE
GROWMARK Report on Commodity Prices Drivers
2013 North American AgCareers HR Roundtable
AgCareer's 2013 North American Ag & Food HR Roundtable, kicked off in Johnston, Iowa last week, the home of global agricultural powerhouse and event host, DuPont Pioneer. Each year the event continues to grow as HR managers and university representatives get a chance to network on job recruiting, hiring and retention tips. MORE
Southern Weed Science Society Contest
New Clover Has Multiple Weed Resistance
Texas A&M AgriLife Research recently released Blackhawk, a new arrowleaf clover promising high forage production with improved disease resistance. MORE
More Dairy - More Muscle Mass
A recent study found that older women who consumed more dairy had more muscle mass and greater physical performance than women who consumed less dairy. MORE
DFO Spearheads Industry Innovation Partnership
Dairy Farmers of Ontario (DFO) has a long-standing commitment to supporting research and innovation. This commitment is being realized as DFO spearheads an effort to create an industry innovation partnership that will help ensure a healthy long-term future for the Ontario and Canadian dairy industry. MORE
Contact Information ZimmComm New Media 1507 Templemore Dr. Cantonment, FL 32533 850-780-6617 office 850-308-1221 fax email: news@agwired.com (inquiries/news releases/announcements) Chuck on Twitter Cindy on Twitter
Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises |