July 12, 2013  
Hello ZimmComm Fans:

Chuck got out on the agriblogging highway this week for the 2013 CTIC Conservation in Action Tour. There are a lot of photos being shared and he lost count of all the interviews he did in the one day tour. You'll find them being posted on AgWired and for you ag media, you can find them all aggregating for your use on  Thank you to the Conservation Technology Information Center and Koch Agronomic Services for making our coverage of the tour possible.

Let's look at the results of our latest ZimmPoll which asked the question, "What is the greatest threat to our freedom to farm". Our poll results suggest that environmental and anti-agriculture groups are the greatest threat to our freedom to farm but climate change and government regulations aren't far behind.

Our poll results: Twenty percent say All of the Above, eighteen percent say Groups Like HSUS as well as Environmental Wackos, fifteen percent say Climate Change, eleven percent said EPA as well as Congress, and two percent said Labor Force, Supreme Court, No Threats and Other. Results show that there is more than one major threat to our freedom to farm. Now the question is: which one will be the first to take that freedom away?

Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, "Do you watch or want to watch live or recorded ag news television programs online?" Communications technology has changed drastically and is having a real impact on what we think of as traditional sources of information.  Is this affecting where or how you get ag news when it comes to tv?

Here are some interviews from this week you might have missed:

Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:
 AgWired  AgWired     

Welcome to CTIC Community 4 Conservation

Community 4 Conservation is the theme of this year's Conservation Technology Information Center tour that just completed. To provide an overview of what the 2013 Conservation in Action Tour would cover I spoke with CTIC Board Chair, Dave Gustafson, Monsanto. Here's Dave getting things started at our first stop of the day. MORE


Agri-Pulse Open Mic with NFU President 

Roger Johnson is president of the National Farmers Union. and a past Commissioner of Agriculture in North Dakota. NFU, as an organization, has shown an affinity toward small farmers and democratic party views, however In this year's farm and immigration debates, they are in step with a broad coalition of farm and labor organizations who want passage of bills that can be put into law.  MORE


Find Farmers Markets with Market Mapper App 

Looking for local farmers markets? Having trouble finding them? Michael Schade at Mobility Lab has you covered with his Market Mapper App. The image is of our local farmers market in downtown Pensacola, FL. Here's how he describes it from his blogMORE
DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel 

House Passes Cuts to Renewable Energy Measures

A marathon session in the U.S. House concluded after Congress wrangled over several renewable energy measures and passed a $30 billion energy and water programs bill. Environment & Energy News reports that House Republicans, already making substantial cuts to some clean energy programs in the bill, have blocked Democrats' attempts to restore those cuts. MORE


Propane Road Tour Hits the Road 

The Propane Road Tour is hitting the road today sponsored by Blue Bird, a manufacturer of propane autogas powered school buses and ROUSH CleanTech. The single-bus tour will stop at iconic American landmarks on its way to deliver the last bus from the largest single order of 434 propane-fueled buses to Student Transportation of America's (STA) new terminal in Omaha, Neb. The bus tour begins at Blue Bird's headquarters in Fort Valley, Ga., on Thursday, July 11, and ends in Omaha on July 17, with multiple stops in Tennessee, Kentucky and Missouri. 

Hybrid PVT Solar System Successful In Oahu 

The SunDrum Hybrid PVT solar system operating at the Inn at Schofield Barracks, a large hotel in Oahu, Hawaii, has returned 25 percent of its installation costs in the first six months of operation. Installed by AllNuEnergy, Inc., the system is expected to break even in less than two and a half years and provide an ROI of more than 29 percent. MORE 
 Precision Pays

The Importance of Conservation 

This week I'm attending the Conservation in Action Tour put on by the Conservation Technology Information Center. We're in Illinois and will be touring farms in the Indian Creek Watershed where CTIC has been partnered with multiple entities in a project since 2010. MORE


The Mosaic Company Launches

Recent research is definitive: As much as 60 percent of yield depends on soil fertility. Unfortunately, the science behind this imperative aspect of farming isn't always so clear, confusing even the most veteran agriculture professionals. A new initiative from The Mosaic Company aims to better explain the various scientific aspects vital to achieving maximum yield. MORE 


Syngenta Provides Integrated Crop Solutions

Syngenta and Lindsay Corporation formally announced a collaborative agreement to provide corn farmers with a more efficient way to grow and manage irrigated corn acres. This collaboration will provide farmers with access to a proven combination of best-in-class products, technology, expertise, analysis, automation and service. The two companies have been working in recent years to develop projects and will deliver an entire agronomic system in one easy solution. MORE

Rep. Lucas on Farm Bill Split

Momentum seems to be building for a vote in the House on a farm only farm bill - but only if the votes are there. During a town hall meeting in Oklahoma over the July 4th recess, House Ag Committee Chairman Frank Lucas indicated that he expected leadership to split the bill but he would rather not see that happen. MORE

John Deere Flex Fuel Commercial Mower

John Deere has introduced a brand new riding mower that can run on up to 85% percent ethanol blended fuel. MORE

 RFA Comments on Proposed Tier 3 Rule

The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) submitted comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) last week regarding the proposed rule on Tier 3 Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards. MORE


 World Dairy Diary  



Penn State Mooofins Win 


Mooofins are the winner of the Dairy Research Institute New Product Competition, created by the student team from Pennsylvania State University. MORE 

New FARM Manual Released


The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) has released a newly-revised animal care reference manual, containing the guidelines that comprise the core of the National Dairy FARM (Farmers Assuring Responsible Management) Program. MORE  

Lindevig Joins Vet Plus 


Congratulations to Dave Lindevig who has joined the Vets Plus, Inc. (VPI) sales team as National Account Manager. In addition to his sales role, Lindevig will collaborate with the VPI Research & Development team to create nutritional supplements for beef and dairy cattle.  MORE 
Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1507 Templemore Dr.
Cantonment, FL 32533
850-780-6617 office
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Cindy on Twitter

Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises  

   Roundup Ready Plus
