January 4, 2013  
Hello ZimmComm Fans:

Welcome to the new year!  It's already off to a fast start for ZimmComm New Media.  We've been taking a look at all the 2012 statistics.  By that I mean website traffic, social media impressions, what stories got the most individual attention, etc.  It's very interesting.  It also showcases very clearly how difficult it is to compile all this data into a meaningful report.  There's just so much of it.  I guess we're creating big data now!

Consider AgWired for a minute.  In order to find out total impressions in a month you have to look up Google Analytics for "traditional" traffic to the website itself.  Then you have to look up Flurry data to see how many devices have the AgWired App on them and how often users check AgWired on it (that number is 1.6 times/day on avg. btw).  Then you have to look up impressions for all the websites that display the AgWired Widget via Widgetbox.  We then look up social media impressions via Sprout Social for Twitter and Facebook.  You also have to add in this weekly ZimmNews impressions via Constant Contact and the number of subscribers to AgWired's RSS feed via Feedburner.   Finally, we use Awstats to look up individual file downloads (audio interviews, etc).  I'm out of breath just thinking about it!  But suffice it to say that the audience (impressions) is significant and has grown tremendously since we started AgWired back in August of 2004.  Over 8 years of agriblogging.  Who'd have thought?

Speaking of the AgWired App.  We're seeking a new sponsor.  There are currently over 6,500 devices with the app on it and it is being checked on average 1.6 times per day.  There may actually be many more since we didn't get good data capture set up when we first launched the app a couple of years ago.  I could speculate but let's just deal with the numbers we can see now.  On the iOS platform over 80% of our users are heavy news/magazine readers and over 60% are very into technology/gadgets.  Sound like anyone you know?

So, If you're interested in becoming the next AgWired App sponsor please let Chuck or Dave Larson know.  We would be happy to come up with some creative ideas for your sponsorship that would go beyond just posting your ads into the app itself.  Very big thanks go out to Raven for being the inaugural sponsor of the AgWired App.  It took a company as technically innovative as Raven to see the opportunity that our growing mobile audience would create!

We'll be getting back on the agriblogging highway next week as Cindy heads to San Antonio for the Beltwide Cotton Conference courtesy of sponsor FMC.  It's the last time the conference will be held in the format that includes a trade show so it will be a historic event.  Chuck will head to Key West for a NAMA executive committee mtg. before heading to Nashville for the American Farm Bureau Federation annual meeting.  We're off to the races.

We'd like to thank Rhea + Kaiser for being the inaugural sponsor of our ZimmPoll two years ago! We started a trend as we soon saw a number of other entities begin regular online polling!

Now let's welcome and say thanks to our new ZimmPoll sponsor, New Holland Agriculture. We'll be working closely with New Holland to develop timely and industry pertinent questions throughout 2013. Please feel free to chime in with your ideas and participate when you can.  


Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, "How would you rate 2012? 1 = Poor, 5 = Excellent"

Our poll results: Thirty percent said 3; twenty six percent said 4; seventeen percent said 5; seventeen said 1; eleven percent said 2. By the looks of our poll most of you thought 2012 was a pretty good year. Hopefully, you will feel the same about 2013.


Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, " How do you feel about the fiscal cliff compromise?" Most early industry comments we've seen express disappointment since we only have a temporary extension of the farm bill among other things. What do you think?

Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:
 AgWired  AgWired     

Farm Journal Gets Commodity Update

Big announcement from Farm Journal and Commodity Update today!  MORE 

Nobody is Happy with Farm Bill Extension

Congress spent the New Year's holiday working and actually managed to pass a "fiscal cliff" bill that even addressed agriculture - but no one seems to be very grateful for all of our lawmakers' hard work and sacrifice except the lawmakers themselves. MORE


Podcast 2

Where in the World Was AgWired

We set records at ZimmComm New Media in every way you can imagine in 2012. This includes how many places we visited on the agriblogging highway. Here's a list which was covered by yours truly along with Cindy, Jamie and Joanna. It's 67 different events in one year! Did we see you at any of these places/events?   MORE
DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel  

Sen. Byron Dorgan to Keynote NBB's Momentum

Retired Senator and biodiesel champion Byron Dorgan will be the keynote speaker on Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at the National Biodiesel Conference & Expo in Las Vegas. While serving as a senator, Dorgan consistently sponsored legislation that became the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), and advocated for the biodiesel tax incentive and energy program in the Farm Bill. A recognized leader and expert in energy and agriculture issues, Dorgan remains well-positioned to help shape future energy policy.  MORE
Very early this morning the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 was passed that included several one-year biofuel tax extensions including the Cellulosic Producer Tax Credit. While the ethanol industry was pleased with the bill, they remain outspoken that the biofuel industry needs a long-term federal commitment - not just one year.   MORE
The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 passed by Congress on New Year's Day includes the extension of three key ethanol related tax credits, which starts the new year off well for the ethanol industry.   MORE

PPMark  Precision Pays
Part of producing efficiently is also being prepared for the unknowns.  As farmers 2012 began - there were hopes of high yields and a bountiful harvest.  As the drought set in - the crops started to deteriorate and it became more obvious this would be a year where we would need to expect the unexpected.  As we enter a New Year - we again have hopes for a good growing season and high yields. MORE


Hemisphere GPS Talking to Aerial Applicators

I had my first opportunity to learn about Hemisphere GPS during the National Agricultural Aviation Association convention when I spoke with Greg Guyette, General Manager, Air & Imagery Business. Greg says that their systems are moving to data management, data movement, real time systems. It's becoming all about being able to immediately move a file or access a file to be more efficient as an aerial applicator or farmer. He mentions their purchase of Ag Junction which he says have had the best record of handling data in the past ten years.  MORE


World Dairy Diary    

Status Quo Not Acceptable to National Milk 

The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) says "the status quo is not an acceptable outcome, either for farmers or taxpayers" and they will continue to push the 113th Congress for a five-year farm bill that includes the Dairy Security Act.  MORE



Some Dairy Interests Pleased with Farm Bill Extension 

While the National Milk Producers Federation is very opposed to the farm bill extension included in the fiscal cliff deal, at least one other dairy group supports the extension.  MORE 

NMPF Release on Farm Bill

Now that the House of Representatives has passed the Senate's fiscal cliff package extending existing farm programs into 2013, the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) said today it will continue its push in the 113th Congress for a five-year farm bill that includes the Dairy Security Act.  MORE  

Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1507 Templemore Dr.
Cantonment, FL 32533
850-780-6617 office
850-308-1221 fax
email: (inquiries/news releases/announcements)
Chuck on Twitter
Cindy on Twitter

Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises  

   Roundup Ready Plus
