Hello ZimmComm Fans:
We hope everyone has had a very blessed and merry Christmas. We wish you a very happy New Year too! The ZimmComm Team gets back on the agriblogging highway in just over a week as Chuck attends a NAMA Executive Committee mtg. before heading to Nashville for the American Farm Bureau Federation annual meeting while Cindy attends the Beltwide Cotton Conference. We're looking forward to a great 2013 as we are out and about with friends and clients involved in the greatest industry there is!
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, "What kind of Christmas tree do you have?" Our poll results: Fifty-one percent said artificial tree; thirty-three percent said real tree; eleven percent said none and four percent said other. These results surprised us but between people with allergies and the convenience and reusability of artificial maybe they shouldn't have.
Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, "How would you rate 2012? 1 = Poor, 5 = Excellent" There were a lot of big news items this year: the Olympics; Presidential election; Drought; Hurricane Sandy; the death of Whitney Houston; the new iPad and iPhone. But how did the headlines affect your year? Did it make it a stellar year or just a ho-hum kind of year? Let us know, and Happy New Year!
Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network: |