March 22, 2013  

Hello ZimmComm Fans:


Happy Ag Day Week and the start of spring.  Sorry so many of you still have cold and winter weather. Must be that global cooling thing!


This week Chuck went to National Ag Day activities in Washington, DC, courtesy of the American Seed Trade Association and BCS Communications. He got some great photos and still has more story posts to share on AgWired. The ZimmComm team gets a break from the agriblogging highway until the annual Agri-Marketing Conference which will be in Kansas City, MO this year. We'll have some news to share there and hope to see many of you.


Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, "Have you recently purchased a gun?"


Our poll results: Thirty-three percent said Yes, Already Own Guns while twenty-nine percent said No, Don't Own Any. Nineteen percent said No, Have Enough, Eleven percent said Planning To, five percent said Yes, First Gun Purchase, and three percent said Other. Looks like most of you have one or more guns. Let's hope that ammo for those guns becomes available again soon! Right now it's very difficult to find any and we all know that to be proficient in using a gun, it takes practice/practice/practice.


Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, "Do you support continuing the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS)?" The Renewable Fuel Standard, or RFS, program, was first created under the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and established the first renewable fuel volume mandate in the United States. It was expanded in 2007 and increased the volume of renewable fuel required to be blended into transportation fuel from 9 billion gallons in 2008 to 36 billion gallons by 2022. The program includes ethanol, biodiesel and advanced biofuels with the goal of helping America become less dependent on foreign petroleum.


The RFS continues to be challenged by the oil industry, some livestock and poultry interests and food retailers for various reasons but the biofuels industry contends the program is working as intended and has resulted in lower imports of foreign oil. What do you think?


Here are some interviews you might have missed this week on our websites:


Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network



 AgWired  AgWired     

The Science Behind BASF's Herbicides

Everyone knows that fungicides kill diseases, but the message BASF continues to tell growers is that is does much more. Caren Schmidt, Technical Market Manager in corn fungicides for BASF, spoke with me at their booth during Commodity Classic and she was excited to share the feedback she was receiving from attendees. MORE 



New Documentary to Feature Next Gen Farmers 

It is very encouraging to see major film projects taking a realistic and truthful look at farming in America today. Examples are "Harvesting the High Plains" and "The Great American Wheat Harvest." Now here's a new one that is not yet in production. MORE


Senate Spending Bill Saves Meat Inspectors

The U.S. Senate yesterday passed a continuing budget resolution that would keep the federal government operating through the end of the fiscal year on September 30th and keep meat inspectors off the chopping block. MORE
DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel 

Stop the RINsanity!

RINsanity is running rampant across the country and the ethanol industry is trying its best to bring some reason to the debate over these things called RINS. MORE


Turning Cow Manure Into Brown Gold  

In the heart of Wisconsin, a project is underway to produce energy from a resource that is in little danger of running low: cow manure, or "brown gold." Thanks to a $7 million grant from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Biomass Research and Development Initiative (BRDI), the University of Wisconsin-Madison and several state companies have formed a consortium to pilot the conversion of dairy farm manure into useful product streams-a project that is expected to have significant environmental and economic benefits. MORE

Big Oil's Big Stall

Big Oil lobbed another attack today against the biofuels industry. Brian Jennings, executive vice president of the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) responded by saying the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is not about the oil industry's comfort; it is about providing cleaner American-made alternatives to consumers. MORE
 Precision Pays

Ag Day at USDA 

Our U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack spoke at the annual National Ag Day banquet Tuesday at the USDA Whitten Bldg. MORE 

Dupont PrecisionPac Herbicide Solutions

During Commodity Classic this year Dupont Crop Protection surveyed grower attendees and found that more than half of U.S. corn, soybean and wheat growers have changed their herbicide tank-mix strategies within the last three years. MORE

G-8 to Talk Open Data for Agriculture

Next month the G-8 International Conference will be holding an important event in Washington on Open Data for Agriculture. The purpose, according to USDA Chief Scientist and Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics Catherine Woteki, is "to make our agriculturally-relevant research and statistical data accessible to users in Africa and around the world."  MORE

 World Dairy Diary  


Radio Segment to Focus on Calves 


Land O'Lakes Animal Milk Products has announced its 2013 'We Care for Calves' DairyLine radio program. Through the monthly radio program, industry experts will share their experiences and recommendations for calf nutrition and management every third Thursday of the month through 2013.  MORE  

Forget Cat Burglars, Check Out These Cow Burglars!

Breaking and entering will be the charge for a group of Holsteins in Wisconsin! MORE 

Shamrock Farms to Build In Va.

Phoenix-based Shamrock Farms is building a manufacturing facility in Augusta County, Va. MORE  

Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1507 Templemore Dr.
Cantonment, FL 32533
850-780-6617 office
850-308-1221 fax
email: (inquiries/news releases/announcements)
Chuck on Twitter
Cindy on Twitter

Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises  

   Roundup Ready Plus
