Hello ZimmComm Fans:
The ZimmComm agriblogging calendar has been filling up fast again this year. Chuck just got back from the NAFB Washington Watch program. What a great time to be in DC as both the Senate and House marked up and passed out Farm Bill versions. You can find lots of his interviews and recorded presentations here. Thank you to GROWMARK for making his trip possible. This coming week Chuck will be on the road with Maggie Seiler, our summer intern, at the Alltech Symposium.
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, "Are so-called "ag gag" bills fair?"
Our poll results: Fifty-two percent said No, forty-one percent said Yes and seven percent said I Don't Know. So most of you feel that ag gag bills are not fair. Do you think answers would be different if we called them "See Something, Say Something" laws?
Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, "What's your opinion of committee farm bills?" The Senate Agriculture Committee voted 15-5 to approve their version of a 2013 farm bill. And according to House Ag Committee Chairman, Frank D. Lucas, "The work of the Agriculture Committee, including reauthorizing the Farm Bill, affects every American; ensuring that our farmers and ranchers have the tools they need to produce an abundant and affordable food and fiber supply is as important to our country as national defense." Let us know what you think.
Here are some audio files from this week you might have missed. Find many more on AgNewsWire.com.
Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:
AgWired 2013 Agvocaccy 2.0 Conference Application Deadline Podcast
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Farm Bill Now?
Last year the rallying cry of agricultural organizations for a "Farm Bill Now" fell on deaf ears in Congress, but this week's actions by both the House and Senate Agriculture Committees to pass a bill is leading to new hope that it might finally happen. MORE
Domestic Fuel Keeping RFS Still Top Concern for Ethanol Industry
Progress on a new farm bill is all well and good but defending the Renewable Fuel Standard remains the top priority for the ethanol industry. MOREPodcast
Visalia Cellulosic Ethanol Plant Surpasses 1,000 Hours
The demonstration cellulosic ethanol plant owned by Edeniq and located in Visalia, California has exceeded 1,000 hours of continuous operation. The corn-to-cellulosic migration plant uses the company's proprietary technology to process more than one metric ton of feedstock per day into cellulosic ethanol. According to the company, this achievement exceeded the plant's initial target. The project, funded in part by a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) grant, is being used to demonstrate the viability of producing ethanol in a cost-effective manner from non-food sources including corn stover, switchgrass and woodchips. MORE
Biodiesel Ups Bean Prices Without Raising Food Prices
Soybean growers are getting more for their beans because of biodiesel, but consumers aren't being pinched by higher food prices at the grocery stores. According to the United Soybean Board, a new study done for soybean checkoffs in Minnesota, Nebraska and the Dakotas show that biodiesel production has pushed U.S. soy oil prices higher than they were before the green fuel, increasing soy-oil revenues by $15 billion between 2006 and 2012 while pushing up the price of a bushel of soybeans by $0.74 a bushel. MORE
Precision Pays
House Farm Bill Passes Committee
Following on the heels of the Senate Agriculture Committee's action on Tuesday, the House Agriculture Committee passed the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act (FARRM) of 2013 by a vote of 36 to 10 Wednesday after more than ten hours of farm bill markup considering 100 amendments. MORE
Farmers Field Test Monsanto FieldScripts
We first told you about Monsanto's FieldScripts last fall at Farm Progress Show. Now we will be hearing much more from farmers using it on a trial basis in the field. MORE
Northern Plains Nitrogen to Build New Facility
Northern Plains Nitrogen (NPN) officials have announced to build and operate a $1.5 billion nitrogen fertilizer production facility near Grand Forks, N.D. The world-scale production facility will include a 2,200 ton per day ammonia plant plus urea and Urea-Ammonium-Nitrate (UAN) production facilities. MORE |
Interview with National Corn Grower Chairman
NAFB Washington Watch - Audio
The annual Washington Watch is for members of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting. It's a time to meet with agricultural organization representatives, USDA officials and members of Congress. We'll share lots of audio and photos from the event here during this week as the program unfolds. MORE
Syngenta Builds on Garst Seed Legacy
House Ag Committee Supports DSA Farm Bill
The House Agriculture Committee came out in support of the Dairy Security Act (DSA) on Wednesday, voting to reject an amendment by Reps. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) and David Scott (D-GA) to remove the supply management mechanism of the act. MOREPodcast
Ag Secretary Sees Dairy as Challenge in Farm Bill
Refocus on Calf & Heifer Association
The Dairy Calf and Heifer Association (DCHA) has announced a strategically refocus of the association's priorities and industry role. MORE
Contact Information ZimmComm New Media 1507 Templemore Dr. Cantonment, FL 32533 850-780-6617 office 850-308-1221 fax email: news@agwired.com (inquiries/news releases/announcements) Chuck on Twitter Cindy on Twitter
Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises |