December 14, 2012 
Hello ZimmComm Fans:

The ZimmComm team is enjoying some time away from the agriblogging highway. However, team member Jamie Johansen did attend the Missouri Cattlemen's Association and Missouri Beef Industry Council annual meeting this week. We've still got more interviews to share from recent activities and we'll also report on what we see and hear that you might be interested in. So don't go away. There will be a lot to share over the holidays.

Looking ahead to 2013, our calendar keeps getting places and events added to it. Is your event on there? Or perhaps you'd like to sponsor our coverage of an industry event. The new ZimmComm Media Kit is now available (pdf). Feel free to download and add us to your media/marketing mix. Thank you.

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, " What will expiring biotech patents mean for agriculture?"

Our poll results: fifty-two percent said more options; twenty-one percent said don't know enough about it; fourteen percent said export concerns; ten percent said nothing and three percent said other.


Learn more about this issue from Cindy's coverage of last week's ASTA CSS in Chicago.


Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, "How do you plan to travel this holiday?" The price of fuel and a plane ticket usually increases around the holiday, so will that change how you travel this year? Or does it really not matter - you're getting there the quickest way possible! Let us know.

Here are some interviews from this week you might have missed:
Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:
 AgWired  AgWired     

Winter Storage of GPS and Guidance Products

December is here and for most of the country that means that seasons are changing and the time for field work to wind down and machinery to be stored in the shed for winter has come. If you are in a part of the world where it feels like summer is never-ending, GPS storage may be the last thing on your mind. So for those of you who actually get to experience seasonal changes there is a proper way to store GPS equipment during the winter. MORE 

Get Your MBA and Promote Beef Today

The Missouri Cattlemen's Convention kicked off the morning with the popular Cattlemen's College. NCBA's Executive Director of Communications, Daren Williams, presented to the group on defending animal agriculture. MORE


Podcast 2   

A Worldly Discussion on Beef

A highlight for my first trip to Alltech's Global 500 was the discussion dinners. Being a beef producer myself, I was excited to attend one on the beef industry. How often do you get the chance to discuss and share ideas about farming with people from around the world.   MORE

DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel  

B20 Powering Navy Building

The first Navy plant in the Mid-Atlantic region to use B20 is located in St. Julien's Creek Annex in Portsmouth, Virginia. The biodiesel blend will provide steam to heat 16 office buildings and 13 warehouses. Over the course of the winter, 235,000 gallons of B20 are expected to be used to create the heat.  MORE
Scientists in Australia are studying where wind turbine noise comes from and how it might be reduced. Not a new concern, researchers from the University of Adelaide in the Flow and Noise Group at the School of Mechanical Engineering are building a scale-model turbine in a wind tunnel. They are also building an acoustic test room around the turbine.   MORE

Should We Shush Wind Turbines
Should We Shush Wind Turbines

The National Corn Growers Association has created a simple website that offers just the facts about ethanol.  MORE 
PPMark  Precision Pays

Bayer CropScience has launched its third annual Young Farmer Sustainability Award, which recognizes growers 40 years or under who demonstrate sustainability on his or her farm. The 2013 award will be selected by a group of industry experts and Bayer leaders, and will be awarded in February at the 2013 Ag Issues Forum held in conjunction with Commodity Classic in Orlando, Fla.  MORE

Precision Pays Profile - Greg Anderson

Former United Soybean Board Chairman Greg Anderson of Nebraska says it is remarkable to see the yields that farmers in the United States were able to achieve this year in one of the worst droughts in history.  MORE

HarvestMaster announces Mirus harvest data collection software as the latest addition to its research agriculture solutions offering. Mirus is an all-in-one software designed to collect and view harvest data in real time. The Mirus software is compatible with the industry leading HarvestMaster HM800 GrainGage systems. MORE   

World Dairy Diary    

Kaiser Interim GM at Expo 

Congratulations to Bob Kaiser who has been named the Interim General Manager of World Dairy Expo.  MORE  

Declining Sales and Consumption  

According to Tom Gallagher, CEO of Dairy Management Inc., our industry has come to realize that declining milk sales are a crisis that needs to be addressed. Fluid milk consumption has hit a 30-year lowMORE 

Holstein Pedigree Analysis Available

Holstein Association USA now has the annual Pedigree Analysis of 2012 National Holstein Show Winners available on the Holstein Association USA web site.   MORE

Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1507 Templemore Dr.
Cantonment, FL 32533
850-780-6617 office
850-308-1221 fax
email: (inquiries/news releases/announcements)
Chuck on Twitter
Cindy on Twitter

Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises  

   Roundup Ready Plus
